Link tags: font-face



Upcoming changes to the CSS you need for variable fonts | Clagnut

Rich enumerates some changes in how you set up variable fonts. So if you’re pulling in a font that has weight as an axis, you can now add this to your @font-face rule:

font-weight: 1 999;

I’m already very excited about variable fonts—I’m going to be positively giddy by the time Ampersand rolls around (which, by the way, you should totally go to—it’s going to be sooo good!).

Emigre Web Fonts

Emigre’s font library is now available as web fonts that you can self-host (providing you take some protective measures with .htaccess). That means Mrs. Eaves is available for the screen. W00t!

FFFFALLBACK - A simple tool for bulletproof web typography.

A useful bookmarklet that suggests font stacks to match up with the web fonts on whatever page you happen to be viewing.

The New Bulletproof Font-Face Syntax | Fontspring

Syntax for @font-face that’s more bulletproof than the techniques previously considered bulletproof …’till an even more bulletproof syntax comes along.

Lost World's Fairs

Lovely typographic showcases from Stan and friends.


The newest web fonts delivery service is a collaboration between five foundries: The Font Bureau, Ascender, Roger Black, Petr van Blokland and DevBridge.

Fonts Live

Ascender is selling (and hosting) webfonts now.

Google Font Directory

Google-hosted free-as-in-beer webfonts.

FontDeck: Exclusive Sneak Peek | Design Shack

Get a glimpse behind Fontdeck's curtain.

WOFF File Format 1.0 Submission Request to W3C

Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera have formally submitted the WOFF font format to the W3C.

Fontspring | Fonts, fonts and more fonts

A store of fonts for sale, many of which have licenses that allow you to use them with @font-face.

Times Skimmer by The New York Times

Beautifully done with HTML5 and font linking.

Web fonts test

Test cases for font-linking.

High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance

Steve Souders does the research and reveals the sad truth about the effect font-linking has on performance.


A quick, slick primer on font linking.

@font-face in Depth

A good look at choosing fonts for font linking.

Bulletproof @font-face syntax « Paul Irish

Getting font-linking to work in all browsers.

The Font-as-Service | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog

Elliot gives a rundown of the font delivery services for the web that are on the way.

Font in your face | Nimbupani Designs

A good, clear-headed summation of font linking.

Web fonts. Where are we? Will web fonts ever be a reality? | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog

A great round-up on the current state of web typography following TypeCon 2009.