ت٠ÛØ§Ø±Û ØØ³Ù Ø³Û Ø±Ùش٠سØر ک٠دÛÚ©Ú¾ØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Tumhaare Husn Se Raushan Sahar Ko Dekhte Hain
Ø®Ùشب٠ÛÛ Ø²Ø¹ÙØ±Ø§Ù Ú©Û Ø§ÛÙا٠شÛر آج
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Khushbu Hai Zafran Ki Aiwan-e-shahr Aaj
Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ú©Ú¾ÙÙا Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ú©Ú¾Ù Ú©Ø± Ú©Û Ù¾Ø§Ùا ساتھ ÚÙتا ÛÛ
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Kabhi Khona Kabhi Kho Kar Ke Pana Sath Chalta Hai
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Joban Se Kabhi Husn Ko Dhalne Nahin Dete
ÛÙ Ú©Ø´Ù Ùظر ÛÙ Ù¾Û ØªÙ ÛÙ Ø¬Ø§Ø¦Û Ø¹Ûاں اÙر
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Ho Kashf-e-nazar Hum Pe To Ho Jae Ayan Aur
اک ÚاÙد سا رÛتا ÛÛ Ø¬Ù ÚÛØ±Û Ù Ø±Û Ø¢Ú¯Û
Safwat Ali Safwat - صÙÙت عÙÛ ØµÙÙت
Ek Chand Sa Rahta Hai Jo Chehra Mere Aage
Safwat Ali Safwat Love Poetry
Love is the only language that can transmit your true feelings for others. And what a better way to transmit your feelings other than Shayari. Love is a feeling that transcends emotions and sentiments from one person to another. So love can be better described as a feeling in terms of poetry in words of Safwat Ali Safwat.
Love poetry in Urdu text has a tremendous amount of fan following. Therefore, we have gathered a vast collection of Safwat Ali Safwat love Shayari.
Safwat Ali Safwat Love poetry is very common among the young generations. They like to share the Safwat Ali Safwat love Shayari in Urdu with their loved ones either on their social media or on their cell phones in the form of text messages. Below is the list of Safwat Ali Safwat love poetry in Urdu; read it out; you will surely love it.