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Portuguese Scholarships

Smaller thumbnails (8).pngApply for a scholarship ranging from $500-$1000 to study MSU's beginning Portuguese courses, PRT 150 or PRT 250.


  1. Be an MSU student or enrolling for the Spring 2025 semester.
  2. Be interested in taking PRT 150 or PRT 250 at MSU in Spring 2025.

How to Apply:

(Pick one - you do not have to do both)


  1. First and Last Name
  2. MSU PID
  3. Phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Year in school/Student level - freshman, sophomore, junior, senior
  6. Why you want to study Portuguese
  7. Major - if you don't know, that's ok
  8. College in which you are enrolled
  9. When do you plan to graduate?
  10. Are you enrolled in the Latin American & Caribbean Studies minor? Or, the GLIS-Latin American & Caribbean Studies major? *This does not affect your eligibility for the scholarship*
  11. Local address

Apply by August 15, 2025 so funds can be available for the Spring 2025 semester! Scholarship helps defray tuition costs.


Information flyer