QUERY is very useful!!!
I have never been digging GoogleSpreadSheet, but this product(should say as service?) has great functions. I amaze Query.
This function requires at least 3 parameters, 1st is the range, 2nd is a condition which values I would like to filter, 3rd is something I am not sure. Here is a simple Query command.
What I amaze is supporting filter syntax like SQL. I am not familiar with the application like Excel, Numbers, Google Spread Sheet, so other application has a function kind of like Google Spread Sheet "QUERY", but I'm not sure about it. At least, this point reinforces me to use Google Spread Sheet.
Everybody knows that Google Spread Sheet can be used if there is a Internet Connection from all kind of devices. This point must be required in these latter days. Everything around me seems to say "You should use Google Services and Products more!!!".