Link tags: liveblog



Patterns Day notes

Stuart took copious notes during every single talk at Patterns Day—what a star!

The Way of the Web | Jeremy Keith | Hooked On Code

Here are Torre’s notes on my talk at An Event Apart Seattle. (She’s been liveblogging all the talks.)

LukeW | An Event Apart: Evaluating Technology

Luke is a live-blogging machine. Here’s the notes he made during my talk at An Event Apart Seattle.

If it reads like a rambling hodge-podge of unconnected thoughts, I could say that you had to be there …but it kinda was a rambling hodge-podge of unconnected thoughts.

Posts from June 19th 2015 | Blog | Decade City

Orde liveblogged every single talk from Responsive Day Out 3!

Posts from March 1st 2013 on Decade City

A blow-by-blow account of the Responsive Day Out by Orde Saunders who liveblogged the whole thing.

LukeW | An Event Apart: All Our Yesterdays

Luke’s notes from my talk about long-term thinking and online preservation at An Event Apart in Boston.

isolani - Javascript: @Media Ajax - Day one

Mike has published his notes from day one of @media Ajax in London.

An Event Apart: San Francisco [Day 2] blogging

Wesley Hodgson liveblogged the talk I just gave at An Event Apart San Francisco — Patterns in the process.

An Event Apart 2008 | The Web Life |

Follow the fun at An Event Apart San Francisco thanks to the diligent liveblogging of Andrew Mager. The man's a machine!

Licence to Roam » BarcampBrighton - Portable Information

Liveblogged notes from a discussion I participated in at BarCamp Brighton 2 about Social Network Portability.