Types of Re-Experiencing in PTSD

distressed woman with hand on her head
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Re-experiencing involves having sudden and unwanted traumatic memories that intrude into or even seem to replace what’s happening now. It is a core symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you have PTSD, chances are you've had symptoms of re-experiencing.

At a Glance

Re-experiencing can happen after a person has experienced a trauma and is a common symptom of PTSD. Such experiences can involve having intrusive flashbacks that feel like re-living the traumatic event all over again. Treatment can help, and sometimes re-experiencing in a safe therapeutic environment can help a person process and heal. In this article, we'll look at what re-experiencing feels like, what can trigger it, and how to get help.

Symptoms of Re-Experiencing

The particular content which is re-experienced varies from person to person based on their history of trauma, but the way this trauma is re-experienced is often similar between people with PTSD. Symptoms of re-experiencing include:

  • Frequently having upsetting thoughts or memories about a traumatic event
  • Having recurrent nightmares
  • Being physically responsive to reminders of the traumatic event (for example, feeling a surge in your heart rate or starting to sweat)
  • Having very strong feelings of distress when reminded of the traumatic event
  • Having the sensation that the traumatic event is happening all over again, sometimes called a flashback

Flashback Re-Experiences

Flashbacks can be particularly frightening for people with PTSD. Unlike normal memories, a flashback is perceived as happening right now, replacing the present scene.

If you've ever had a flashback, you know that flashback emotions and physical reactions like images, sounds, smells, tastes, and body reactions are the same and quite possibly just as distressing. In a flashback, you may lose all awareness of your present surroundings and live through the trauma as though it were happening again.

Unfortunately, people experiencing a flashback are generally unable to recognize that it is a flashback.

Flashbacks often center on the “Warning! Watch out!” moment when, at the time the trauma occurred, the person first felt the threat of danger. This helps to explain why people having flashbacks may take sudden and strong defensive actions, sometimes causing harm to themselves or others—they’re feeling seriously threatened right now.

Other Types of Re-Experiencing

There are other types of re-experiencing. For example, you may have had present-moment thoughts when you recalled a traumatic event, such as "Why did it happen to me?" or "How could I have kept it from happening?" You may even have thoughts of the ways the trauma has harmed your life.

  • People with PTSD commonly have thoughts like these. In fact, some may have them more often than they have flashbacks or other re-experiences.
  • Re-experiencing also includes consciously recalling your traumatic experience in a safe way with a therapist.


Re-experiencing is often triggered by reminders of the trauma and can involve vivid, distressing flashbacks of the experience. It may also involve thinking about the traumatic effect and how it has affected your present life. Consciously recalling the experience while working with a therapist is also a type of re-experiencing.

Common Re-Experiencing Triggers

Another reason why re-experiencing can be so frightening is that most people with PTSD don’t know when they’ll encounter a trigger or what it will be. When a trigger suddenly appears, it seems to "come out of the blue."

Stories in the Media

News stories describing traumatic events can trigger re-experiencing symptoms, especially when those stories contain similarities to your own traumatic event. It may come as a surprise to you, however, that this can happen even with reported events (or aspects of them) that have very little connection with people's own traumas.

Exposure (even on TV) to any form of traumatic event can trigger re-experiencing symptoms.

This fact can be hard for those without PTSD to understand, and the lack of understanding can further isolate you with your symptoms.

Other Personal Triggers

Other trigger cues may simply be brief sensations that were part of a person’s traumatic event, such as a tone of voice, a certain way light falls on an object, or a touch or movement of a part of the body. Internal triggers such as intrusive memories and mental imagery may also lead to re-experiencing.

Does Re-Experiencing Predict PTSD?

It’s common for a person to have an intrusive re-experience of a traumatic event very soon after it occurs. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will develop PTSD.

Researchers don't know exactly why some people develop PTSD after a traumatic event, and others don't. Many factors, including genetics, family history of mental illness, repeated exposure to trauma, and lack of support systems, can play a role. Experts do believe, however, that addressing the trauma with a good therapist can lessen the likelihood that you will develop PTSD.

Treatments for PTSD and Re-Experiencing

Treatment for PTSD can be very helpful and reduce your re-experiencing symptoms. Types of therapy that can be helpful include:

Grounding Techniques for PTSD

In addition to general treatment options for PTSD, therapies such as grounding techniques can be particularly beneficial in helping people "ground" themselves in reality and reduce the likelihood of slipping into a flashback.

Some examples of grounding techniques include turning up loud music or sniffing some strong peppermint.

In order for grounding techniques to be most effective, it's important to recognize when these are needed. Many people with PTSD find it helpful to identify their triggers and find ways to reduce these or cope with their triggers even before grounding techniques might be needed.

Press Play for Advice On Healing From Trauma

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, featuring Kati Morton, LMFT, shares how to heal from trauma. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

Keep in Mind

Re-experiencing is a core symptom of PTSD and can be terrifying, not to speak of draining, for a person who is brought face to face yet again with their trauma. Re-experiencing does not mean that you have a ​diagnosis of PTSD, as these symptoms may occur after a traumatic event even for those who do not go on to develop PTSD.

Yet one way or another, finding a good therapist is critical. A therapist can help you manage your PTSD or to reduce the likelihood that you will develop PTSD in the future.

9 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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By Matthew Tull, PhD
Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder.