Mastodon [email protected] the museum of alexandra

book ratings

an archway made of marble leads you into an all-grey room with greco-roman features. pillars stretch up and elongate the room's already tall ceilings, which give room for a central atrium. smaller pillars are scattered throughout the room, acting as display cases of sorts; each topped with items that symbolize a book that has touched the curator's life. a label shares a short opinion or thought about each book.


the dry by jane harper [ storygraph ]

a thriller taking place in small town australia kept the pages turning quick.

kushiel's dart by jacqueline carey [ storygraph ]

an incredibly long, stereotypical fantasy novel with its 'real' appeal coming from graphic bdsm.

the invisible life of addie larue by v.e. schwab [ storygraph ]

a stunning story about girl who makes a deal with the devil.

it ends with us by colleen hoover [ storygraph ]

an overrated romance cliché with a dash of domestic violence.

the maid by nita prose [ storygraph ]

the seemingly neurodivergent protagonist in this mystery is a breath of fresh air.

the midnight library by matt haig [ storygraph ]

will change the way you think about your choices and regret.

the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid [ storygraph ]

this historical fiction takes old hollywood legends with an air of mystery and queerness.


the ethics of identity by kwame anthony appiah [ storygraph ]

an academic look at the intersection of identity and how it plays into our autonomy.

girl, wash your face by rachel hollis [ storygraph ]

if you prefer to get your hustle-girlboss-overwork-yourself advice from blogging influencers, sure.

i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy [ storygraph ]

heartbreaking memoir; an accurate insight into what it's like to be a child of a narcissist.

liberation square by ashraf khalil [ storygraph ]

retelling the 2011 egyptian revolution from the perspective of an egyptian-american journalist.

something deeply hidden by sean carroll [ storygraph ]

not an introduction to quantum mechanics; the many-worlds interpretation is a tall order for beginners.