Rubyで20世紀の日曜日を求める 〜Rubyでオイラープロジェクトを解こう!Problem19
You are given the following information, but you may prefer to do some research for yourself.
1 Jan 1900 was a Monday.
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Saving February alone,
Which has twenty-eight, rain or shine.
And on leap years, twenty-nine.
A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not on a century unless it is divisible by 400.
How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?
- 1900年1月1日は月曜日である。
- 9月、4月、6月および11月は30日である。
- 2月を別にして残りは31日である。
- 2月は28日で、うるう年には29日である。
- うるう年は、4で割り切れる年に起こるが、400で割れる年を除くと世紀の年には起こらない。
- 入力日の曜日を返すwdayメソッドを作る
- sundays_on_first_of_monthメソッドで20世紀のすべての月の初日の曜日を当たる
MONTHS = %w(nil Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) MONTH_DAYS = (1..12).inject({}) { |h, m| [4,6,9,11].include?(m) ? h[m] = 30 : h[m] = 31; h} def wday(day, mon, year) days = 0 mon = month_index(mon) (1900..year).each do |y| leap_year?(y) ? MONTH_DAYS[2] = 29 : MONTH_DAYS[2] = 28 if y != year (1..12).each { |m| days += MONTH_DAYS[m] } else (1...mon).each { |m| days += MONTH_DAYS[m] } days += day end end days % 7 #return day of week: 0:sun, 1:mon.. end def leap_year?(year) if (year%4).zero? && (year%100).nonzero? || (year%400).zero? true else false end end def sundays_on_first_of_month(start_date, end_date) st_day, st_mon, st_year = start_date end_day, end_mon, end_year = end_date st_mon, end_mon = month_index(st_mon), month_index(end_mon) count = 0 (st_year..end_year).each do |y| cnt_blk = lambda { |m| count += 1 if wday(1, MONTHS[m], y).zero? } # count Sunday if y == st_year and y == end_year (st_mon..end_mon).each(&cnt_blk) elsif y == st_year (st_mon..12).each(&cnt_blk) elsif y == end_year (1..end_mon).each(&cnt_blk) else (1..12).each(&cnt_blk) end end count end def month_index(word) # from month word to month number MONTHS.find_index { |m| m =~ /#{word.slice(0..2)}/i } end wday(1, 'january', 1900) # => 1 sundays_on_first_of_month([1, 'Jan', 1901],[31, 'Dec', 2000]) # => 1xx