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Africa now essentially needs political will to fight infrastructural problems, a human capital deficit and an institutional deficit. JOHANNESBURG – At the APEC annual summit in Lima, Comrade Xi Jinping was practically coronated as the King of Peru, as a lively moveable feast celebrated the brand new $1.3 billion Chancay-Shanghai Maritime Silk Road across the... Read More
The Global Majority is free to choose two different paths to counteract the rabid, cognitive dissonant Straussian neocon psychos in charge of imperial foreign policy; to relentlessly ridicule them, or to work hard on the long and winding road leading to a new multipolar reality. Reality struck deep at the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg,... Read More
The second Russia-Africa summit, this week in St. Petersburg, should be seen as a milestone in terms of Global South integration and the concerted drive by the Global Majority towards a more equal and fair multipolar order. The summit welcomes no less than 49 African delegations. President Putin previously announced that a comprehensive declaration and... Read More