Awesome astrophotography from the South Downs | Science | The Guardian
To mark the start of the Dark Skies Festival today, here are some fantastic photographics taken not that far from Brighton.
To mark the start of the Dark Skies Festival today, here are some fantastic photographics taken not that far from Brighton.
There’s going to be an evening of astro events out at Sussex University next Wednesday, January 18th. Stargazing, an inflatable planetarium, and the Ensonglopedia of science—fun for all the family!
The UX Brighton website is sporting a new lick of paint and looking rather lovely.
The start of a campaign to get a blue plaque for Sussex Uni, site of the world's first transatlantic email.
Lomokev is teaching photography in Brighton. Learn from the best.
Geek girls of Brighton: don't miss Natalie's CSS talk in The Eagle on March 4th. Nat is the best front-end developer I know.
Organisers of BarCamps — and other geek gatherings — take note: Campaign Monitor will provide sponsorship in the shape of pizza and drink.
Brighton has a new co-working space right 'round the corner from the Clearleft office: The Skiff.
WiFi hotspots in Brighton (including passwords where required) courtesy of Josh.
Philip Ball (author of the excellent Critical Mass) is coming to Brighton to speak at the Café Scientifique on the third Thursday of November. Excellent!
Trying to find the perfect geek venue for meetups, coworking, networking and boozing in Brighton. I love the smell of scenius in the morning.
Brian and Josh are organising a Long Bet style gathering for the day before dConstruct. To participate, choose a timescale and enter your prediction. What an excellent way to kick-start some discussion.
There will be an evening games in the foyer of the Clearleft office building on Thursday, August 21st.
Click on the "What's the helicopter doing over my house?" link to get the latest eye-in-the-sky reports. The latest is: "Person trampled by cows" on the South Downs.
Want tickets to dConstruct? If you're a girl geek, here's your chance.
Here's the logo for BarCamp Brighton, taking place the day after dConstruct. Looking good.
This has become a regular event here in Brighton. Developers get up and talk about cheaply-made apps. I want to try and get a slot sometime.
A list of just some of the cool geek stuff going on in Brighton right now. This town really does rock.