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chartsに関するエントリは39件あります。 グラフcsstechfeed などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『HTMLのtableにクラスを加えるだけで、グラフやチャートを簡単に実装できるCSSのフレームワーク -Charts.css』などがあります。
  • HTMLのtableにクラスを加えるだけで、グラフやチャートを簡単に実装できるCSSのフレームワーク -Charts.css

    棒グラフや折れ線グラフ、どうやって実装していますか? Charts.cssなら簡単です。データをtableタグで実装し、CSSのクラスをtableに加えるだけで横棒グラフ、棒線グラフ、折れ線グラフ、エリアグラフなどを簡単に実装できるCSSのフレームワークを紹介します。 HTMLは普通の表組みなのでアクセシブル、グラフやチャートはレスポンシブにも完全対応した優れものです。 Charts.css Charts.css -GitHub Charts.cssの特徴 Charts.cssのデモ Charts.cssの使い方 Charts.cssの特徴 Charts.cssはtableで実装した表組みにシンプルなCSSのクラスを加えるだけで、さまざまなグラフやチャートを実装できるフレームワークです。カスタマイズも簡単で、ユーティリティのクラスも豊富に用意されています。 HTMLとCSSだけで実装 セマ

      HTMLのtableにクラスを加えるだけで、グラフやチャートを簡単に実装できるCSSのフレームワーク -Charts.css
    • Top 250 Japanese Albums of All Time on 11 Charts - Rate Your Music

      Top 250 Japanese Albums of All Time on 11 Charts A list by watada24 Categories: All Time, Countries [List1085892] | +63 11.7.2023 <main> 200 points (#1) 1. RYM's Top 200 (200) 2. MUSIC MAGAZINE 50 Years of Japanese Music album Best 200 by littlepupil (200) 3. みのミュージックリスナーが選ぶ邦楽名盤ランキング (200) https://youtu.be/eZ2zICG6DL0?si=8N0-1rWtnwYBOsnh 4. みんなが選ぶ邦楽アルバムベスト100【2020】ろくおんげいじゅつ倶楽部 (200) https://www.my

        Top 250 Japanese Albums of All Time on 11 Charts - Rate Your Music
      • 可視化や統計でデータに『恣意的なストーリーを語らせる』16の闇の魔術【bad charts】 - Qiita

        闇の魔術に対する防衛術 Advent Calendar 2020の三日目 はじめに データの可視化は非常に難しい。 まずデータの抽出が難しい ・データソースごとの整合性が取れているか ・取得したデータとソースデータに欠損が生じていないか ・SQL文を実行したサマリの結果が部分的に抜け落ちていないか。 その確認は時間的にも精神的にも苦痛。 しかし、苦労して抽出したデータも使い方で全くの無駄になる その例として「可視化や統計」部分に着目してお話をしようと考えた。 データの背景を知らない人には、データ可視化が歩み寄る手段になるし、伝えたい事をインパクトを伴って伝えられるなど非常にメリットである。 ※ただし 「可視化」の使い方によっては誤った理解をさせることも可能。 伝えたい事だけを正しいように見せる方法もあり、 可視化に詳しくない人に誤解を与えて自分の主張を通すこともできるかもしれない。 これは

          可視化や統計でデータに『恣意的なストーリーを語らせる』16の闇の魔術【bad charts】 - Qiita
        • Charts.css

          Quick Start GitHub Repo Charts.css is a modern CSS framework. It uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. The source code is available on GitHub (opens new window). If you like the project, please consider starring the repo on GitHub.

          • データ可視化に貢献するチャートCSSフレームワーク・「Charts.css」 - かちびと.net

            Charts.cssはデータ可視化のためのチャートCSSフレームワークです。HTMLによるデータビジュアライズの際にスタイリングをサポートするクラスを提供してくれます。 面や棒、折れ線、円やドーナツなどよく見かける一般的なチャートやこれらのマルチデータ、パーセンテージや積み上げ式、3Dなど様々なビジュアライズも対応されています。 少しクセがある印象ですが、慣れれば問題なさそうでした。HTML形式のデータに対応する場合にあると作業がかなり楽になりそうですね。 動作サンプル及び簡単に使い方のご紹介です。基本的にはtableが使われ、classを付与する事でビジュアライズされます。 <table class="charts-css"> ... </table> 単なるtableをビジュアライズするにはCharts.cssを読み込んだうえで上記のようにcharts-cssというclassを付与しま

            • Tremor – Copy-and-Paste Tailwind CSS UI Components for Charts and Dashboards

              React components to build charts and dashboardsReact components to build dashboards35+ fully open-source, accessible components for dashboards and charts. Built with React, Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.35+ fully open-source, accessible components for dashboards and charts. Built with React, Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.

                Tremor – Copy-and-Paste Tailwind CSS UI Components for Charts and Dashboards
              • URL1つであらゆるチャート・グラフを生成&カスタマイズ可能な「Image-Charts」を使ってみた! - paiza times

                どうも、まさとらん(@0310lan)です! 今回は、URLだけで多種多様なチャートやグラフを生成できる無料のWebサービスをご紹介します! 棒グラフ・折れ線グラフ・レーダーチャート・バブルチャート…など、さまざまな種類を生成できるだけでなく、細かいスタイリングやサイズ・レイアウトまでURLに追記するだけで調整可能なのが特徴です。 手っ取り早くデータの可視化をしたい人も含めて、ご興味ある方はぜひ参考にしてみてください! 【 Image-Charts 】 ■「Image-Charts」の使い方 それでは、「Image-Charts」をどのように使えばいいのか詳しく見ていきましょう! まず最初に「Image-Charts」を使うためのユーザー登録やAPIキーの設定などは一切不要です(フリープランの場合) 覚えておく必要があるのは次のURLのみです! https://image-charts.c

                  URL1つであらゆるチャート・グラフを生成&カスタマイズ可能な「Image-Charts」を使ってみた! - paiza times
                • The R Graph Gallery – Help and inspiration for R charts

                  Welcome the R graph gallery, a collection of charts made with the R programming language. Hundreds of charts are displayed in several sections, always with their reproducible code available. The gallery makes a focus on the tidyverse and ggplot2. Feel free to suggest a chart or report a bug; any feedback is highly welcome! Stay in touch with the gallery by following it on Twitter. Oh and if you wa

                    The R Graph Gallery – Help and inspiration for R charts
                  • 無料でTwitterに投稿できる表やグラフを作成可能な「Tweetable Charts」

                    Twitterで何かを分かりやすく伝える時に棒グラフや表があると便利ですが、わざわざ画像データとしてグラフを作成するのは大変です。そんな時に「Tweetable Charts」を使うと、入力欄にテキストと数字を入れるだけで簡単にグラフや表を作ることができます。 Tweetable Charts - Create Text based Charts and Visuals you can embed on Twitter https://tweetable-charts.agiliq.com/ ・Tweetable Chartsで作れるもの ◆1:ヒストグラム ◆2:スパークライン ◆3:プログレスバー ◆4:表 ◆1:ヒストグラム Tweetable Chartsのページにアクセスしてみたのが以下。水平ヒストグラムの作成に必要な値(左上)とグラフ(右上)、それをツイートした時のどう見えるか

                      無料でTwitterに投稿できる表やグラフを作成可能な「Tweetable Charts」
                    • GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.
                      • Notion Charts

                        Living DataPopulate your charts with Google Sheets, where add-ons like Google Analytics and Supermetrics can keep your data current. Visually SeamlessChoose from Notion’s color palette for a gorgeous aesthetic that pairs beautifully with your Notion page. Suit your fancy with Light Mode or Dark Mode.

                          Notion Charts
                        • GitHub - tremorlabs/tremor: React components to build charts and dashboards

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - tremorlabs/tremor: React components to build charts and dashboards
                          • Global COVID-19 Tracker & Interactive Charts | Real Time Updates & Digestable Information for Everyone | 1Point3Acres


                            • A new technique for making responsive, JavaScript-free charts

                              A new technique for making responsive, JavaScript-free charts There are countless libraries for generating charts on the web. Each serves a slightly different niche, but all of them have one thing in common: they require JavaScript. That makes sense, of course — often your charts will depend on data that must be fetched over the network with JS, or will be rendered to a <canvas> element. But it's

                                A new technique for making responsive, JavaScript-free charts
                              • GitHub - mermaid-js/mermaid-live-editor: Edit, preview and share mermaid charts/diagrams. New implementation of the live editor.

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - mermaid-js/mermaid-live-editor: Edit, preview and share mermaid charts/diagrams. New implementation of the live editor.
                                • Coronavirus: The world in lockdown in maps and charts

                                  With more than a million coronavirus cases confirmed worldwide, an analysis of the world in lockdown.

                                    Coronavirus: The world in lockdown in maps and charts
                                  • Building a Next.js Dashboard with Dynamic Charts and SSR - Cube Blog

                                      Building a Next.js Dashboard with Dynamic Charts and SSR - Cube Blog
                                    • Reuters Graphics - Charts, Maps, Interactive Graphics and Videos

                                      Closure of Rafah crossing imperils humanitarian aid in Gaza Fighting in the Gaza Strip intensifies while humanitarian crisis continues May 9, 2024 Southern Brazil’s worst flooding in 80 years Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul is being inundated by its worst flooding in 80 years, even as rains are expected to persist over the weekend. May 9, 2024 What polling can and can’t tell you If yo

                                        Reuters Graphics - Charts, Maps, Interactive Graphics and Videos
                                      • GitHub - mhdhejazi/CoronaTracker: Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - mhdhejazi/CoronaTracker: Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
                                        • Pitfalls lie ahead as China charts exit from zero-Covid

                                          After unprecedented mass protests against zero-Covid, Chinese authorities have made their most decisive move yet to exit the punishing policy. On Wednesday, officials announced the end of forced centralised quarantine, allowing people with mild Covid to isolate at home, as well as limits to lockdowns, fewer checks of Covid test results, and freer travel around the country. It came after various ci

                                            Pitfalls lie ahead as China charts exit from zero-Covid
                                          • GitHub - vizzuhq/ipyvizzu: Build animated charts in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments with a simple Python syntax.

                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                              GitHub - vizzuhq/ipyvizzu: Build animated charts in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments with a simple Python syntax.
                                            • React Charts

                                              Beautiful, flexible, highly-performant charts for ReactSo automagical and easy, you'll find any excuse to use it! Succinct & DeclarativeTime is short for front-end developers as it is, so having a charting system that is great out of the box, declarative, succinct and requires as little imperative scripting as possible not only helps you keep moving forward but lets you express your data visualiza

                                                React Charts
                                              • Cryptocurrency prices, Token rates and Altcoin charts ranked by Market Capitalization and Volume | CryptoRank.io

                                                Cryptocurrencies that have recently reached their highest all time price

                                                  Cryptocurrency prices, Token rates and Altcoin charts ranked by Market Capitalization and Volume | CryptoRank.io
                                                • GitHub - omnibrain/svguitar: Create beautiful SVG guitar chord charts

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                                                    GitHub - omnibrain/svguitar: Create beautiful SVG guitar chord charts
                                                  • Charts - Boomkat

                                                    Payment Security We take the security of our website and of your transactions extremely seriously.  We encrypt all traffic involving personal data with industry-standard SSL certificates and we are also PCI compliant - meaning that we follow all current data security standards and undergo weekly scans monitoring our security status. Additionally, we do not store any card details at all, all paymen

                                                      Charts - Boomkat
                                                    • Learn to build unique charts with React

                                                      Have you ever wanted to create your own chart for the web? Based on hundreds of graph examples, this gallery guides you through the basic concepts of data visualization with React and D3.js. It also provides ready-to-use templates to get started quicker. Stop using pre-made dataviz components → imagination will become the only boundary to your creativity. The gallery is organized by chart types fo

                                                        Learn to build unique charts with React
                                                      • 【ヒロアカ】HERO BILLBOARD CHARTS JP 上半期TOP10まとめ - inokosan blog

                                                        「こんにちは、いのこです(●'◡'●)」今回は、【ヒロアカ】「HERO BILLBOARD CHARTS JP(ヒーロービルボードチャートジェイピー)」上半期TOP10をまとめました。No7,8は明かされていないので私の予想を含みます HERO BILLBOARD CHARTS JP 上半期TOP10まとめ No1 オールマイト プロフィール 個性「ワン・フォー・オール」とは? その他 No.2 エンデヴァー プロフィール 個性「ヘルフレイム」とは? その他 No.3 ホークス プロフィール 個性「剛翼」とは? その他 No.4 ベストジーニスト プロフィール 個性「ファイバーマスター」とは? その他 No.5 エッジショット プロフィール 個性「紙肢」とは? その他 No.6 クラスト プロフィール 個性「盾」とは? その他 No.7~8 ミルコ プロフィール 個性「兎」とは? その他

                                                          【ヒロアカ】HERO BILLBOARD CHARTS JP 上半期TOP10まとめ - inokosan blog
                                                        • Flow Charts with CSS Anchor Positioning

                                                          My name is Cory Rylan, Google Developer Expert, Speaker, Software Developer. Building Design Systems and Web Components. Follow @coryrylan With the introduction of the CSS Anchor Position API in Chrome 125, it's never been easier to position an element relative to another element. This is a great way to manage complex positioning use cases like popovers and tooltips. However, CSS Anchor Positition

                                                            Flow Charts with CSS Anchor Positioning
                                                          • Global COVID-19 Tracker & Interactive Charts | Real Time Updates & Digestable Information for Everyone | 1Point3Acres


                                                              Global COVID-19 Tracker & Interactive Charts | Real Time Updates & Digestable Information for Everyone | 1Point3Acres
                                                            • Charts.css

                                                              Quick Start GitHub Repo Charts.css is a modern CSS framework. It uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. The source code is available on GitHub (opens new window). If you like the project, please consider starring the repo on GitHub.

                                                              • React Charts Made Easy

                                                                Create your own beautiful and functional React Heatmap Chart—in less than 50 lines of code, including the imports and component boilerplate! When you’ve got a lot of data that your users need to parse, the best thing you can do is format it in a way that easily helps them see patterns, dependencies and find insights. Nine times out of 10, that means data visualizations. With the KendoReact UI comp

                                                                  React Charts Made Easy
                                                                • C💚SS.css (ChartSS.css) - accessible html/css charts with markdown support

                                                                  C💚SS.css (ChartSS.css) - accessible html/css charts with markdown support If you’re viewing on github, see the html version at here. Likewise, if you’re viewing the website, you can see the github page here Features Charts directly from markdown lists via pandoc Retains accessible, semantic HTML No javascript or other frameworks, no external dependencies, uses only a small .css file Use html temp

                                                                  • Responsive bar charts in HTML and CSS - 9elements

                                                                    Building flexible data visualizations for international sites For our international clients, we have created dynamic charts and data visualizations for the web. Charts typically render shapes like lines and paths, rectangles and circles. They contain text for titles, axis labels, numerical values and legends. SVG is the good fit for this purpose. It embeds directly into HTML and pairs well with CS

                                                                      Responsive bar charts in HTML and CSS - 9elements
                                                                    • GitHub - mui/mui-x: MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - mui/mui-x: MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
                                                                      • Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        AWS Open Source Blog Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library Web applications interacting with AWS in a number of ways may need to represent and display sets of information in the form of charts, diagrams, or graphs. Common examples of that information includes small amounts of data coming from AWS Costs & Usage Reports or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), eit

                                                                          Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • Amazon ECRがOCI ArtifactをサポートしてHelm chartsも管理できるようになったよ - Qiita

                                                                          はじめに 2020/8/28 に Amazon ECR が OCI Artifact をサポートしました。 これにより Helm charts や OPA Bundles など、コンテナイメージ以外の コンテンツタイプ (アーティファクト) を ECR で保存、配布できるようになります。 OCI Artifact Support In Amazon ECR https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/containers/oci-artifact-support-in-amazon-ecr/ 例えば組織内で安全に Helm charts を共有しようとした場合に これまでは ChartMuseum 等を使用して、プライベートな Helm chart registry を構築する必要がありましたが、ECR だけで管理できるようになります。 8/17の AWS Contai

                                                                            Amazon ECRがOCI ArtifactをサポートしてHelm chartsも管理できるようになったよ - Qiita
                                                                          • Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live tracker

                                                                            Israel is carrying out attacks across the Gaza Strip, including near hospitals and in the south of the besieged enclave, where ground operations are intensifying. Here are the latest casualty figures as of April 5 at 8:40pm in Gaza (18:40 GMT): Killed: at least 33,091 people, including more than: More than 13,000 children 8,400 women Injured: more than 75,750 people Missing: more than 8,000 The la

                                                                              Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live tracker
                                                                            • Most Popular Female Streamers in 2023 | Streams Charts

                                                                              VTubers continue to dominate in terms of popularity among girls in live streaming: five content creators with 2D avatars at once entered the top ten in terms of total watch time in the first half of 2023. Usada Pekora, a representative of hololive, remains the undisputed top 1: in the first six months, she scored over 15.5 million Hours Watched, which is a third more than her closest rival, the mo

                                                                                Most Popular Female Streamers in 2023 | Streams Charts
                                                                              • US Election 2020: Results and exit poll in maps and charts

                                                                                Analysis and graphics from the US election exit poll and results as they come in.

                                                                                  US Election 2020: Results and exit poll in maps and charts
