GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
For the Heist itself, see The Diamond Casino Heist.

The Diamond Casino Heist is a content update for Grand Theft Auto Online, released on December 12th, 2019.


Something’s up at The Diamond Casino & Resort. Patrons have reported seeing unusual security patrols on the casino floor. Penthouse owners are receiving cryptic text messages from the Cheng Family Holdings. Insiders have spotted unfamiliar blueprints on Agatha Baker’s desk, and visitors to their website are certain the intrusions there can only mean one thing: there’s a crew getting ready to take the whole thing down.
— Rockstar Newswire.


The Diamond Casino Heist[]

The Diamond Casino Heist is an all-new approach to Heist architecture and execution: one huge gameplay-packed operation as you work with the Cheng family to infiltrate the most secure building in all of Los Santos. Featuring a diverse range of opportunities for set-up and prep missions that shape your plan of attack, multiple paths of approach, constantly changing security measures and a dizzying array of choices once inside. Expect outcomes for you and your crew to change on the fly as you deal with each new situation, leading to more choices mid-mission. Even if the best laid plans go sideways, you’ll have the opportunity to keep the mission afloat without failing by shooting your way out with your remaining team lives, all allowing the Heist to be highly replayable with new scenarios unfolding each time.
— Rockstar Newswire


Main article: Arcades
In order to plan the biggest Heist ever perpetrated in Los Santos, Heist crew leaders will setup an unexpected new commercial venture as a front, a retro Arcade business property shrouding the nerve center within where Heist operations are staged and rehearsed. While the business runs above, down below you can practice hacking keypads or cracking vault doors, store equipment and getaway vehicles, and owners of existing businesses can add a Master Control Terminal to handle all current operations.
— Rockstar Newswire

Arcade properties were added to Grand Theft Auto Online.

Players can purchase an Arcade property from Maze Bank Foreclosures website from a selection of six locations, each one with a specific name:

Visit Lester in Mirror Park to discuss a "business opportunity" in order to make the arcades available to purchase. Pixel Pete's is free to players who have linked their Twitch Prime account.

The Arcade property allows for set-up and operation of Arcade Businesses, similar to other properties. Alternatively, owners can access to the Master Control Terminal, which can manage all the other businesses they have (Special Cargo, Vehicle Cargo, Motorcycle Clubs businesses, Supplies, Air Freight Cargo and Nightclubs businesses.).


Open Wheel Races[]

Main article: Open Wheel Races

A group of seven new races was added to the game during the Open Wheel Races Week event, featuring two open-wheel vehicles – the Progen PR4 and Ocelot R88. The following races were added:

Gerald's Last Play[]

Main article: Gerald's Last Play

A collection of six new contact missions were added to the game during the Gerald's Last Play Week event:

New Characters[]

Character Customization[]

  • Over 230 clothing items, 110 outfits, and 103 masks have been added.
  • Over 40 Tattoos have been added.
  • Six new Player Actions have been added:
    • Call Me
    • Respect
    • Air Drums
    • Coin Roll and Toss
    • Bang
    • Mind Blown



Three additional weapons were added to the game: the first one is unlocked after a required step in the Casino Heist, the second one unlocked as a reward for solving the "Los Santos Slasher" mystery and is part of the Red Dead Redemption 2 unlockables and a jerry can filled with chemicals only available during the heist preparation mission Heist Prep: Maintenance Gear Part 2.

Image Name Description
CeramicPistol-GTAO Ceramic Pistol A pistol mainly based on the Heckler & Koch P7.
NavyRevolver-GTAO Navy Revolver A revolver based on the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver and the 1847 Colt Walker.
Mission Only
HazardousJerryCan-GTAOe Hazardous Jerry Can A Jerry Can filled with chemicals.

The weapons display on Ammu-Nation has been changed. Weapons were rearranged in a way that the DLC section has extra room.


This update adds a total of 20 new vehicles:

  • 6 readily available to purchase with the initial release.
  • 8 which were mission-only vehicles until released for sale in an event week.
    • 1 of which also immediately appeared in game but was unobtainable.
  • 6 released in event weeks.
    • 1 released a week early as the podium prize on the Lucky Wheel
Image Name Description
Available to purchase immediately
Asbo-GTAO-front Maxwell Asbo A hatchback based on the Vauxhall Corsa C.
Everon-GTAO-front Karin Everon An all-terrain pickup truck resembling a Toyota Hilux Arctic Truck.
Komoda-GTAO-front Lampadati Komoda A four-door saloon based on the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio.
RetinueMkII-GTAO-front Vapid Retinue Mk II Mk II adaptation of the Retinue, based on the Ford Escort Mk. II.
ReblaGTS-GTAO-front Übermacht Rebla GTS An SUV seemingly based on the fourth generation BMW X5. Sportier iteration of the Rebla from Grand Theft Auto IV.
Vagrant-GTAO-front Maxwell Vagrant An all-terrain vehicle based on the Ariel Nomad.
Mission only until unlocked for sale in Event Weeks Week
Furia-GTAO-front Grotti Furia A sports car inspired by the Pininfarina Battista. Festive Surprise 2019
December 19, 2019
Zhaba-GTAO-front RUNE Zhaba An amphibious ATV based on the SHERP ATV. Zhaba Week
January 2, 2020
SultanClassic-GTAO-front Karin Sultan Classic Older iteration of the Sultan, based on the first generation Subaru Impreza. Sultan Classic Week
January 16, 2020
Outlaw-GTAO-front Nagasaki Outlaw A lightweight ATV based on the Can-Am Maverick X3. Outlaw Week
January 23, 2020
DriftYosemite-GTAO-front Declasse Drift Yosemite Drift variant of the Yosemite, resembling Ken Block's "Hoonitruck". Drift Yosemite Week
February 6, 2020
Sugoi-GTAO-front Dinka Sugoi A five-door hatchback based on the Honda Civic Type R (FK8). Valentine's Day 2020
February 13, 2020
BlistaKanjo-GTAO-front Dinka Blista Kanjo A hatchback based on the sixth generation Honda Civic. Blista Kanjo Week
February 20, 2020
Stryder-GTAO-front Nagasaki Stryder A three-wheeled motorcycle resembling a Lazareth Triazuma. Stryder Week
March 5, 2020
Unlocked as part of Event Weeks Week
Invade&PersuadeTank-GTAO-front Invade and Persuade Tank A remote-controlled minitank inspired by the iteration from the Invade and Persuade II Arcade Games. Festive Surprise 2019
December 25, 2019
JB700W-GTAO-front Dewbauchee JB 700W Weaponized version of the JB 700. Festive Surprise 2019
December 26, 2019
Imorgon-GTAO-front Överflöd Imorgon An electric sports car based on the Gumpert RG Nathalie. Imorgon Week
January 9, 2020
VSTR-GTAO-front Albany V-STR A four-door midsize luxury sedan based on the 2016-2019 Cadillac CTS-V. V-STR Week
January 30, 2020
PR4-GTAO-front Progen PR4 A Formula One car seemingly based on the McLaren MP4/6. Blista Kanjo Week
February 20, 2020
R88-GTAO-front Ocelot R88 A single-seat formula car appearing to be based on a Lotus 97T. Open Wheel Races Week
February 27, 2020

Off-road wheels have been updated, whereby all custom wheels have tires that now use a tread pattern seen in newer-released off-road vehicles. This affects both Online and Story Mode.

6 existing vehicles are made available to purchase in the initial release, all available from Warstock Cache & Carry:



  • Changes have been made to the ‘Kill Yourself’ option in the Interaction Menu:
    • ‘Kill Yourself’ now has a 5-minute cooldown.
    • ‘Kill Yourself’ is now unavailable for 1 minute after killing another player.
  • A new ‘Auto-Invite All in Session’ option - available to players when they are inside their Nightclub, Arcade, or Casino Penthouse - has been added to the Interaction Menu.
  • A 5-minute request cooldown has been put in place for the Oppressor Mk II if it has either been destroyed or requested.
  • The frequency at which players receive calls and texts from contacts in Freemode has been reduced.


Image Name Start End
GTAOnlineBonusesJuly2020Part3-GTAO-SurvivalAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (July 2020 Part 3) July 30, 2020 August 10, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesJuly2020Part2-GTAO-DeadlineAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (July 2020 Part 2) July 23, 2020 July 29, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesJuly2020Part1-GTAO-VespucciJobAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (July 2020 Part 1) July 16, 2020 July 22, 2020
PilotWeek-GTAO-Advert Pilot Week July 09, 2020 July 15, 2020
IndependenceDay2020-GTAO-Advert Independence Day 2020 July 02, 2020 July 08, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesJune2020Part3-GTAO-AfterHoursAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (June 2020 Part 3) June 25, 2020 July 01, 2020
SpeedWeek-GTAO-Advert Speed Week June 18, 2020 June 24, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesJune2020Part2-GTAO-ArenaWarAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (June 2020 Part 2) June 11, 2020 June 17, 2020
SC1-GTAO-LuckyWheelReward GTA Online Bonuses (June 2020 Part 1) June 04, 2020 June 10, 2020
WeenyIssiWeek-GTAO-Advert Weeny Issi Week May 28, 2020 June 03, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesMay2020Part3-GTAO-HuntingPackAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (May 2020 Part 3) May 21, 2020 May 27, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesMay2020Part2-GTAO-GunrunningAdvert GTA Online Bonuses (May 2020 Part 2) May 14, 2020 May 20, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesMay2020Part1-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (May 2020 Part 1) May 07, 2020 May 13, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesApril2020Part4-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (April 2020 Part 4) April 30, 2020 May 06, 2020
Gerald'sLastPlayWeek-GTAO-Advert Gerald's Last Play Week April 23, 2020 April 29, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesApril2020Part3-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (April 2020 Part 3) April 16, 2020 April 22, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesApril2020Part2-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (April 2020 Part 2) April 09, 2020 April 15, 2020
GTAOnlineBonusesApril2020-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (April 2020 Part 1) April 02, 2020 April 08, 2020
Avenger-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (March 2020 Part 3) March 26, 2020 April 01, 2020
BuzzardAttackChopper-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (March 2020 Part 2) March 19, 2020 March 25, 2020
Shotaro-GTAO-Advert GTA Online Bonuses (March 2020 Part 1) March 12, 2020 March 18, 2020
Stryder-GTAO-Advert Stryder Week March 05, 2020 March 11, 2020
SAPOWR-GTAO-Advert Open Wheel Races Week February 27, 2020 March 04, 2020
BlistaKanjo-GTAO-Advert Blista Kanjo Week February 20, 2020 February 26, 2020
Valentine'sDay2020-GTAO-Advert Valentine's Day 2020 February 13, 2020 February 19, 2020
DriftYosemite-GTAO-Advert Drift Yosemite Week February 06, 2020 February 12, 2020
VSTRWeek-GTAO-Advert V-STR Week January 30, 2020 February 05, 2020
OutlawWeek-GTAO-Advert Outlaw Week January 23, 2020 January 29, 2020
SultanClassicWeek-GTAO-Advert Sultan Classic Week January 16, 2020 January 22, 2020
ImorgonWeek-GTAO-Advert Imorgon Week January 09, 2020 January 15, 2020
ZhabaWeek-GTAO-Advert Zhaba Week January 02, 2020 January 08, 2020
JB700W-GTAO-Advert Festive Surprise 2019 December 19, 2019 January 05, 2020
TheDiamondCasinoHeist-GTAO GTA Online: The Diamond Casino Heist/Event December 12, 2019 December 18, 2019


Official Screenshots[]



GTA Online: The Diamond Casino Heist.

Cut Content[]

This article or section contains information on Grand Theft Auto Online beta content. It may feature speculation and/or unintentional misinformation.
Please add references when adding content to this page. Any speculative/misinformed content that is not verified should be discussed on the talk page.
  • Three cut vehicles, "primo3", "youga3" and a "high-end" classified Manana, were added in this update. The latter two would later be added in the Los Santos Summer Special update, as the Youga Classic 4x4 and the Manana Custom.
  • Pricing information for a "utility" Burrito can be found, identical to the pricing info for the Bugstars Burrito.
  • Pricing tunables for the JB 700W, PR4, and R88 are labeled "trade_price", indicating they may once have had a trade price.
  • The PR4 has an unused intake modpart.
  • The R88's front panel is detatchable, implying that front panel modifications were cut.
  • The Retinue Mk II features an unused painted variant of the Vapid Rally Wing spoiler, as well as an unused string for Secondary Arches, implying the original vehicle featured primary color wheel arches by default.
  • The Sugoi has two unused hood options: a carbon variant of the Vented Catch Hood, and an unfinished variant of the Street Vented Hood.
  • Several changes for the Drift Yosemite can be found:
    • The vehicle features an unused splitter option, carried over from the regular Yosemite.
    • An unused model for window nets can be found.
    • Unused collision models for an engine blower can be found.
    • LOD models for the vehicle feature a sunstrip by default, as well as ram pipes from the original Yosemite on the engine in the LOD3 model.
  • The Sultan Classic features unused misc nodes for headlight glass and grille options, implying they may have had mod options.
    • An unused Headlight Housing mod category string can also be found.
  • The Blista Kanjo features unused bolted front fender options, with both primary color and carbon variants.
  • The rear diffuser on the Rebla GTS is detachable, implying rear diffuser modifications may have been cut.
    • The GTS also features unused exhaust gas nodes that line up with existing exhaust options.
  • The Outlaw's roof frame and exhaust are both detatchable, implying roof and exhaust modifications were cut.
    • The Outlaw also features unused suspension mod options.
  • The Stryder's badge texture features an unused "TVX 1000" badge.
  • The Social Club main image and Southern San Andreas Super Autos website image for the Everon feature its antenna on the A-pillar, as opposed to the roof on the final version.
  • The Social Club "action" image, Legendary Motorsport image, and first promotional image for the Furia featured its windshield wiper in the center of the window.
    • The Social Club image also features no front badging.
    • The promotional image also features a totally different engine design.
  • The Zhaba features unused options for right-side-only exhausts. The final design features options for either left-side-only or both sides.
End of information pertaining to Grand Theft Auto Online beta content.



  1. MadamNazar-GTAO


[ ve ]Content Updates for Grand Theft Auto Online
Original version updates
(PS3 and Xbox 360)
Beach Bum Update | Holiday Gifts | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | The Business Update | The High Life Update | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The Independence Day Special | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Last Team Standing Update
Mutual updates
(PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC)
Festive Surprise | Heists | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2
Enhanced version updates
(PS4, Xbox One and PC)
Freemode Events Update | Lowriders | Halloween Surprise | Executives and Other Criminals | Festive Surprise 2015 | January 2016 Update | Be My Valentine | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Cunning Stunts | Bikers | Import/Export | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Gunrunning | Smuggler's Run | The Doomsday Heist | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | After Hours | Arena War | The Diamond Casino & Resort | The Diamond Casino Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Tuners | The Contract
Mutual updates
(PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X)
The Criminal Enterprises | Los Santos Drug Wars | San Andreas Mercenaries | The Chop Shop | Bottom Dollar Bounties | Agents of Sabotage
Additional content updates
(Already included on game disc)
Special/Collector's Edition | Enhanced Edition | Expanded & Enhanced Version
[ ve ]Events in Grand Theft Auto Online
JulyPrison Break Weekend | Humane Labs Raid Week | Series A Funding Week
AugustPacific Standard Job Week | Labor Day Weekend Sales
SeptemberFreemode Events Social Club Weekend
OctoberLowriders Event Weekend
NovemberFriday the 13th Event Weekend | Lowriders Week | Thanksgiving Weekend Bonuses
DecemberEvery Bullet Counts Weekend | Executives & Other Criminals Event Weekend | Festive Surprise 2015
JanuaryGTA Online Event Weekend
FebruaryVIP Bonuses Week | Be My Valentine Event 2016 | Friends in High Places Week | Rhino Hunt Week
MarchVersus Missions Week | Lowriders Custom Classics Week | Ill-Gotten Gains Week
AprilTornado Week | Adversary Modes Week | Sabre Week | High Life Week | In and Out Week
MayTime Trials Week | Combat Week | Capture Week | Head to Head Week
JuneCriminal Expansions Weekend | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Bonus Week | Trading Places Week | Power Play Week | Pfister 811 Week
JulyIndependence Day 2016 | Seven-70 Week | Cunning Stunts | Cunning Stunts Bonuses I | Cunning Stunts Bonuses II
AugustEntourage Week | Executive Protection Bonuses | Stunts & Entourage Bonuses | Freemode Week
SeptemberSunday Drivers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
OctoberBikers | Daemon and Raptor Week | Vortex and Sanctus Week
NovemberTornado Rat Rod Week | Shotaro Week | Esskey Week | Youga Classic Week | Online Creator Expansion and Bonuses Week
DecemberGTA Online Bonuses | Import/Export | Festive Surprise 2016
JanuaryFCR 1000 Week | Itali GTB Week | Specter Week | GTA Online Bonuses
FebruaryValentine's Bonuses 2017 | 2017 Stunt Race Week
MarchCunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Ruston Week | Infernus Classic Week
AprilTurismo Classic Week | Land Grab Week | Duke O'Death Week | Tiny Racers Week
MayGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
JuneGunrunning | Independence Day 2017
JulyCheetah Classic Week | Technical Custom Week | Torero Week
AugustInsurgent Pick-Up Custom Week | Nightshark Week | XA-21 Week | Ardent Week | Smuggler's Run
SeptemberGTA Online Bonuses | Rapid GT Classic Week | RM-10 Bombushka Week | Howard NX-25 Week
OctoberMogul Week | Pyro Week | Transform Races Week | Anniversary Specials 2017 | Halloween Specials 2017 | Halloween Bonuses 2017
NovemberP-45 Nokota Week | Cyclone Week | FH-1 Hunter Week | Black Friday Sales 2017 | P-996 LAZER Week
DecemberDoomsday Event Week | Festive Surprise 2017
JanuarySavestra Week | Viseris Week | GT500 Week | Revolter Week | Neon Week
FebruaryBattle Week | Valentine's Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses
MarchGTA Online Bonuses | Stunt Race Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | Ellie and Tezeract Week
AprilTarget Assault Week | Contraband Week | The Vespucci Job Week | Smuggler's Week
MaySpecial Vehicle Stunt Race Week | Business Week | Trap Door Week | Memorial Day 2018 | Madrazo Dispatch Services Week
JuneTransform Race and Creator Updates Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)
JulyIndependence Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | After Hours | Tale of Us Residency Week
AugustDixon Residency Week | The Black Madonna Residency Week | Scramjet Week | Menacer Week
SeptemberFreecrawler Week | Southern San Andreas Super Autos Inventory Update Week | Running Back (Remix) Week | Patriot and Romero Hearse Week
OctoberSumo (Remix) Week | Futo, Prairie, and Ruiner Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Halloween Surprise 2018
NovemberGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
DecemberGTA Online Bonuses | Arena War | Festive Surprise 2018
JanuaryUnholy Hellbringer and Widowmaker Week | Tulip Week | Schlagen GT Week | RC Bandito Week
FebruaryDeviant Week | Valentine's Day 2019 | Deveste Eight and Doomsday Week | RC Bandito Races Week
MarchFlight Week | Bikers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2)
AprilGTA Online Bonuses | Lowriders Week 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses | Premium Deluxe Repo Work Week
MaySurvival Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Import/Export Week | Missile Base Series Week | GTA Online Bonuses
JuneGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Freemode Events Week | GTA Online Bonuses
JulyIndependence Day 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses | The Diamond Casino & Resort
AugustNeo Week | Gauntlet Classic Week | Emerus Week | Nebula Turbo Week | Locust Week
SeptemberGauntlet Hellfire Week | Krieger Week | Zion Classic Week | Survival Series Week
OctoberHellion Week | Jugular Week | Dynasty Week | Zorrusso Week | Halloween Surprise 2019
NovemberNovak Week | Survival & King of the Hill Creators Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Peyote Gasser Week
DecemberGTA Online Bonuses | The Diamond Casino Heist | Festive Surprise 2019
JanuaryZhaba Week | Imorgon Week | Sultan Classic Week | Outlaw Week | V-STR Week
FebruaryDrift Yosemite Week | Valentine's Day 2020 | Blista Kanjo Week | Open Wheel Races Week
MarchStryder Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)
AprilGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Gerald's Last Play Week | GTA Online Bonuses
MayGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Weeny Issi Week
JuneGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Speed Week | GTA Online Bonuses
JulyIndependence Day 2020 | Pilot Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)
AugustLos Santos Summer Special | Galaxy Superyacht Week | San Andreas Prix Week
SeptemberGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Mobile Operations Week
OctoberGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4) | Halloween Week 2020
NovemberGTA Online Bonuses | The Heist Challenge | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 3)
DecemberGTA Online Bonuses | Cayo Perico Heist Bonuses | Holiday Bonuses 2020 | GTA Online Bonuses
JanuaryWeevil Week | Manchez Scout Week | Slamtruck Week | Vetir Week
FebruaryGTA Online Bonuses | Valentine's Day 2021 | Verus Week | Weaponized Dinghy Week
MarchBrioso 300 Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Biker Week
AprilStunt Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
MayGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Panther Statue Week | Stunt Racing Week
JuneGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Deadline Week
JulyIndependence Day 2021 | Survivals Week | Los Santos Tuners | Comet S2 Week
AugustDominator ASP Week | Vectre Week | Kart Krash: Full Auto Week | Sultan RS Classic Week
SeptemberCypher Week | Previon Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)
OctoberGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Halloween Week 2021
NovemberHeist Month (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)
DecemberGunrunning Event | The Contract | Festive Surprise 2021 | Patriot Mil-Spec Week
JanuaryComet S2 Cabrio Week | Double Down Week | I-Wagen Week | Granger 3600LX Week
FebruaryReever Week | Valentine's Day 2022 | Imani Tech Week | GTA Online Bonuses
MarchGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
AprilGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
MayGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | The Vespucci Job (Remix) Week
JuneGTA Online Bonuses | Dewbauchee and Överflöd Spotlight Week | Import/Export Bonuses Week | Los Santos Tuners Bonuses Week | Independence Day 2022
JulyGTA Online Bonuses| The Criminal Enterprises
AugustSM722 Week | Cayo Perico Series Week | Ruiner ZZ-8 Week | Brioso 300 Widebody Week
SeptemberVigero ZX Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week | Community Series Week | Kanjo SJ and Postlude Week | Junk Energy Skydives Week
OctoberHalloween 2022 (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)
NovemberThe Heists Event (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3) | The Heist Challenge 2022
DecemberGTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Los Santos Drug Wars | Festive Surprise 2022 | Powersurge Week
JanuaryGTA Online Bonuses | Gun Van Week | Taxi Work Week | Issi Rally Week
FebruaryGTA Online Bonuses | Broadway Week | Eclipse Blvd Garage Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week (February 2023)
MarchThe Contract Bonuses Week | Hotring Everon Week | Last Dose Week | Drug Wars Bonuses Week | GTA Online Bonuses
AprilGunrunning Bonuses Week | Boor Week | Shake Up and Top Marks Week | Last Dose Hard Mode Week
MayAir Freight Cargo Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Los Santos Tuners Bonuses Week (May 2023) | Freemode Event Bonuses Week (May 2023)
JuneFlight Bonuses Week (Week 2) | San Andreas Mercenaries | Buffalo EVX Week | Independence Day 2023
JulyProject Overthrow Week | Armored Trucks Week | La Coureuse Week | 2023 Summer Racing Event (Week 2)
AugustGTA Online Bonuses | Assault On Cayo Perico Week | Executive Bonuses Week | Biker Bonuses Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week (August 2023)
SeptemberAcid Lab Mission Bonuses Week | GTA V 10th Anniversary Week | Auto Shop Bonuses Week | Business Production Boosts Week
OctoberHalloween 2023 (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)
NovemberShort Trips Week | Sprunk & eCola Week | The Doomsday Heist Week | Diamond Casino Bonuses Week | Project Overthrow Week (November 2023)
DecemberThe Chop Shop | Festive Surprise 2023
JanuaryPark Ranger Week | Cavalcade XL Week | Tow Truck Services Week | Drag Races Week
FebruaryPremium Deluxe Repo Work Week (February 2024) | Year of the Dragon Week | Baller ST-D Week | Impaler SZ Week | Drift and Drag Races Week
MarchThe Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid Week | The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid Missions Week | Motor Wars Week | Freemode Challenges and Events Week
AprilTransform Races Week | Executive Bonuses Week | 420 Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week
MayOpen Wheel Races Week (May 2024) | A Superyacht Life Week | Salvage Yard Robberies Week | Dewbauchee Week | Benefactor Week
JuneLS Car Meet Series Week | The Data Leaks Week | Drag and Drift Races Week | Bottom Dollar Bounties
JulyIndependence Day 2024 | Law Enforcement Vehicles Week | Castigator Week | Pizza Delivery Week
AugustVorschlaghammer Week | Bounty Bonuses Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week (August 2024) | Assault on ATT-16 Week | Gunrunning Bonuses Week (August 2024)
SeptemberBiker Bonuses Week (September 2024) | Executive Bonuses Week (September 2024) | Bounty Bonuses Week (September 2024) | Assault on ATT-16 Week (September 2024)
OctoberHalloween 2024 (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5)
NovemberThe Heist Challenge 2024 (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)
DecemberBounty Bonuses Week (December 2024) | Agents of Sabotage | Festive Surprise 2024
JanuaryThe Black Box File Week | Firebolt ASP Week | The Brute Force File Week | Year of the Snake Week | Drag Races Week
FebruaryDrift Racing Week | Valentine's Day 2025 | Uranus LozSpeed Week | Gunrunning Bonuses Week
Events (Category)
DLC Events
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update