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Week 01 : Orientation
Week 02: Zoraini Wati Abas
Week 03: Martin Weller
Week 04: Allison Littlejohn
Week 05: David Wiley
Week 06: Tony Bates
Week 07: Rory McGreal
Week 08: Nancy White
Week 09: Dave Cormier
Week 10: Eric Duval
Week 11: Jon Dron
Week 12: Clark Aldrich
Week 13: Clark Quinn
Week 14: Jan Herrington
Week 15: Break
Week 16: Break
Week 17: Howard Rheingold
Week 18: Valerie Irvine and Jillianne Code
Week 19: Dave Snowden
Week 20: Richard DeMillo, Ashwim Ram, Preetha Ram, and Hua Ali
Week 21: Break
Week 22: Pierre Levy
Week 23: Tom Reeves
Week 24: Geetha Narayanan
Week 25: Stephen Downes
Week 27: Antonio Vantaggiato
Week 28: Tony Hirst
Week 29: Alec Couros
Week 30: Marti Cleveland-Innes
Week 31: Diana Laurillard
Week 32: George Siemens
Week 33: George Veletsianos
Week 34: Bonnie Stewart
Week 35: Terry Anderson
Course Facilitators
Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes is a senior researcher for Canada's National Research Council and a leading proponent of the use of online media and services in education. As the author of the widely-read OLDaily online newsletter, Downes has earned international recognition for his leading-edge work in the field of online learning. He developed some of Canada's first online courses at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, Manitoba. He also built a learning management system from scratch and authored the now-classic "The Future of Online Learning". At the University of Alberta he built a learning and research portal for the municipal sector in that province, Munimall, and another for the Engineering and Geology sector, PEGGAsus. He also pioneered the development of learning objects and was one of the first adopters and developers of RSS content syndication in education. Downes introduced the concept of e-learning 2.0 and with George Siemens developed and defined the concept of Connectivism, using the social network approach to deliver open online courses to three thousand participants over two years. Downes has been offering courses in learning, logic, philosophy both online and off since 1987, has 135 articles published in books, magazines and academic journals, and has presented his unique perspective on learning and technology more than 250 times to audiences in 17 countries on five continents. He is a habitual photographer, plays darts for money, and can be found at home with his wife Andrea and four cats in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
George Siemens
George Siemens is an internationally known writer, speaker, and researcher on learning, networks, technology and organizational effectiveness in digital environments. He is the author of Knowing Knowledge, an exploration of how the context and characteristics of knowledge have changed and what it means to organizations today, and the recently released Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning. Siemens is currently a researcher and strategist with the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University. Previously, he was the Associate Director, Research and Development, with the Learning Technologies Centre at University of Manitoba. His research interests include social software, learning networks, emerging technology, learning analytics and visualization, and the design of organizations in response to social and technological change pressures. Together with Stephen Downes and Dave Cormier, Siemens has pioneered open connectivist courses that have included thousands of educators and students as participants. He is a frequent keynote speakers at conference detailing the influence of technology and media on education, organizations, and society. Siemens has maintained the elearnspace blog ( for ten years and for five years.. Additional background information is available at
Dave Cormier
Dave Cormier is an independent educational researcher and thinker, an online community manager and the Manager of web communications and innovations at the University of Prince Edward Island. He has published on open education, the rhizomatic model of education, and practical classroom uses of virtual worlds.
In partnerships for research and learning, in teaching, and in the animated debate in the comments section of his blog, partnerships have been the driving influence on Dave's career in education. His partners have included faculty and researchers from well-known universities, and lone teachers in small town classrooms. Some of them are even still talking to him.
Dave is the co-founder and current manager of Edtechtalk, a community of educators that has produced more than 1000 live interactive webcasts since June 2005.