Link tags: responsiveconf



Using Quantity Queries to write content-aware CSS - tomango

Another take on the kind of quantity queries that Charlotte has been experimenting with for a while now. It all goes back to the nth-child stuff that Heydon was talking about at Responsive Day Out

Responsive Day Out 3 | codebar

Rosa has written an account of the third and final Responsive Day Out for the Codebar blog (I gave free passes to Codebar students).

As codebar is an event aimed at encouraging diversity in tech we were pleased that there were so many inspiring female speakers on the bill. To us it signifies women holding strong presence in this industry. It is encouraging for other women either starting out or further into careers, when it is actively projected that women should be present, seen, heard and their knowledge shared.

Report: Responsive Day Out 3 - JH

This is a lovely report not just on the most recent Responsive Day Out, but on all three years:

The final outing delivered a diverse range of topics to reveal the state of responsive web design in 2015 and complete a hat-trick of superb conferences.

Before Sunrise :: Responsive Day Out

Another great in-depth round-up of the third and final Responsive Day Out, this time from Katja Durrani.

A few thoughts on Responsive Day Out 3

It’s rare for me to visit a conference and come away thinking that everyone gave a great presentation. This was that conference. Nice one.

Where Do We Go From Here?, From the Notebook of Aaron Gustafson

The full text of Aaron’s magnificent closing keynote from Responsive Day Out.

Responsive Day Out: The Final Breakpoint –

A great round-up of Responsive Day Out 3:

The conference only lasted one day but came packed with the insane number of 12 speakers in total. There was only one speaker track, so you got to see all of them during the day — no hard choices to make. It was highly compressed, almost overwhelming knowledge hammering into my brain, in a density that I had rarely experienced before. It was awesome!

adactio : responsiveconf3 on Huffduffer

Just over 48 hours since the third and final Responsive Day Out finished, and all of the audio is available! Here’s the podcast feed.

That Drew is something else.

Responsive Day Out 3 by adactio on SoundCloud

If you were at Responsive Day Out on Friday and you liked the music that was playing during the breaks, here’s the track listing. Creative Commons licensed.

Responsive day out 3: the final breakpoint |

A fantastically-detailed write up of the whole day out. Each talk is described, and then the threads are tied together at the end. Great stuff!

As may have become clear from my notes above, Responsive Day Out 3 was a day full of variety. I had the feeling it could have easily been called Web Day Out, and I guess that makes sense, as responsive web design has naturally grown to be a pleonasm in the past few years.

Posts from June 19th 2015 | Blog | Decade City

Orde liveblogged every single talk from Responsive Day Out 3!

» Responsive Field Day Portland! Cloud Four Blog

Aw, this is so sweet! Jason describes getting inspired by Responsive Day Out to create Responsive Field Day:

For the last two years, I’ve devoured the podcasts from Responsive Day Out—the conference that Jeremy Keith and Clearleft put on across the pond in Brighton.

I’ve encouraged anyone who would listen to subscribe to the podcast. It is my favorite conference that I’ve never been to.

Highlights of Responsive Day Out 2: The Squishening

Neil Berry writes down his thoughts prompted by Responsive Day Out 2.

Responsive Day Out 2 | Studio 24

A great blow-by-blow account of Responsive Day Out 2 from Simon R Jones.

Responsive Day Out 2

Phil Baker writes up his thoughts on all the day’s talks.

Responsive Day Out 2 - The Squishening – Alex Gibson

What follows here is not a full account of each talk, you can listen to the audio recordings for that. This is more a collection of my main take-aways for the day, and what I found most interesting.

Takeaways from Responsive Day Out 2 - Plausible Thought

Marc Jenkins shares his thoughts on Responsive Day Out 2.

Back to basics - Katrin Kerber

Another lovely write-up of Responsive Day Out 2.

The Pursuit of Laziness: Thoughts from Responsive Day Out — Paul Robert Lloyd

Now this is what I call a conference write-up. Paul synthesises the talks from Responsive Day Out 2 into five principles for responsive design:

  1. Responsible
  2. Polylithic
  3. Pragmatic
  4. Collaborative
  5. Flexible

Responsive Day Out 2 by adactio on SoundCloud

Here’s the Creative Commons licensed music that was playing during the breaks at Responsive Day Out 2.