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Naghma Ulfat Ka Ga Diya Maine
Ashok Sawhny Sahil
ishq ko jagmaga diya main ne
yaro apne hi KHun se dekho
is nagar ko saja diya main ne
jo the begane ban gae apne
ye bhi kar ke dikha diya main ne
gham-kade ko sanwar kar har sham
ek naya gul khila diya main ne
aashiyan apna ek banane mein
KHun pasina baha diya main ne
jin dinon main jawan tha 'sahil'
un dinon ko bhula diya main ne
(807) ÙÙÙ¹ ÙصÙÙ ÛÙئÛ
You can read Naghma Ulfat Ka Ga Diya Maine written by Ashok Sawhny Sahil at UrduPoint. Naghma Ulfat Ka Ga Diya Maine is one of the masterpieces written by Ashok Sawhny Sahil. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Ashok Sawhny Sahil by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Ashok Sawhny Sahil' above.
Naghma Ulfat Ka Ga Diya Maine is a widely read Urdu Ghazal. If you like Naghma Ulfat Ka Ga Diya Maine, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Ghazal.
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