Link tags: woff




A handy browser-based tool for examining font files to see which features they support.

localFont - A localStorage solution for web font loading

A quick drag’n’drop way to base 64 encode your web fonts so you can stick ‘em in local storage.

How we use web fonts responsibly, or, avoiding a @font-face-palm by Filament Group

Smart thinking here on the eternal dilemma with loading web fonts. Filament Group have thought about how the initial experience of the first page load could be quite different to subsequent page loads.

Content Protection, fonts, and trolling « in progress

Chris defends himself from some inaccuracies I flung his way, regarding fonts and DRM.


This could be a handy little service for sharing locally-hosted sites.

Lost World's Fairs

Lovely typographic showcases from Stan and friends.

WOFF File Format 1.0 Submission Request to W3C

Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera have formally submitted the WOFF font format to the W3C.