Link tags: slideshare



Enough with the JavaScript already!

A great set of slides from Nicholas, all about the disturbing trend in “modern” web apps to depend entirely on JavaScript as a single point of failure.

The Future Friendly Campus // Speaker Deck

It’s great to see the Future Friendly call-to-arms being expanded on. Here it’s university sites that are being looked at through a future-friendly lens.

Crap! It doesn’t look quite right, or, how I learned to stop worryi…

Looks like Lyza’s presentation at Over The Air at Bletchley Park was really excellent.

Pragmatic responsive design

I’ve just seen this incredible presentation from Stephanie Rieger at the Breaking Development conference in Nashville. It’s absolutely packed full of fantastically useful ideas. You really should’ve been there, but these slides can give you a taste of the presentation.

Beyond the mobile web by yiibu

Aaaaaand once again, the Riegers show us the way. This time it’s Stephanie’s presentation at Breaking Development in Dallas. Bloody brilliant.

Designing For Hackability » SlideShare

Brian Oberkirch's presentation from Webmaster Jam looks excellent.

Making The "Perfect" Cup of Tea » SlideShare

John Sutherland's excellent presentation from BarCamp Brighton.

How Not To Get Noticed » SlideShare

Slides based on a usability analysis of Wordpress by some of the Happy Coggers.

Dopplr Blog » Slides from the Reboot talk

Matt J's slides from his Reboot presentation on travel, serendipity and Dopplr.

The Implications of OpenID

Pausing for breath is for pussies. Simon's slides illustrate how to pack everything including the OpenID kitchen sink into 45 minutes.

JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture

Simon's slides from his talk at XTech on JavaScript libraries (which I missed). Good stuff contained within.