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M A Qadeer - اÛÙ Ø§Û ÙدÛر
Sham-e-gham Afsurda-o-hairan The Hum
M A Qadeer - اÛÙ Ø§Û ÙدÛر
Hum Yun Hi Kisi Se Khalish-e-jaan Nahin Kahte
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M A Qadeer - اÛÙ Ø§Û ÙدÛر
Guftugu Hum Ru-ba-ru Un Ke Na Kar Pae Bahut
M A Qadeer Love Poetry
Love is the only language that can transmit your true feelings for others. And what a better way to transmit your feelings other than Shayari. Love is a feeling that transcends emotions and sentiments from one person to another. So love can be better described as a feeling in terms of poetry in words of M A Qadeer.
Love poetry in Urdu text has a tremendous amount of fan following. Therefore, we have gathered a vast collection of M A Qadeer love Shayari.
M A Qadeer Love poetry is very common among the young generations. They like to share the M A Qadeer love Shayari in Urdu with their loved ones either on their social media or on their cell phones in the form of text messages. Below is the list of M A Qadeer love poetry in Urdu; read it out; you will surely love it.