ÛÙÚº Ø¨Û Ù Ø´Ú©Ù Ø¯Ù Ù Ø¬Ø±ÙØ Ø³Û Ù¾Ûکاں ÙÚ©Ùا
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Yun Ba-mushkil Dil-e-majruh Se Paikan Nikla
شراب Ùاب Ú©Ù Ù ÙÛ Ø³Û Ø°Ø±Ø§ Ùگا Ùاعظ
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Sharab-e-nab Ko Munh Se Zara Laga Waiz
شب Ùصا٠ÛÙØ³Û Ø¢ØªÛ ÛÛ Ù Ùدر پر
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Shab-e-visal Hansi Aati Hai Muqaddar Par
Ù ÙظÙر Ùظر ÛÛ Ø¯Ù ØºÙ Ø®Ùار ت٠Ûارا
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Manzur-e-nazar Hai Dil-e-gham-khwar Tumhaara
Ú©Ûا غ٠Ûجر اٹھا کر Ú©ÙØ¦Û Ù Ø± Ø¬Ø§Ø¦Û Ú¯Ø§
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Kya Gham-e-hijr Utha Kar Koi Mar Jaega
Ø¬Û Ø¨Ú¾Ø± Ú©Û Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ûار کا جÙÙÛ ÙÛÛÚº دÛکھا
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Ji Bhar Ke Kabhi Yar Ka Jalwa Nahin Dekha
دÛÙاÙÙÚº Ù ÛÚº ذکر د٠دÛÙاÙÛ Ø±ÛÛ Ú¯Ø§
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Diwanon Mein Zikr-e-dil-e-diwana Rahega
بÚھا رکھÙÚº Ù ÛÚº Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ÛÚº Ø±Û Ú¯Ø²Ø± Ù ÛÚº (ردÛÙ .. Ù¾)
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Bichha Rakkhun Main Aankhen Rahguzar Mein
عبث ÛÛ Ø´ÙÙ ÙÚÚ©Ù¾Ù Ù ÛÚº ظÙÙ ÚھاÙÛ Ú©Ø§
Jigar Biswani - Ø¬Ú¯Ø±Ø Ø¨Ø³ÙاÙÛ
Abas Hai Shauq Ladakpan Mein Zulm Dhane Ka
Jigar Biswani Urdu Ghazal
Urdu Ghazal is very famous in Pakistan and other parts of the world, where people understand Urdu Zuban and Urdu Shayari. People love to listen to Urdu Udas Ghazal in the form of Songs too. Jigar Biswani Urdu Ghazal Poetry collection is a masterpiece and many are famous for their heart-touching words. If you love to read to Udas Ghazalain or Muhabat Bhari Jigar Biswani Urdu Ghazals Shayari stay tuned; here, you will find a vast collection of Jigar Biswani Urdu Ghazlen at UrduPoint.
Urdu Ghazals is a literature that is related to the South Asian peoples. The Sufia and the Mughal Empire played a significant role in spreading it. It is the type of poem in which the poets express their heart feeling to someone in a poem.
Here is the list of Jigar Biswani Ghazals in Urdu; you will surely love his beautiful words. Read then, and if you like this collection, don't forget to share it with your community.