* Posts by just_some_dude

25 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2020

After first trying to use federal COVID-19 relief aid, State of Iowa comes up with funds to pay for Workday project


My employer uses Worday for HR. To me, the oligated end-user, it definitely does not feel like a product worth +$50M over any number of years.

There's no 'I' in Teams so Microsoft issues 6-month warning for laggards still on Skype for Business Online


I guess I'm the only one...

Good. I like Teams more than Skype and get annoyed when people send me Skype IMs at this point. Not because I'm particularly fond to Teams so much as Skype performs terribly in my org. Teams does a much better job when it comes to meetings with more than a handful of participants and on mobile in general. Sharing images over chat works much better also. I mean for legitimate work purposes like screen clips, but the unfortunate side-effect is it also makes it easier for people to share stupid GIFs.

GitLab removes its 'starter' tier: Users must either pay 5x more or lose features


Re: mainstream

As I understand it, a lot of that has to do with major studios (as in traditional Hollywood ones, Netflix is a major itself now) refusing to license to Nexflix. Lots of people have come to prefer at home streaming over the theater experience, which doesn't really fit in to the major studios' desired business models. Now the studios want to you either go to a theater, purchase/rent streaming rights for movies individually, or subscribe to their own services.

Anyways, the outcome is the same: Netflix doesn't offer the titles you want. So, sure, by all means cancel them, but I don't expect you'll ever again see a reasonable priced streaming service that will allow all-you-can-watch content across a wide range of major studio productions. A large reason for that is the Hollywood studios themselves don't want you to have that.


Re: Netflix

What do you mean by "mainstream"? I'd say Nextflix productions are thouroughly mainstream at this point given all Oscars they are winning.

Dropbox basically decimates workforce, COO logs off: Cloud biz promises to be 'more efficient and nimble'


I dumped them a while back since they counted files shared with you against your quota. I'm not sure what their policy is now but I doubt they are offering anything compelling enough to make me give them another try. If they offered e2e encryption with a client supported by my NAS then that would be a different story.

Trump tries one more time to limit H-1B work visas with new minimum salary requirements


Re: Good idea

I share your sentiment, but cynic in me reads this line to mean that all it will take is a few well-placed campaign contributions for big companies to get exemptions: "The DoL says it will decide what those wage levels are"

Sweet! Your boss is going to get you a plush new headset, says Gartner as wearable spending to soar almost 20%


Who needs the "sophisticated" stuff to get to $81.4B? All I really wanted was a reliable "dumb" headset that is just a headset. I was pretty shocked when I found out one of the longer-range, non-BT, headsets retail for $200+. I mean the ones with the 10+ year old DECT 6.0 tech. There's nothing particilarly "sophisticated" about them other than the price. Suffice to say I managed to make my BT headphones work for meetings with a new BT dongle for a lot less money. The BT 4.0 built into my work laptop is worthless.

When humans return to the Moon in '2024', HPE would like us to remember: We built the computer that simmed this


Re: Except that they didn't have anything to do with any of this

I believe the system in question is based on SGI tech, which was a pre-Cray acquisition.


Re: So how come...

Well, three astronauts died during a launch pad test early in the Apollo program and Apollo 13 was a failure.

It's that time of the year when Apple convinces you last year's iPhones weren't quite magical enough, so buy this new 5G iPhone 12 instead


Well, you could read the title a few ways. What they offered last year wasn't compelling enough to get you to upgrade so they come up with new models and marketing to try to convince you it is worth it to buy the this year's model. You could buy last year's model today but they'd of course rather you buy the latest and greatest hence the marketing event.

I think the the gist of the title is really that it is 2020 and for most people the latest wizbang smartphones just aren't that exciting anymore.

Mark Zuckerberg, 36, decides that having people on his website deny the deaths of six million Jews is a bad thing


Cost Benefit

Sounds like the revenues recieved from targeting ads to the holocaust denier demographic no longer justifies the effort involved with constantly defending the act of providing a platform for said demographic. So brave.

Former antivirus baron John McAfee collared, faces extradition to America on tax evasion, securities allegations


Re: is he still a US citizen ?

I think tax evasion became an end in and of itself for him. His hobby of sorts.

Microsoft will release a web browser for Linux next month. Repeat, Microsoft will release a browser for Linux – and it uses Google's technology


Re: A web browser based on Chrome by MS

I started using Bromite on Android given all the problems I've had with Firefox. I've been a long time Mozilla user, but a this point would have a hard time recommending Firefox to people. Sticking with FF for now on Windows and Linux, but I can't say a future switch is off the table. Honestly, my choice to use FF over Chromium is really just ideological.

Imagine working for GitHub and writing a command-line interface for the platform, then GitHub makes an 'official' one


Same dev?

"We have no actual insight into how hub's dev or devs actually feel about this..."

A cursory look at the contributors to hub and the new CLI shows the same guy behind most of the hub commits is heavily involved with the new CLI. I'm guessing he feels fine about it all?

Thunderbird implements PGP crypto feature requested 21 years ago


Re: identity and encryption

You seem pretty fired up about this. Perhaps if it's really important to you and you think your proposal is air tight then you should share it with the Thunderbird devs rather than on an anonymous comment section:



Re: identity and encryption

Yeah, not the same at all. People forget/lose their passwords all the time. You just reset it which typically requires a verification email,etc. Lose your email private key and you can't read any emails sent to you until you get a new key pair generated and distributed. Also, presumably all old emails would be stored encrypted, so you'd lose all those also.

Ah yes, Sony, that major player in the smartphone space, has a new flagship inbound: The Xperia 5 II


Re: Too damn tall

Yeah, my tallish phone had that shrink feature. I didn't really care for it since it made the keyboard a bit too small. I'd rather the shrink feature just shrink the height but keep the width constant. Though, the change in aspect ratio would probaby require a re-layout of the UI and thus more lag when going in and out of said shrink mode.

I'm fine with tall phones being made for people who like them. My issue is the general tallification of all new phone models. Same goes for phone size in general. I just want more "small" phone options.


Re: Too damn tall

I'd argue that smallish phone is becoming a casualty of the tall phone crusade. Phones get taller so devs layout UIs with tall phones in mind. Apps don't look right in non-tall phones, so you go out and buy a tall phone and the cycle repeats. I remain firmly in the anti-"big and tall" camp for now. I want somethign that I can confortably put in my front shirt pocket and be able to hold the phone and access the entire screen with one hand.


Too damn tall

Maybe it's just because I don't use my phone for games and movies, but I really hate this tall phone trend. My old phone was 16:9 which I felt was a good ratio. The next phone I got was 19:9 which broke single-hand operation for me and my hands definitely aren't small. It was impossible to comfortably reach the top of the screen with my thumb. 21:9 just seems insane (but so does dropping $1000+ on a flagship phone). Do people really want that aspect ratio or is this another case of phone designers running out of good ideas?

Trucking hell: Kid leaves dad in monster debt after buying oversized vehicle on eBay


Re: eBay, PayPal and Amazon customer support

If PayPal broke the 1 to 10 scale you should check out Square's subsidiary Cash App. You literally can't get in touch with a real person for customer service. Their published phone number just plays a recording telling you to use the in app help function. The in app help function contains inaccurate information and does not provide any means to contact a real person at Cash App.


Re: IANAL...

If the account in the article is correct, the buyer did not have the funds yet Paypal did not decline the transaction and are now pursuing him. It reads like PayPal is hounding the buyer on behalf of the seller. Perhaps there's something missing from the story though. For example, it's unclear if the seller got his money.


Re: Christ, what assholes

Yes, they only get paid when money changes hands so they'll be hardasses. Hence my take that the dude is probably right to take it to the press and make it a public issue. Maybe it will help compel PayPal or the seller to relent.


Re: Christ, what assholes

Hopefully the general public is not as misanthropic as the commentards here. The guy is taking the issue to the court of public opinion, which is probably the right move at this point. Hopefully the other parties will feel the pressure and let the whole thing drop. Deals fall through all the time.


Yes, dude should have taken precautions to keep his kids from buying things. However, if I understand correctly, the issue a lot of people commenting here seem to be missing is that the buyer didn't actually have the money to pay for the truck. It's not clear based on the article if PayPal gave the seller any money. One would think that PayPal would see the buyer does not have the money then simply cancel the transaction. If the situation was flipped and the seller didn't actually have the truck, would PayPal send collections after the seller demanding a monster truck?

Apple to hand out limited-edition iPhones among 1337 h4x0rs because it wants more bug-hunters


I guess I don't really understand the economics of security research. In exchange for the use of phone, people will be entering into legal agreements with Apple that include nondisclosure and expected to spend hours of their time searching for security flaws with no guarantee of compensation or even recognition? I don't understand why someone would agree to this.