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Savior Complex, HBO Original, 2023 “Savior Complex,” a three-episode documentary series on HBO Max, shows us the world of Christian missionaries in Africa through the eyes of young white women who dedicate their lives to helping Africans, but who end up at odds with each other and with the Africans. The series tells the story... Read More
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Do any of you remember how ecstatically happy liberals were when white South Africans turned their country over to blacks in 1994? Mary McGrory of the Washington Post wrote a column called “South Africa is Twice Blessed” that begins with these words. “Events in South Africa... Read More
The New York Times has published an important article that measures the economic gains that could be achieved if anti-black discrimination were ended. In “Racism Impoverishes the Whole Economy,” Professor Lisa D. Cook of Michigan State University writes that “new research” finds that “discrimination inflicts a staggering cost on the entire economy, reducing the wealth... Read More
I don’t know how many all-black communities there are in the world. Probably hundreds of thousands. In Africa, you expect to see all-black villages and towns. The cities are overwhelmingly black, with a sprinkling of whites and Asians. In the United States, many cities that were built by whites are now overwhelmingly black: Birmingham, Detroit,... Read More
James Baldwin, perhaps the most influential black literary figure of the last century, confessed in Notes of a Native Son that blacks feel alienated and inferior no matter where they travel in the modern world. Each black person, he mourned, is but a “stranger in their village,” a global village shaped by others—especially by whites.... Read More
I have been asked to speak on the subject, “Demography is Destiny.” The phrase is attributed to the 19th century French mathematician and philosopher, August Comte (1798–1857), who is known as the “father of sociology.” By it he meant that as a rise or fall in birth rates works itself out over the decades, it... Read More