سر Ø³Û Ø§ØªØ±Û ÙÛÛÚº Ù¾Ú¾ÙÙ Ù ÙØ²Ù Ú©Û Ø¯Ú¾Ù Û٠سÙر بات سÙ
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Sar Se Utre Nahin Phul Manzil Ki Dhun Ham-safar Baat Sun
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Parinde Hote Agar Hum Hamare Par Hote
جھÙØ³ØªÛ Ø¯Ú¾ÙÙ¾ Ù ÛÚº Ù¹Ú¾ÙÚÛ ÛÙا کا جھÙÙکا بھÛج
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Jhulasti Dhup Mein Thandi Hawa Ka Jhonka Bhej
اس اجÚÛ Ø´Ûر Ú©Û Ø¢Ø«Ø§Ø± تک ÙÛÛÚº Ù¾ÛÙÚÛ
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Is Ujde Shahr Ke Aasar Tak Nahin Pahunche
ÛÙا Ú©Û Úادر صد Úاک اÙÚÚ¾Û Ø¬Ø§ رÛÛ ÛÛÚº
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Hawa Ki Chadar-e-sad-chaak Odhe Ja Rahe Hain
بارش ÙÛÛÚº ÙØ§ØªÛ Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ø§ÙÙاک Ø³Û Ø®ÙشبÙ
Raoof Ameer - رؤ٠ا٠Ûر
Barish Nahin Lati Kabhi Aflak Se Khushbu
Poetry of Raoof Ameer
We keep on updating the Raoof Ameer Poetry collection with time so that you can find the upcoming latest Raoof Ameer Urdu Poetry here. So scroll down to find the best piece of Raoof Ameer Shayari. Read out the whole collection of poetry by Raoof Ameer and tell us about your favorite one. We hope you will surely like the outstanding Shayari of Raoof Ameer.
Raoof Ameer is a famous Urdu Shayar of all times from Pakistan. Raoof Ameer was born in 1961. Read Raoof Ameer Urdu Shayari at UrduPoint. Here you can find the complete collection of Raoof Ameer Shayari. The updated and latest collection of Urdu Nazams, Ghazals, Qataat, Udas Shayari, Dosti Ki Shayari, Muasharti Shayari, Muhabat Bhari Shayari, Udas Ghazalen, Umed Ki Nazmain, Sad Poetry, Love Poetry, Friendship Poetry, Social Poetry, Relationship Poetry, Breakup Poetry is available here.
- Raoof Ameer was born in 1961 and died in 2010.
- Raoof Ameer is a famous Urdu Shayar of all times from Pakistan.
- Most of the time, Urdu poets use a Takhalus (pen name), Raoof Ameer uses ا٠ÛØ±Ø as his Takhalus.