Week 11: Jon Dron

The Nature of Technologies

Live Events

2011-11-25 12:00,: Jon Dron Friday Session - Live event with Jon Dron scheduled for 12:00 noon Toronto time, Wednesday, November 25 (different conversions are here). We'll meet here in Collaborate.

2011-11-23 13:00,: Live Session With Jon Dron - A live session with Jon was held 13:00 Toronto time, Wednesday, November 23. Audio Recording.


Week 11: Jon Dron
This week #week11 we are pleased to welcome Jon Dron from Athabasca University. We have a live session with him Wednesday, November 23, at 1:00 pm eastern. And Jon has posted a wealth of content online. You can also view his home page.

Jon Dron is (2011) an associate professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems and member of the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) at Athabasca University, Canada. Until 2007 he was a pincipal lecturer at the University of Brighton, UK. Straddling the technology/education divide, his research interests broadly centre around social aspects of learning technologies, with a particular emphasis on discovering, designing and employing methods and technologies to enable learners to help each other to learn. He has published a book: Control & Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose. He is a National Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.


The nature of technologies Article by Jon Dron November 21, 2011
Jon Dron, Athabasca University
Soft technologies need skill and artistry. It ain’t just what you do, it’s the way that you do it. A bad technology, used well, can work brilliantly, while a good technology, used badly, can be useless. Most learning technology research concentrates on technology (including methods and pedagogies) not the talent and skill with which it is applied that is frequently more significant. The challenge is to devise research methods that capture this usefully. #week11