دÙÙÚº Ù ÛÚº دش٠ÙÙÚº Ú©Û Ø§Ø³ Ø·Ø±Ø Úر بÙÙ Ø§Ù¹Ú¾ØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Diloon Main Dushmanoon K Iss Tarhaan Dar Bol Uthte Hain
اس دربار Ù ÛÚº Ùاز٠تھا اپÙÛ Ø³Ø± ک٠خ٠کرتÛ
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Iss Darbar Main Lazim Tha Apne Sar Ko Kham Karte
ÙÙظ تÛØ±Û Ûاد Ú©Û Ø³Ø¨ Ø¨Û ØµØ¯Ø§ کر Ø¢Ø¦Û ÛÛÚº
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Lafz Teri Yaad K Sab Besada Kar Aaye Hain
ج٠بس Ù ÛÚº ÛÛ ÙÛ Ú©Ø± جاÙا ضرÙØ±Û ÛÙ Ú¯Ûا ÛÛ
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Ju Bass Main Hai Wo Kar Jana Zaroori Ho Giya Hai
اک Ø®Ùاب Ú©Û Ø¬Ù Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ بھگÙÙÛ Ú©Û ÙÛÛ ÛÛ
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Ik Khawab K Ju Ankh Bighone K Liye Hai
Ú©Ø³Û Ø¨Ú¾Û ÙÙظ کا جاد٠اثر ÙÛÛÚº کرتا
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Kissi Bhi Lafz Ka Jadu Asar Nahi Karta
ÙØµÙ Ú©Û Ø´Ø¨ ØªÚ¾Û Ø§Ùر اجاÙÛ Ú©Ø± Ø±Ú©Ú¾Û ØªÚ¾Û
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Wasal Ki Shaab Thi Or Ujale Kar Rakhe Thay
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Fasal E Gham Ki Jab Naukhezi Ho Jati
ت٠ÛØ§Ø±Û Ø¹Ø´Ù Ù ÛÚº کس کس Ø·Ø±Ø Ø®Ø±Ø§Ø¨ ÛÙئÛ
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Tumhare Ishq Main Kis Kis Tarhaan Kharab Hue
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Ap Logoon K Kahe Par Hi Ukhar Jate Hain
اب Ú©Û Ø§Ø³ ÙÛ Ú©Ù Ø§Ù Ú©Ø± ÚاÙا
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Ab K Iss Ne Kamal Kar Dala
عجÛب کرب ٠بÙا Ú©Û ÛÛ Ø±Ø§Øª Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ÙÚº Ù ÛÚº
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Ajeeb Kurb O Bala Ki Hai Raat Ankhoon Main
Ù ÛØ±Û Ø§Ø³ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø±Ù Ûاں ج٠ÙاصÙÛ Ø±Ú©Ú¾Ø§ Ú¯Ûا
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Mere Iss K Darmayan Ju Faisla Rakha Giya
اÙدر Ú©Û Ø¯ÙÛائÛÚº Ù Ùا Ú©Û Ø§ÛÚ© Ùگر Û٠جائÛÚº
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Andar Ki Dunyain Mila K Aik Nagar Ho Jayeen
خ٠ÙØ´ Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ÙÚº Ø³Û Ú©Ø±ØªØ§ رÛا سÙا٠٠جھÛ
Haider Qureshi - ØÛدرÙرÛØ´Û
Khamosh Ankhoon Se Karta Raha Sawal Mujhe
Haider Qureshi Bewafa Poetry
Bewafa poetry by Haider Qureshi has a huge fan following due to nature and the circumstances that almost everyone has faced during his or her lifetime. Furthermore, no one can deny the feelings of love, affection, and being liked. These are the feelings that can make anyone fall for anyone, and due to this, when they face betrayal by the one with whom they are in love, they get broken inside. There are many different approaches with which the Haider Qureshi conveys emotions and feelings of being sorrowful and being hurt by someone special in life.
Haider Qureshi Bewafa poetry in Urdu is considered poetry that shows the emotional dilemma of a person who gets hurt by someone he falls in love with. Haider Qureshi Bewafa Shayari elaborates the true nature of persons involved in hurting someone with their attitudes and behaviors. The picture to the heart of a heartbroken person has nothing in it.
Betrayal in love or relationships is the main cause that inclines men and women towards liking Haider Qureshi Bewafa poetry. As you are well aware of the fact that this type of poetry shows prominent signs of sadness, heartbreak, and full of sorrow poetry. The sorrow and sad nature of individuals result from misdeeds that hurt an individual to the core of their heart. Select any of the poetry from the list of Haider Qureshi Bewafa Shayari in Urdu below and read it. We are sure you will find your feelings in it.