GCPF - Safety Improvements at Passive Crossings

Funding Availability


Grants may be available for the purpose of replacing stop signs, and installing yield and emergency notification signs at passive railroad crossings in Washington. Applicants may also apply for funding to replace or install crossbucks, posts and retro-reflective tape.

For safety improvements at passive crossings, the cost per crossing may not exceed $600The commission will not pay administrative or labor costs if the administration and labor is provided by the applicant with current staff but may pay for contracted administration and labor. The commission typically approves grants for no more than $20,000 for projects that do not have a cost-share or matching requirement.

Yield or stop signs are required at all public passive railroad crossings by January 1, 2020 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines, 2009 Edition, Section 8. Information on yield and stop sign placement and requirements starts on page 751). Yield signs are the default choice unless an engineering study determines stop signs are appropriate for a particular approach.

Commission rules require railroads to maintain all crossings with proper traffic control devices as prescribed in the MUTCD (WAC 480-62-230). GCPF grants can be used to install and maintain these signs.

For private crossing signage requirements, please refer to WAC 480-62-270

Application Form

Applications may be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Please specify "Grade Crossing Protective Fund" in the subject line of the email. Applications may also be submitted by mail to the commission's mailing address.

Certification Form

Upon completion of the project, you will be required to submit photographs of each crossing and complete and sign a certification of project completion

Reimbursement Forms

The commission will make payment only on a reimbursement basis. The commission cannot approve advance payments for any project costs. Once your project is complete, please fill out the A-19 Invoice Voucher and Expenditure Summary and submit them with all related invoices and receipts. (See sample completed form.)


For more information, contact:
[email protected] or (360) 764-0572