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responsive design
   making the best of old and new techniques

This presentation is...
• part case study
• part lessons learned
• part future-thinking
                                         sadly no longer online as
                                         of February 2013 :-(
       A small campaign site introducing three new web
       browsers for Nokia devices.

                       Opera Mini
           Nokia N97


       Site goals:
       • Inform end-users and industry
       • Prompt end-users to update their browser
       • Experiment with responsive design to support
        a global audience and wide range of target devices.

       Call to action: Update your browser!
70+ target Nokia devices

Symbian^3/Anna/MeeGo          Series 60                       Series 40
Touch (+ many w/ keyboards)   Touch and non-touch             Touch and non-touch
2008-present                  2006-present (S60 3rd FP 1/2)   2008-present (~S40 6th Edition)
WebKit browser                WebKit browser                  WebKit browser or
11 devices                    45 devices                      Nokia proxy browser
                                                              23 devices
                                                                            new browser
                                                                            being promoted
+ all the usual suspects

many Nokia users on S40 feature
phones still use Opera Mini

                                                    v 6.0+


                                  v. 7+

                            no support was planned for
                     legacy and/or XHTML-MP browsers

           < v 5.0     Obigo

                         Windows Mobile
                                           Nokia S40 Lite

                                          Internet Browser
UC Web

  popular Chinese
  proxy browser
Part 1: The design process

You can’t get there from here
Designing only pixel perfect mock-ups makes it
difficult near-impossible to then think responsively.
an emerging process


sketches/IA   basic visual        “live”         more         “live”
               mockups         responsive      sketches    responsive
                                mockup                      mockup



                                 “live” responsive     small visual mockups
                    yes      mockup to “reality check”  to discuss specific
                                 performance and          stylistic issues
                             progressive enhancement
message/          copy                       copy       content first
                                 draft 1                    draft 2


sketches/IA   basic visual        “live”         more         “live”
               mockups         responsive      sketches    responsive
                                mockup                      mockup



                                 “live” responsive     small visual mockups
                    yes      mockup to “reality check”  to discuss specific
                                 performance and          stylistic issues
                             progressive enhancement
If it’s layout prototype it.
(...on real devices to clarify changes in context and the
impact of native capabilities and viewport conditions)

If it’s visual design mock it up
(...but then prototype to determine performance, impact
of native fonts and em values, viewport conditions etc.)

       Too many to mention.
       Mental models in particular are getting in the way.
       We (our teams, our clients, their marketing departments
       etc.) still presume and expect we can control too much.
We have lots of counterproductive
behaviours we need to unlearn.
• Creating elaborate workarounds to suit (what you
  perceive) as edge case screen sizes or devices.

• Agonising over small differences in rendering and
  alignment (remember...each device you haven’t tested
  on will have its own quirks.)

• Creating elaborate reference lists of screen sizes,
  pixel densities in the belief that with enough data
  you can design for each device.
Part 2: The CSS strategy


      Mobile first
      Design for (the simplest) mobile browser first.

                                 the fact that it may
                                 be mobile doesn’t
                                 really maer...
The absence of a media query
is in fact, the first media query.
Bryan Rieger, Rethinking the Mobile Web
begin with a lightweight default

    fully flexible with default
B   styles for navigation, fonts,   key word here
    content and not defined          is ‘defined’...see
C                                   slide 26
    through media queries

      Embrace the cascade
      Don’t merely swap style sheets...let it cascade.

      This results in smaller subsequent style sheets,
      less duplication in declarations and is more efficient for
      the browser to parse (as it’s only dealing with deltas).
each style sheet augments the others
            breakpoint                             breakpoint
                     style sheet 1

                                                          augment original
       A                      A
                                               B          style sheet with
       B                             C
                                                          (only) the style
       C                                                  changes that are
                                                          needed to enhance
                                                          the layout

  < xx px wide               xx px to xxx px
  (or unable to
understand further
each style sheet augments the others
            breakpoint                             breakpoint                          breakpoint
                     style sheet 1                      style sheet 2

                                                          A        C
       A                      A                           B
                                               B                                            augment
       B                             C
                                                                                            again for
       C                                                                                    TVs etc.

  < xx px wide               xx px to xxx px                            >xxx px wide
  (or unable to
understand further

      Use major and minor breakpoints
      Create media queries inside of media queries.
content or

Why we call them major and minor breakpoints

                major layout
a common approach
                           One style sheet with media
                           queries on the inside.

    @media {
(min-width: 320px)

                     1 css file = 1 hp request,
    @media {         but includes unnecessary
(min-width: 480px)   style data that all devices
        }            end up downloading

    @media {
(min-width: 640px)

    @media {
(min-width: 768px)
a more robust option
                                                              Multiple style sheets with
                                                              media queries on the inside.

BREAKPOINTS                                    @                      @
IN DOCUMENT                                  320px                  720px
                basic.css                 enhanced.css          enhanced+.css

               (typically)                 @media {               @media {
               no media                (min-width: 480px)     (min-width: 768px)
WITHIN EACH      queries                       }                      }
                                           @media {
              but feel free to         (min-width: 640px)
              include some if you              }
              feel they can enhance
              the experience and
              are sure (!) they will
              graciously degrade on
              older browsers

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/basis.css"
media="screen, handheld" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/enhanced.css"
media="only screen and (min-width: 320px)" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/enhanced+.css"
media="only screen and (min-width: 720px)" />


@media screen and (min-width: 640px) {
  section ul li {
      width: 20%;
don’t multiple style sheets
cause multiple http requests?
     (which will affect performance)
Yes!...but (as we will see) we have
bigger issues...
but it’s just
                                                                         “one line of code”

                                 =      84Kb, ~10 http requests
                                        (or 1.340 Seconds) I’m wondering if he
                                                                            ran this test on a
            Facebook Like                                                   PC with broadband?

Source: Matthew Ogborne, Facebook Like Button = 84Kb or 1.340 Seconds?
More great examples on Steve Souders’ P3PC project site
3rd party requests don’t just include widgets,
they can also include:
•   ads
•   analytics
•   utilities (comment utilities, font hosting etc.)
•   libraries and polyfills
Many of these services are not yet mobile friendly.
(And many that claim they are, merely support certain mobile browsers.
They may not necessarily be lightweight or conscious of performance).
everything has dependencies
                                   Otherwise known as
                                   everyone has ‘partners’

Source: Luma Partners
Example: 1 line of code spawns 49 server calls (including 21 redirects)

 “What happens next is the scary part:
 You effectively lose all control.”
 - Web Performance Today, Fourth Party Calls
Each http request should add value!
If a few well chosen http requests enable you
to improve the experience-go for it.
(then take a long hard look at other requests that may be lurking)

      choosing breakpoints
There is no “perfect set” of breakpoints.
Set your breakpoints based on the needs of your layout
and (the legibility, weight and nature of) your content.
Cross-check these choices on your key devices.
(...80% of traffic in your analytics will often come from 20% of devices...seems a
shame not to ensure the site looks and works especially well on these devices).
major breakpoints
major layout changes

            Major Breakpoint 1                       Major Breakpoint 2
       (media query in document head)           (media query in document head)      Major Breakpoint 3
                                                                               (media query in document head)


                               320 px to 720 px wide                720 px to 1024 px

                       320                                  720
  < 320 px wide
 and/or unable to                                             nothing is
understand further                                            here...but
                                                                                                    some tablets
   instructions                                               that’s ok!
                                                                                                    most NetBooks
                 iPhone (P)                                                                         many Desktops
                 many Android (P)
                 many BlackBerry
                 S60 QWERTY
                 Most S60 (L)                                              (P) = Portrait
                 S40 QWERTY                                                (L) = Landscape
                                                                           (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
minor breakpoints
content-related tweaks

            Major Breakpoint 1                        Major Breakpoint 2
       (media query in document head)            (media query in document head)            Major Breakpoint 3
                                                                                      (media query in document head)

                                                  Minor                     Minor                                Minor
                                               Breakpoint                Breakpoint                           Breakpoint
                                                (@media)                  (@media)                             (@media)

                                                   645                          732                  1024

                                320 px to 720 px wide                    720 px to 1024 px                         body
                                                                                                                   copy is
                     320                                         720
  < 320 px wide                                                                                                    too large
 and/or unable to                                                  nothing is
understand further                                                 here...but     change in              some tablets
   instructions                                    adjust line     that’s ok!     image                  most NetBooks
                  iPhone (P)                       length                         alignment              many Desktops
                  many Android (P)
                  many BlackBerry
                  S60 QWERTY
                  Most S60 (L)                                                  (P) = Portrait
                  S40 QWERTY                                                    (L) = Landscape
                                                                                (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
minor breakpoints
key-device-related tweaks

            Major Breakpoint 1                             Major Breakpoint 2
       (media query in document head)                 (media query in document head)           Major Breakpoint 3
                                           Minor                                          (media query in document head)
 Minor Breakpoint
 for small devices               Minor                  Minor                   Minor
  w/media query               Breakpoint             Breakpoint              Breakpoint
      support                  (@media)               (@media)                (@media)

                                 360       480          645                         732                  1024

                                   320 px to 720 px wide                     720 px to 1024 px

                        320                                          720
  < 320 px wide                              target
 and/or unable to              target        device:                   nothing is
understand further             device:       Symbian                   here...but     change in
                               Symbian                                                                       some tablets
   instructions                              touch (L) adjust line     that’s ok!     image
                               touch (P)                                                                     most NetBooks
                     iPhone (P)                        length                         alignment              many Desktops
   Android (P)       many Android (P)
   many S40 (P)      many BlackBerry
   most S60 (P)      S60 QWERTY
                     Most S60 (L)                                                   (P) = Portrait
                     S40 QWERTY                                                     (L) = Landscape
                                                                                    (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
OMG...               ”
Existential question of the day:
Does it make sense to create a breakpoint
if there is no known device with that
screen size?
(...or put more bluntly is it worth setting a breakpoint
just so stuff looks pretty when you resize your
desktop browser?)
Follow-up question:
Does it therefore make sense to create a
breakpoint just because there IS a known
device with that screen size?
Answer: Yes, and yes...
• Be pragmatic. If content looks ‘wrong’ at a given screen
  size on the desktop, fix it (there’s probably a device out
  there that will match those conditions).

• Anticipate problems. Leave breathing space and don’t
  micro-manage the layout.

• If the layout keeps breaking during testing, that’s a sign
  that your tolerance for diversity may be too
  low...consider changing the design!
real-world major and minor breakpoints
primarily content-focussed but with a pragmatic
eye on our project’s target devices

Default          Major Breakpoint 1
No media query   321 - 720 px

                 Major Breakpoint 2
                 721 px onwards
 image omitted to
                     layout is primarily
 reduce page
                     centered and now includes
 weight and
                     background image
 reduce risk on
 older devices

Default             Major Breakpoint 1
No media query      321 - 720 px

                       ‘desktop’ layout
                       including floats

                    Major Breakpoint 2
                    721 px onwards
Note: Screenshots
taken on a Mac for                                         minor

                     Minor Breakpoint
                     @360 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch)

                              Minor Breakpoint
                              @480 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch)

                                     Minor Breakpoint
                                     @768 px (cross-checked for iPad)
Minor Breakpoint
Note: Screenshots                                 @360 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch)
taken on a Mac for       50%               50%

                                 45%                   aligned bottom

                               70%               30%
                                                                   background aligned top

                                                             Minor Breakpoint
                                       50%                   @480 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch)

                               55%                 45%

     custom Nokia font                     3em
                                      line                         background x-position
                                      height                       adjustment

                                                                    Minor Breakpoint
                                                                    @768 px (cross-checked for iPad)
alignment (top/bottom) and x-position
                                               adjusted to suit the content (image)
                                               and context (screen size)

                                                                               image slides
                                                                               up and down
                                                                               more (or less)
                                                                               of the content

        responsive divider implemented using border-image
        (degrades gracefully on all but IE)

Component adapts to suit differing browser environments
e.g. slight differences in layout caused by different viewport implementations,
differing baseline em values, wider/narrower native fonts, padding and
margin variations etc.
...but remember
Media queries are wonderfully versatile but screen
size is only one factor to consider.

Screen size rarely aligns with browser (or device)

           when queried, these devices will all return a 320 pixel wide viewport
                    value but each have vastly different browsers

                                                 • good CSS and        • strong CSS and
                         • very basic CSS            JavaScript         JavaScript support
                             and JavaScript
                         •   no touch screen
                                                 •   no touch screen    but using proxy
  • advanced CSS                                 •   early WebKit       browser such as
      and JavaScript     •   XHTML MP
                                                                        Opera Mini
  •   touch events
  •   modern WebKit
Responsive design will only get you half way.
Always pair responsive design with a feature detection
and adaptation strategy.
  Media queries detect
  screen size and serve
size-appropriate layouts
  and basic behaviours

    layout          sized

  basic look        basic
   and feel      functionality
STEP 1                            STEP 2
  Media queries detect                  Feature detection
  screen size and serve              clarifies actual browser
size-appropriate layouts             capabilities and enables
  and basic behaviours               further enhancements

                                     enhanced look    functionality
    layout          sized
                                        and feel     enhancements

                                                     someday we’ll
                                      (even) more
                                                     (hopefully) be
  basic look        basic                            able to detect
                                       graphics or
   and feel      functionality                        other useful
                                     media formats
                                                        stuff like
                                        (e.g. SVG)

      The more (accurate) information you can
      detect, the more intelligently you can adapt.
      Client-side feature detection is only one of the tools
      you can use.
      Others include device databases, user agent strings and
      your own (domain and region-specific) tacit knowledge.

      Why should we need our own tacit
      knowledge when we can detect browser
      capabilities using JavaScript or libraries
      such as Modernizr?
      Because ‘support’ is rarely a binary thing.
      Also....some browsers lie.

      More information about feature detection, can be found in Bryan’s
      Breaking Development presentation: Adaptation
Part 3: responsive content & media

Optimize front-end performance first,
that's where 80% or more of the end-user
response time is spent.
— Yahoo: The importance of front-end performance
“       Optimize front-end performance first,
                that's where 80% or more of the end-user
                response time is spent.
                — Yahoo: The importance of front-end performance

                    This was written with the desktop in mind...
                    research suggests performance impact on
                    mobile is closer to 97%.

Web Performance Today: 97% of mobile end-user response time happens on the client
and yet...
most responsive image techniques
are primarily client-side

                                                 fetching new images =
                                                 extra hp requests
                                                 and latency

                                   2. request
                                   new image

               1. detect           3. done! we
               screen              have the
               size                right image
often imposing
a heavy burden on
constrained devices          3. adapt
                             markup                   fetching new images =
                                                      extra hp requests
                                                      and latency

                                        4. request
                                        new image
                 2. spider
                 the DOM
                                        5. repaint,
                                        reflow as
                 1. detect
                 size                   6. done! we
                                        have the
                                        right image

      Serving more appropriate* images to
      constrained devices
      A pragmatic approach using both server and client.

      *the nature of an “appropriate image” is complicated. To better understand the problem, and
      what standards bodies are hoping to do to solve it, we recommend reading A framework for
      discussing responsive images by Jason Grigsby
STRATEGY         server
                                              determine basic device
                                              capabilities then choose/adapt
                                              and conditionally load most
                   appropriate mark-up...

                         server-side pre-processing delivers
                         the most appropriate markup,
                         images and scripts on initial load

                                 just-in-time tweaks
                                 clarifies device capabilities (using
                                 feature detection) and adapts on the
                client           fly as needed (e.g. on reorientation,
                                 new data, dynamic components)
to determine necessary
properties such as
screen size                    UA string
                  database    to identify device
                               and therefore,
                                 screen size

                                                   see Bryan’s Adaptation
HEAVY LIFTING                                      presentation for greater
                             device request        detail on this technique
to determine necessary
properties such as
screen size                    UA string                        to override the
                                                                occasional property
                   device                                       based on real-world
                                                                or project-specific
                  database    to identify device
                                                   tacit data   knowledge
                               and therefore,
                                 screen size

                                                     see Bryan’s Adaptation
HEAVY LIFTING                                        presentation for greater
                             device request          detail on this technique
to determine necessary
properties such as
screen size                                       UA string                         to override the
                                                                                    occasional property
                   device                                                           based on real-world
                                                                                    or project-specific
                  database                   to identify device
                                                                       tacit data   knowledge
                                              and therefore,
                                                screen size

         data                                           application
                                 generate final               cookie

                                                                         see Bryan’s Adaptation
HEAVY LIFTING                                                            presentation for greater
                                                                         detail on this technique
final markup

                                   cookie containing
           resource bundle         device profile
           containing references
           needed for future
           client-side tweaks

                                         device gets the most
                                         appropriate images
                                             on first load

                                          (in most cases)
                                      no additional client-side
                                       processing is required

on as-needed basis

images etc.

client-side                              new media is
                                         only fetched if
TWEAKS                                  actually needed
                                            updated device
                                            profile cookie sent
on as-needed basis                          back to server

                                   swaps images/media


                                     changes layout
                                     and other styles

                  uses onResize event
             (because onOrientation change
               doesn’t work on all devices)

         JavaScript also swaps images when
        screen is resized. This enables you to
        test adaptation on desktop browsers!

      This technique isn’t just good for images...
      you can use it to implement other useful
      (progressive) enhancements.
      These include specifying:
      • more appropriate image formats (e.g. SVG)
      • mobile-friendly alternates for 3rd party widgets
      • alternative functional components (e.g. form elements)
      • alternate content representations (e.g. visual
        alternatives to complex tabular data)

      A simple content enhancement
      “One Web” is a great ideal, but sometimes, adding or
      removing content based on device/user context can
      dramatically improve the experience.
Provide each user with customized download
instructions based on detection of their browser version.
• increases likelihood of a download
• reduces the amount of stuff users need to read/
UA string

                                       determine device platform
                                          (e.g. S60 3rd Edition)


                      determine device platform          determine device model
                       (in cases where UA string            (e.g. Nokia N8-00)
                           doesn’t provide it)                                        so we can
                                                                                       do this...

                                                                                choose appropriate device-
                                                                              specific message (populated with
                                                                                   device model number)

                                generate final              enhance existing content with
                                      markup                  device-specific message

Note: Content was merely enhanced
(not swapped entirely) as we expected
certain people would visit the site from
one device (e.g. a PC) but need to review
download instructions for another
Server-side adaptation pain points
•   reliance on cookies
•   reliance on external data
•   say good-bye to the intelligent default
•   CDNs anyone?

       Reliance on cookies
       • what happens if cookies are disabled?
       • what do we do about the EU Cookie Directive?

       What about unknown devices?
       • what happens to new devices that are not yet in a
         device database or your collection of tacit knowledge?
         (...the reality is, no method is perfect, combining server-side and
         client-side detection helps plug the gaps)
TIP - don’t panic

         an 80/20 approach will get you quite far
         • on many site, 80% of traffic seems to come
             from about 20% of devices
         •   of the other 20%, most are known devices
         •   regularly reviewing your logs can help catch
             whatever is left

       Say goodbye to the ‘intelligent default’
       • how do we create intelligent default content or
         behaviours when there is no longer a ‘normal/
         average/typical’ screen size or even a ‘typical’ device?
mobile first?

                <something-or-other> just-in-time

desktop first?

       CDNs anyone?
       • CDNs currently couldn’t care less about changes in
           device context. A URL is presumed to represent a single,
           cacheable resource.
       •   Will aggressive caching turn into a problem?

       (Would we even have created CDNs, or have designed them
       quite differently if content had been variable, based on
       device context from the very start?)
Part 4: design workflows

Some key goals when designing multi-
context image-sets
• visual consistency in the given context
• message clarity & thematic consistency across contexts
• appropriate image weight for each context
visual consistency (in the given context)

                                            not so
                                            much here

                    of graphical
message clarity & thematic consistency
across contexts



we began with
a “normal” workflow
each graphic designed
       in one context
                  enables you to
                  design and
                  export different
                  sizes from one
                  single artboard

  but rapidly switched to
a more context-sensitive

          Designing graphics together provides
          a more global and contextual view.
          • Helped eliminate alignment errors, continuity issues etc.
          • Helped maintain thematic consistency. Images don’t
            have to be identical but the overall message should
            not be lost.

          • Tip: Don’t forget that you can also vary file types
            (e.g. PNG, JPG) to increase performance at certain sizes.

       It’s still not flexible enough...
       Graphical design tools enabling the use of variables,
       conditionals etc. would be really nice right about now.
Part 5: embrace opportunities

We realised half way through the project that
with only minor changes, we could support
another 80-100 Nokia feature phones.
Many of these older, low-end devices would also be
eligible to update to the new (proxy-based) Nokia
Browser for mobile phones.
UA string
                                                        get information out
                                 database                   to more people
                            determine device

                      everyone              older S40
                        else                 devices
                                                                      change doctype from
 no change required                                                   HTML5 to XHTML MP
   to mobile first
responsive approach                                                       serve a lightweight
                                                                          CSS MP style sheet

 generate final                                          generate final
       markup                                            markup

       User agent strings are not evil.
       User agent strings can be incredibly useful so long
       as you understand their limitations and use them
       to enhance rather than exclude.
So how did it go?
So how did it go?
Within five days of our (soft) launch...
the site had been visited by people from

133 countries
on 51 different
 Nokia devices
(and of course many non-
     Nokia devices)
oldest                                     smallest

          Nokia N70         Nokia 1680
            XHTML MP         XHTML MP
           176 x 208 px     128 x 160 px
              2005             2008

         3 of these users                  including the odd
         were in the US!
                                           unexpected ones
So far...the most popular page
(just behind the home page) is the page with
instructions to update your browser :-)
a few final words...
on being pragmatic

        Perform a cost-benefit analysis
        for every technique you use.
on being pragmatic

        Old doesn’t mean bad and new
        doesn’t mean good.
        If a technique does more good than
        bad it’s fair game.
        (Until a significantly better one comes along.)
on being pragmatic

        ...develop your mobile strategy
        but in the meantime...there are
        useful things you can do today
STEP 1                STEP 2                    STEP 3
Review your traffic     Test your site on those   Develop an action plan
logs and determine    devices and determine     to address common issues
what mobile devices   where the experience      such as these:
are accessing your    breaks down
site today                                      • key content that is only
                                                    accessible on hover
                                                •   key controls that are too
                                                    small to manipulate on
                                                    touch screens
                                                •   modal windows that
                                                    become unusable on small
                                                •   unnecessary http requests
                                                •   unnecessarily heavy
                                                    graphics and media


contact u
                                                  thank you

             many thanks to the
             amazing photographers




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Pragmatic responsive design

  • 1. pragmatic responsive design making the best of old and new techniques
  • 2. This presentation is... • part case study • part lessons learned • part future-thinking
  • 3. THE CASE STUDY sadly no longer online as of February 2013 :-( A small campaign site introducing three new web browsers for Nokia devices.
  • 4. Chrome Opera Mini Nokia N97 iPad
  • 5. THE CASE STUDY Site goals: • Inform end-users and industry • Prompt end-users to update their browser • Experiment with responsive design to support a global audience and wide range of target devices. Call to action: Update your browser!
  • 6. 70+ target Nokia devices Symbian^3/Anna/MeeGo Series 60 Series 40 Touch (+ many w/ keyboards) Touch and non-touch Touch and non-touch 2008-present 2006-present (S60 3rd FP 1/2) 2008-present (~S40 6th Edition) WebKit browser WebKit browser WebKit browser or 11 devices 45 devices Nokia proxy browser 23 devices new browser being promoted
  • 7. + all the usual suspects many Nokia users on S40 feature phones still use Opera Mini v 6.0+ mobile v. 7+ desktop
  • 8. initially no support was planned for legacy and/or XHTML-MP browsers < v 5.0 Obigo Windows Mobile Nokia S40 Lite Browser Internet Browser UC Web popular Chinese proxy browser
  • 9. Part 1: The design process
  • 10. You can’t get there from here Designing only pixel perfect mock-ups makes it difficult near-impossible to then think responsively.
  • 11. an emerging process etc... sketches/IA basic visual “live” more “live” mockups responsive sketches responsive mockup mockup no ok? “live” responsive small visual mockups yes mockup to “reality check” to discuss specific performance and stylistic issues progressive enhancement
  • 12. message/ copy copy content first draft 1 draft 2 brand/ strategy etc... sketches/IA basic visual “live” more “live” mockups responsive sketches responsive mockup mockup no ok? “live” responsive small visual mockups yes mockup to “reality check” to discuss specific performance and stylistic issues progressive enhancement
  • 13. If it’s layout prototype it. (...on real devices to clarify changes in context and the impact of native capabilities and viewport conditions) If it’s visual design mock it up (...but then prototype to determine performance, impact of native fonts and em values, viewport conditions etc.)
  • 14. PAIN POINT Too many to mention. Mental models in particular are getting in the way. We (our teams, our clients, their marketing departments etc.) still presume and expect we can control too much.
  • 15. We have lots of counterproductive behaviours we need to unlearn. • Creating elaborate workarounds to suit (what you perceive) as edge case screen sizes or devices. • Agonising over small differences in rendering and alignment (remember...each device you haven’t tested on will have its own quirks.) • Creating elaborate reference lists of screen sizes, pixel densities in the belief that with enough data you can design for each device. etc...
  • 16. Part 2: The CSS strategy
  • 17. TECHNIQUE Mobile first Design for (the simplest) mobile browser first. the fact that it may be mobile doesn’t really maer...
  • 18. “ The absence of a media query is in fact, the first media query. Bryan Rieger, Rethinking the Mobile Web
  • 19. begin with a lightweight default A fully flexible with default B styles for navigation, fonts, key word here content and not defined is ‘defined’...see C slide 26 through media queries
  • 20. TECHNIQUE Embrace the cascade Don’t merely swap style sheets...let it cascade. This results in smaller subsequent style sheets, less duplication in declarations and is more efficient for the browser to parse (as it’s only dealing with deltas).
  • 21. each style sheet augments the others breakpoint breakpoint style sheet 1 augment original A A B style sheet with B C (only) the style C changes that are needed to enhance the layout < xx px wide xx px to xxx px (or unable to understand further instructions)
  • 22. each style sheet augments the others breakpoint breakpoint breakpoint style sheet 1 style sheet 2 A C A A B B augment B C once again for C TVs etc. < xx px wide xx px to xxx px >xxx px wide (or unable to understand further instructions)
  • 23. TECHNIQUE Use major and minor breakpoints Create media queries inside of media queries.
  • 24. content or component-specific tweaks Why we call them major and minor breakpoints major layout changes
  • 25. a common approach One style sheet with media queries on the inside. styles.css @media { (min-width: 320px) } 1 css file = 1 hp request, @media { but includes unnecessary (min-width: 480px) style data that all devices } end up downloading @media { (min-width: 640px) } @media { (min-width: 768px) }
  • 26. a more robust option Multiple style sheets with media queries on the inside. MAJOR BREAKPOINTS @ @ IN DOCUMENT 320px 720px HEAD basic.css enhanced.css enhanced+.css MINOR (typically) @media { @media { BREAKPOINTS no media (min-width: 480px) (min-width: 768px) WITHIN EACH queries } } STYLE SHEET @media { but feel free to (min-width: 640px) include some if you } feel they can enhance the experience and are sure (!) they will graciously degrade on older browsers
  • 27. MAJOR BREAKPOINTS IN DOCUMENT HEAD <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/basis.css" media="screen, handheld" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/enhanced.css" media="only screen and (min-width: 320px)" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/enhanced+.css" media="only screen and (min-width: 720px)" /> MINOR BREAKPOINTS AS NEEDED WITHIN EACH STYLE SHEET @media screen and (min-width: 640px) { section ul li { width: 20%; } }
  • 28. don’t multiple style sheets cause multiple http requests? (which will affect performance)
  • 29. Yes!...but (as we will see) we have bigger issues...
  • 30. but it’s just “one line of code” = 84Kb, ~10 http requests (or 1.340 Seconds) I’m wondering if he ran this test on a Facebook Like PC with broadband? Button Source: Matthew Ogborne, Facebook Like Button = 84Kb or 1.340 Seconds? More great examples on Steve Souders’ P3PC project site
  • 31. 3rd party requests don’t just include widgets, they can also include: • ads • analytics • utilities (comment utilities, font hosting etc.) • libraries and polyfills Many of these services are not yet mobile friendly. (And many that claim they are, merely support certain mobile browsers. They may not necessarily be lightweight or conscious of performance).
  • 32. everything has dependencies Otherwise known as everyone has ‘partners’ Source: Luma Partners
  • 33. Example: 1 line of code spawns 49 server calls (including 21 redirects) “What happens next is the scary part: You effectively lose all control.” - Web Performance Today, Fourth Party Calls
  • 34. Conclusion Each http request should add value! If a few well chosen http requests enable you to improve the experience-go for it. (then take a long hard look at other requests that may be lurking)
  • 35. TECHNIQUE choosing breakpoints
  • 36. Disclaimer There is no “perfect set” of breakpoints. Set your breakpoints based on the needs of your layout and (the legibility, weight and nature of) your content. Cross-check these choices on your key devices. (...80% of traffic in your analytics will often come from 20% of devices...seems a shame not to ensure the site looks and works especially well on these devices).
  • 37. major breakpoints major layout changes Major Breakpoint 1 Major Breakpoint 2 (media query in document head) (media query in document head) Major Breakpoint 3 (media query in document head) 1024 320 px to 720 px wide 720 px to 1024 px 320 720 < 320 px wide and/or unable to nothing is understand further here...but some tablets instructions that’s ok! most NetBooks iPhone (P) many Desktops many Android (P) many BlackBerry S60 QWERTY Most S60 (L) (P) = Portrait S40 QWERTY (L) = Landscape (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
  • 38. minor breakpoints content-related tweaks Major Breakpoint 1 Major Breakpoint 2 (media query in document head) (media query in document head) Major Breakpoint 3 (media query in document head) Minor Minor Minor Breakpoint Breakpoint Breakpoint (@media) (@media) (@media) TVs 645 732 1024 320 px to 720 px wide 720 px to 1024 px body copy is 320 720 < 320 px wide too large and/or unable to nothing is understand further here...but change in some tablets instructions adjust line that’s ok! image most NetBooks iPhone (P) length alignment many Desktops many Android (P) many BlackBerry S60 QWERTY Most S60 (L) (P) = Portrait S40 QWERTY (L) = Landscape (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
  • 39. minor breakpoints key-device-related tweaks Major Breakpoint 1 Major Breakpoint 2 (media query in document head) (media query in document head) Major Breakpoint 3 Minor (media query in document head) Breakpoint Minor Breakpoint (@media) for small devices Minor Minor Minor w/media query Breakpoint Breakpoint Breakpoint support (@media) (@media) (@media) 360 480 645 732 1024 320 px to 720 px wide 720 px to 1024 px 320 720 < 320 px wide target and/or unable to target device: nothing is understand further device: Symbian here...but change in Symbian some tablets instructions touch (L) adjust line that’s ok! image touch (P) most NetBooks iPhone (P) length alignment many Desktops some Android (P) many Android (P) many S40 (P) many BlackBerry most S60 (P) S60 QWERTY Most S60 (L) (P) = Portrait S40 QWERTY (L) = Landscape (L*) = Landscape w/ native viewport adaptation
  • 40. OMG... ”
  • 41. Existential question of the day: Does it make sense to create a breakpoint if there is no known device with that screen size? (...or put more bluntly is it worth setting a breakpoint just so stuff looks pretty when you resize your desktop browser?)
  • 42. Follow-up question: Does it therefore make sense to create a breakpoint just because there IS a known device with that screen size?
  • 43. Answer: Yes, and yes... • Be pragmatic. If content looks ‘wrong’ at a given screen size on the desktop, fix it (there’s probably a device out there that will match those conditions). • Anticipate problems. Leave breathing space and don’t micro-manage the layout. • If the layout keeps breaking during testing, that’s a sign that your tolerance for diversity may be too low...consider changing the design!
  • 44. example real-world major and minor breakpoints primarily content-focussed but with a pragmatic eye on our project’s target devices
  • 45. major breakpoints Default Major Breakpoint 1 No media query 321 - 720 px Major Breakpoint 2 721 px onwards
  • 46. major breakpoints background image omitted to layout is primarily reduce page centered and now includes weight and background image reduce risk on older devices Default Major Breakpoint 1 No media query 321 - 720 px ‘desktop’ layout including floats Major Breakpoint 2 721 px onwards
  • 47. Note: Screenshots taken on a Mac for minor demonstration purposes. breakpoints Minor Breakpoint @360 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch) Minor Breakpoint @480 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch) Minor Breakpoint @768 px (cross-checked for iPad)
  • 48. Minor Breakpoint Note: Screenshots @360 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch) taken on a Mac for 50% 50% demonstration purposes. background 45% aligned bottom 70% 30% background aligned top Minor Breakpoint 50% @480 px (cross-checked for Nokia touch) 55% 45% custom Nokia font 3em line background x-position height adjustment Minor Breakpoint 30% @768 px (cross-checked for iPad)
  • 49. alignment (top/bottom) and x-position adjusted to suit the content (image) and context (screen size) image slides up and down revealing more (or less) of the content responsive divider implemented using border-image (degrades gracefully on all but IE) Component adapts to suit differing browser environments e.g. slight differences in layout caused by different viewport implementations, differing baseline em values, wider/narrower native fonts, padding and margin variations etc.
  • 50. ...but remember Media queries are wonderfully versatile but screen size is only one factor to consider. Screen size rarely aligns with browser (or device) capabilities.
  • 51. PAIN POINT when queried, these devices will all return a 320 pixel wide viewport value but each have vastly different browsers • good CSS and • strong CSS and • very basic CSS JavaScript JavaScript support and JavaScript • no touch screen • no touch screen but using proxy • advanced CSS • early WebKit browser such as and JavaScript • XHTML MP Opera Mini • touch events • modern WebKit
  • 52. Responsive design will only get you half way. Always pair responsive design with a feature detection and adaptation strategy.
  • 53. STEP 1 Media queries detect screen size and serve size-appropriate layouts and basic behaviours appropriately layout sized backgrounds basic look basic and feel functionality
  • 54. STEP 1 STEP 2 Media queries detect Feature detection screen size and serve clarifies actual browser size-appropriate layouts capabilities and enables and basic behaviours further enhancements + appropriately enhanced look functionality layout sized and feel enhancements backgrounds someday we’ll (even) more (hopefully) be appropriate basic look basic able to detect graphics or and feel functionality other useful media formats stuff like (e.g. SVG) bandwidth
  • 55. TIP The more (accurate) information you can detect, the more intelligently you can adapt. Client-side feature detection is only one of the tools you can use. Others include device databases, user agent strings and your own (domain and region-specific) tacit knowledge.
  • 56. TIP Why should we need our own tacit knowledge when we can detect browser capabilities using JavaScript or libraries such as Modernizr? Because ‘support’ is rarely a binary thing. Also....some browsers lie.
  • 57. TIP More information about feature detection, can be found in Bryan’s Breaking Development presentation: Adaptation
  • 58. Part 3: responsive content & media
  • 59. “ Optimize front-end performance first, that's where 80% or more of the end-user response time is spent. — Yahoo: The importance of front-end performance
  • 60. Optimize front-end performance first, that's where 80% or more of the end-user response time is spent. — Yahoo: The importance of front-end performance This was written with the desktop in mind... research suggests performance impact on mobile is closer to 97%. Web Performance Today: 97% of mobile end-user response time happens on the client
  • 62. most responsive image techniques are primarily client-side fetching new images = extra hp requests and latency 2. request new image 1. detect 3. done! we screen have the size right image
  • 63. often imposing a heavy burden on constrained devices 3. adapt markup fetching new images = extra hp requests and latency 4. request new image 2. spider the DOM 5. repaint, reflow as needed 1. detect screen size 6. done! we have the right image
  • 64. TECHNIQUE Serving more appropriate* images to constrained devices A pragmatic approach using both server and client. *the nature of an “appropriate image” is complicated. To better understand the problem, and what standards bodies are hoping to do to solve it, we recommend reading A framework for discussing responsive images by Jason Grigsby
  • 65. heavy-lifting STRATEGY server determine basic device capabilities then choose/adapt and conditionally load most appropriate mark-up... delivery server-side pre-processing delivers the most appropriate markup, images and scripts on initial load just-in-time tweaks clarifies device capabilities (using feature detection) and adapts on the client fly as needed (e.g. on reorientation, new data, dynamic components)
  • 66. to determine necessary properties such as screen size UA string device database to identify device and therefore, screen size see Bryan’s Adaptation HEAVY LIFTING presentation for greater device request detail on this technique
  • 67. to determine necessary properties such as screen size UA string to override the occasional property device based on real-world or project-specific database to identify device tacit data knowledge and therefore, screen size see Bryan’s Adaptation HEAVY LIFTING presentation for greater device request detail on this technique
  • 68. to determine necessary properties such as screen size UA string to override the occasional property device based on real-world or project-specific database to identify device tacit data knowledge and therefore, screen size data application video logic generate final cookie markup images see Bryan’s Adaptation HEAVY LIFTING presentation for greater detail on this technique
  • 69. final markup cookie containing resource bundle device profile containing references needed for future client-side tweaks device gets the most appropriate images on first load (in most cases) no additional client-side processing is required DELIVERY
  • 70. client-side TWEAKS on as-needed basis on orientation change
  • 71. images etc. client-side new media is only fetched if TWEAKS actually needed updated device profile cookie sent on as-needed basis back to server JavaScript swaps images/media on orientation change @media changes layout and other styles
  • 72. BONUS uses onResize event (because onOrientation change doesn’t work on all devices) JavaScript also swaps images when screen is resized. This enables you to test adaptation on desktop browsers!
  • 74. TIP This technique isn’t just good for images... you can use it to implement other useful (progressive) enhancements. These include specifying: • more appropriate image formats (e.g. SVG) • mobile-friendly alternates for 3rd party widgets • alternative functional components (e.g. form elements) • alternate content representations (e.g. visual alternatives to complex tabular data)
  • 75. EXAMPLE A simple content enhancement “One Web” is a great ideal, but sometimes, adding or removing content based on device/user context can dramatically improve the experience.
  • 76. Scenario: Provide each user with customized download instructions based on detection of their browser version. Benefits: • increases likelihood of a download • reduces the amount of stuff users need to read/ understand
  • 77. UA string determine device platform (e.g. S60 3rd Edition) device database determine device platform determine device model (in cases where UA string (e.g. Nokia N8-00) doesn’t provide it) so we can do this... choose appropriate device- specific message (populated with device model number) generate final enhance existing content with markup device-specific message Note: Content was merely enhanced (not swapped entirely) as we expected certain people would visit the site from one device (e.g. a PC) but need to review download instructions for another
  • 78. Server-side adaptation pain points • reliance on cookies • reliance on external data • say good-bye to the intelligent default • CDNs anyone?
  • 79. PAIN POINT Reliance on cookies • what happens if cookies are disabled? • what do we do about the EU Cookie Directive?
  • 80. PAIN POINT What about unknown devices? • what happens to new devices that are not yet in a device database or your collection of tacit knowledge? (...the reality is, no method is perfect, combining server-side and client-side detection helps plug the gaps)
  • 81. TIP - don’t panic an 80/20 approach will get you quite far • on many site, 80% of traffic seems to come from about 20% of devices • of the other 20%, most are known devices • regularly reviewing your logs can help catch whatever is left
  • 82. PAIN POINT Say goodbye to the ‘intelligent default’ • how do we create intelligent default content or behaviours when there is no longer a ‘normal/ average/typical’ screen size or even a ‘typical’ device?
  • 83. mobile first? <something-or-other> just-in-time desktop first?
  • 84. PAIN POINT CDNs anyone? • CDNs currently couldn’t care less about changes in device context. A URL is presumed to represent a single, cacheable resource. • Will aggressive caching turn into a problem? (Would we even have created CDNs, or have designed them quite differently if content had been variable, based on device context from the very start?)
  • 85. Part 4: design workflows
  • 86. Some key goals when designing multi- context image-sets • visual consistency in the given context • message clarity & thematic consistency across contexts • appropriate image weight for each context
  • 87. visual consistency (in the given context) not so much here alignment of graphical elements maers here
  • 88. message clarity & thematic consistency across contexts largest larger small
  • 89. we began with a “normal” workflow
  • 90. each graphic designed in one context
  • 91. Adobe Fireworks enables you to design and export different sizes from one single artboard but rapidly switched to a more context-sensitive approach approach
  • 92. Benefits Designing graphics together provides a more global and contextual view. • Helped eliminate alignment errors, continuity issues etc. • Helped maintain thematic consistency. Images don’t have to be identical but the overall message should not be lost. • Tip: Don’t forget that you can also vary file types (e.g. PNG, JPG) to increase performance at certain sizes.
  • 93. PAIN POINT It’s still not flexible enough... Graphical design tools enabling the use of variables, conditionals etc. would be really nice right about now.
  • 94. Part 5: embrace opportunities
  • 95. We realised half way through the project that with only minor changes, we could support another 80-100 Nokia feature phones. Many of these older, low-end devices would also be eligible to update to the new (proxy-based) Nokia Browser for mobile phones.
  • 96. UA string Goal: get information out device database to more people determine device platform everyone older S40 else devices change doctype from no change required HTML5 to XHTML MP to mobile first responsive approach serve a lightweight CSS MP style sheet generate final generate final markup markup
  • 97. Reminder User agent strings are not evil. User agent strings can be incredibly useful so long as you understand their limitations and use them to enhance rather than exclude.
  • 98. So how did it go?
  • 99. So how did it go? Within five days of our (soft) launch...
  • 100. the site had been visited by people from 133 countries
  • 101. on 51 different Nokia devices (and of course many non- Nokia devices)
  • 102. oldest smallest Nokia N70 Nokia 1680 XHTML MP XHTML MP 176 x 208 px 128 x 160 px 2005 2008 3 of these users including the odd were in the US! unexpected ones
  • 103. So far...the most popular page (just behind the home page) is the page with instructions to update your browser :-)
  • 104. a few final words...
  • 105. on being pragmatic Perform a cost-benefit analysis for every technique you use.
  • 106. on being pragmatic Old doesn’t mean bad and new doesn’t mean good. If a technique does more good than bad it’s fair game. (Until a significantly better one comes along.)
  • 107. on being pragmatic ...develop your mobile strategy but in the meantime...there are useful things you can do today
  • 108. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Review your traffic Test your site on those Develop an action plan logs and determine devices and determine to address common issues what mobile devices where the experience such as these: are accessing your breaks down site today • key content that is only accessible on hover • key controls that are too small to manipulate on touch screens • modal windows that become unusable on small screens • unnecessary http requests • unnecessarily heavy graphics and media repeat...
  • 109. @yiibu s contact u at [email protected] thank you many thanks to the amazing photographers on