The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
J.O. Tate Archives
J.O. Tate •ï¿½170 Items / 24 Articles, 146 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    The Absence of Greatness (Review)
    Close Connections, by Ann Waldron
    1. Close Connections by Ann Waldron
    National Review, July 22, 1988, pp. 45-46
  2. [+]
    After 'While Crocodile (Review)
    See You Later Alligator, by William F. Buckley
    1. See You Later Alligator by William F. Buckley
    National Review, March 8, 1985, pp. 44-45
  3. [+]
    Aggressive Voltage (Review)
    The Enemy, by Jeffrey Meyers
    1. The Enemy by Jeffrey Meyers
    National Review, May 28, 1982, p. 640
  4. [+]
    An American Life (Review)
    Between Flops, by James Curtis
    1. Between Flops by James Curtis
    National Review, October 29, 1982, pp. 1358-1359
  5. Vital Signs
    The Art of Ignaz Friedman
    Chronicles, July 1991, p. 50
  6. [+]
    As Long as I'm Doing It (2 Reviews)
    The Shape of a Man, by Randall K. Ivey
    1. The Shape of a Man by Randall K. Ivey
    2. The Mutilation Gypsy, and Other Stories by Randall K. Ivey
    Chronicles, June 2004, p. 29
  7. [+]
    Ashley Wilkes for Real (Review)
    Carolina Cavalier, by Clyde N. Wilson
    1. Carolina Cavalier by Clyde N. Wilson
    Chronicles, December 2002, p. 28
  8. Opinions
    Babylon Revisited (Review)
    Terrible Honesty, by Ann Douglas
    1. Terrible Honesty by Ann Douglas
    Chronicles, September 1995, pp. 28-30
  9. Reviews
    Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom (5 Reviews)
    The Psychology of the Sopranos, by Glen O. Gabbard
    1. The Psychology of the Sopranos by Glen O. Gabbard
    2. A Sitdown with the Sopranos by Regina Barreca
    3. The Sopranos on the Couch by Maurice Yacowar
    4. This Thing of Ours by David Lavery
    5. Tony Soprano's America by David R. Simon
    Chronicles, April 2003, pp. 29-31
  10. [+]
    Basic B. De Mille (Review)
    The Hollywood History of the World, by George MacDonald Fraser
    1. The Hollywood History of the World by George MacDonald Fraser
    National Review, April 7, 1989, p. 54
  11. Reviews
    Beautiful Terror (2 Reviews)
    The Complete Stories of Truman Capote, by Truman Capote
    1. The Complete Stories of Truman Capote by Truman Capote
    2. Too Brief a Treat by Gerald Clarke and Truman Capote
    Chronicles, March 2005, pp. 30-32
  12. [+]
    Bedtime for Boethius (Review)
    Darconville's Cat, by Alexander Theroux
    1. Darconville's Cat by Alexander Theroux
    National Review, May 29, 1981, p. 620
  13. Reviews
    The Big Bore of Arkansas (4 Reviews)
    Ric Flair: To Be the Man, by Ric Flair
    1. Ric Flair: To Be the Man by Ric Flair
    2. American Evita by Christopher Andersen
    3. Rewriting History by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
    4. My Life by Bill Clinton
    Chronicles, October 2004, pp. 31-33
  14. [+]
    Blasts from the Past (Review)
    The Complete Wild Body, by Bernard Lafourcade
    1. The Complete Wild Body by Bernard Lafourcade
    National Review, February 14, 1986, pp. 54-55
  15. [+]
    The Bloody Quaker (Review)
    The Man Who Would Be King, by Ben Macintyre
    1. The Man Who Would Be King by Ben Macintyre
    Chronicles, August 2004, p. 27
  16. [+]
    The Boys in the Back Room (2 Reviews)
    Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921-1960, by Richard Layman, Julie W. Rivett, an...
    1. Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921-1960 by Richard Layman, Julie W. Rivett, and Dashiell Hammett, ...
    2. The Raymond Chandler Papers by Tom Hiney, Frank MacShane, and Raymond Chandler
    Chronicles, November 2001, p. 31
  17. [+]
    The Central Intelligence Agency (Review)
    Essays of Four Decades, by Allen Tate
    1. Essays of Four Decades by Allen Tate
    Chronicles, January 2001, p. 33
  18. The Chandler Century
    National Review, November 25, 1988, pp. 50-51
  19. Opinions
    Chicken Soup: Starring: The Marx Bros (Review)
    Gideon's Spies, by Gordon Thomas
    1. Gideon's Spies by Gordon Thomas
    Chronicles, October 1999, pp. 24-25
  20. [+]
    Chilton Williamson, Jr.'s The Conservative Bookshelf (Review)
    What's Right With the World
    1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
    Chronicles, February 2005, p. 26
  21. [+]
    The Claims of Community (Review)
    Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community, by Wendell Berry
    1. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community by Wendell Berry
    Chronicles, April 1994, p. 39
  22. Opinions
    Clip Clop, Bang Bang (2 Reviews)
    Quantrill's War, by Duane Schultz
    1. Quantrill's War by Duane Schultz
    2. The Devil Knows How to Ride by Edward E. Leslie
    Chronicles, April 1997, pp. 32-34
  23. [+]
    Communism (Review)
    The Radiant Future, by Aleksandr Zinoviev
    1. The Radiant Future by Aleksandr Zinoviev
    National Review, March 20, 1981, pp. 298-299
  24. [+]
    The Confederate Pimpernel (Review)
    Gray Ghost, by James A. Ramage
    1. Gray Ghost by James A. Ramage
    Chronicles, May 2000, pp. 33-34
  25. Books, Arts & Manners
    Conserve What?
    National Review, January 27, 1984, pp. 48-51
  26. Reviews
    The Creaturely Myth (Review)
    Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove
    1. Courage and Consequence by Karl Rove
    Chronicles, August 1, 2010, pp. 24-25
  27. [+]
    De Gustibus Semper Disputandum Est (Review)
    The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste, by Jane Stern and Michael Stern
    1. The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste by Jane Stern and Michael Stern
    Chronicles, May 1991, p. 42
  28. [+]
    Dead White Male Beyond the Pale (Review)
    Fire and Sword, by James Michael Hill
    1. Fire and Sword by James Michael Hill
    Chronicles, June 1994, pp. 33-35
  29. [+]
    Desperado (Review)
    Mexico Way, by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
    1. Mexico Way by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
    Chronicles, November 2008, p. 35
  30. Books, Arts & Manners
    Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist (Review)
    The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar
    1. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar
    National Review, November 15, 1985, pp. 48-53
  31. [+]
    Dress for Success (Review)
    Angels and Insects, by A.S. Byatt
    1. Angels and Insects by A.S. Byatt
    National Review, August 23, 1993, p. 60
  32. [+]
    Edimburgo Mio! (Review)
    The Operas of Verdi, by Julian Budden
    1. The Operas of Verdi by Julian Budden
    National Review, June 25, 1982, pp. 774-776
  33. The Emerging Chronicles Majority
    Without Unction
    Chronicles, January 2000, p. 19
  34. [+]
    En Garde! (Review)
    The Fencing Master, by Arturo Perez-Reverte
    1. The Fencing Master by Arturo Perez-Reverte
    Chronicles, September 1999, pp. 31-32
  35. [+]
    Falling Off the Turnip Truck (3 Reviews)
    Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, 1920-1960, by Jack Temple Kirby
    1. Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, 1920-1960 by Jack Temple Kirby
    2. Southern Folk, Plain and Fancy by John Shelton Reed
    3. Media-Made Dixie by Jack Temple Kirby
    Chronicles, March 1988, pp. 31-33
  36. [+]
    Feminist Fatale (Review)
    Good Boys and Dead Girls, by Mary Gordon
    1. Good Boys and Dead Girls by Mary Gordon
    Chronicles, September 1991, p. 42
  37. [+]
    Fiction: Kingsley and the Zeitgeist (Review)
    Stanley and the Women, by Kingsley Amis
    1. Stanley and the Women by Kingsley Amis
    National Review, February 28, 1986, pp. 56-57
  38. [+]
    Fiction: Smelling the Ghosts (Review)
    Rommel and the Rebel, by Lawrence Wells
    1. Rommel and the Rebel by Lawrence Wells
    National Review, August 15, 1986, pp. 44-45
  39. [+]
    Fiddling Around (2 Reviews)
    Mischa Elman and the Romantic Style, by Allan Kozinn
    1. Mischa Elman and the Romantic Style by Allan Kozinn
    2. From Russia to the West by Nathan Milstein and Solomon Volkov
    Chronicles, June 1991, pp. 38-39
  40. Reviews
    Film Rose, Film Rouge, Film Noir (Review)
    Radical Hollywood, by Paul Buhle and Dave Wagner
    1. Radical Hollywood by Paul Buhle and Dave Wagner
    Chronicles, October 2002, pp. 25-27
  41. [+]
    A Fine Excess (Review)
    Going to See the Elephant, by George P. Garrett and Jeb Livingood
    1. Going to See the Elephant by George P. Garrett and Jeb Livingood
    Chronicles, June 2002, p. 31
  42. News
    First Prize, Second Hand, Third Rate
    Chronicles, January 2005, pp. 22-23
  43. Opinions
    Flannery Flummery (Review)
    Flannery O'Connor: The Obedient Imagination, by Sarah Gordon
    1. Flannery O'Connor: The Obedient Imagination by Sarah Gordon
    Chronicles, February 2001, pp. 25-27
  44. [+]
    Flashy Again (Review)
    Flashman and the Redskins, by George MacDonald Fraser
    1. Flashman and the Redskins by George MacDonald Fraser
    National Review, March 4, 1983, p. 268
    Food Fight
    Chronicles, August 2002, pp. 14-16
  46. [+]
    Founders, Keepers (Review)
    Revolutionary Characters, by Gordon S. Wood
    1. Revolutionary Characters by Gordon S. Wood
    Chronicles, January 2007, p. 34
  47. [+]
    Frankly, My Dear... (Review)
    The Wind Done Gone, by Alice Randall
    1. The Wind Done Gone by Alice Randall
    Chronicles, December 2001, p. 33
  48. [+]
    From Cincinnatus to Caesar (Review)
    From Union to Empire, by Clyde N. Wilson
    1. From Union to Empire by Clyde N. Wilson
    Chronicles, December 2003, p. 29
  49. Books, Arts & Manners
    Fuzzy Zoeller and the Temple of Doom
    National Review, August 24, 1984, pp. 50-54
  50. [+]
    Gentlemen and Butchers (Review)
    Landscape Turned Red, by Stephen W. Sears
    1. Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W. Sears
    National Review, November 11, 1983, pp. 1424-1425
  51. Books, Arts & Manners
    George Armstrong Custer, RIP (Review)
    Son of the Morning Star, by Evan S. Connell
    1. Son of the Morning Star by Evan S. Connell
    National Review, August 9, 1985, p. 42
  52. Reviews
    The Gold Soldier (Review)
    Ford Madox Ford, by Alan Judd
    1. Ford Madox Ford by Alan Judd
    Chronicles, August 1991, p. 32
  53. [+]
    Gradus Ad Parnassum (Review)
    The Art of the Piano, by David Dubal
    1. The Art of the Piano by David Dubal
    Chronicles, April 1990, p. 40
  54. [+]
    The Grand Manner (Review)
    Moriz Rosenthal in Word and Music, by Mark Mitchell, Allan Evans, and Moriz Rosenthal
    1. Moriz Rosenthal in Word and Music by Mark Mitchell, Allan Evans, and Moriz Rosenthal
    Chronicles, July 2006, p. 43
  55. [+]
    A Grand Missed Steak (Review)
    The American Revolution: A Grand Mistake, by Leland G. Stauber
    1. The American Revolution: A Grand Mistake by Leland G. Stauber
    Chronicles, October 1, 2010, p. 28
  56. Opinions
    Hell Man (Review)
    Dashiell Hammett: Complete Novels, by Steven Marcus and Dashiell Hammett
    1. Dashiell Hammett: Complete Novels by Steven Marcus and Dashiell Hammett
    Chronicles, June 2000, pp. 24-26
  57. [+]
    Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Fun (Review)
    The Nautical Chart, by Arturo Perez-Reverte
    1. The Nautical Chart by Arturo Perez-Reverte
    Chronicles, May 2002, p. 30
  58. [+]
    Hobson's Choices (Review)
    The Southern Writer in the Postmodern World, by Fred Hobson
    1. The Southern Writer in the Postmodern World by Fred Hobson
    Chronicles, January 1992, p. 38
  59. [+]
    Hogan Forever (Review)
    The Fundamentals of Hogan, by David Leadbetter and Lorne Rubenstein
    1. The Fundamentals of Hogan by David Leadbetter and Lorne Rubenstein
    Chronicles, April 2001, p. 28
  60. [+]
    I Am Not Ashamed Either (Review)
    Death on the Cheap, by Arthur Lyons
    1. Death on the Cheap by Arthur Lyons
    Chronicles, May 2001, p. 29
  61. [+]
    I Would Prefer Not To... (Review)
    Melville: His World and Work, by Andrew Delbanco
    1. Melville: His World and Work by Andrew Delbanco
    Chronicles, January 2006, p. 33
  62. [+]
    Ideologue's Bane (Review)
    The Air-Line to Seattle, by Kenneth S. Lynn
    1. The Air-Line to Seattle by Kenneth S. Lynn
    National Review, August 5, 1983, pp. 948-949
  63. [+]
    In Media Res, As Usual (Review)
    Uncle Target, by Gavin Lyall
    1. Uncle Target by Gavin Lyall
    National Review, November 7, 1988, pp. 66-67
  64. [+]
    It Takes Smarm (Review)
    Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, by Hillary Rodham Clinton
    1. Dear Socks, Dear Buddy by Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Chronicles, June 1999, p. 33
  65. John Dos Passos
    One Man, One Life
    National Review, December 31, 1985, pp. 68-79
  66. Reviews
    The Kindness of Strangers (2 Reviews)
    What We Lost, by Dale Peck
    1. What We Lost by Dale Peck
    2. What Becomes of the Brokenhearted by E. Lynn Harris
    Chronicles, March 2004, pp. 26-28
  67. [+]
    Kreisleriana (Review)
    Fritz Kreisler: Love's Sorrow, Love's Joy, by Amy Biancolli
    1. Fritz Kreisler: Love's Sorrow, Love's Joy by Amy Biancolli
    Chronicles, March 1999, p. 33
  68. [+]
    La Prima Donna (Review)
    Maria Meneghini Callas, by Michael Scott
    1. Maria Meneghini Callas by Michael Scott
    Chronicles, March 1993, p. 31
  69. Reviews
    La Trahision des Clercs (Review)
    Tenured Radicals, by Roger Kimball
    1. Tenured Radicals by Roger Kimball
    Chronicles, September 1990, p. 36
  70. [+]
    Lastest With the Leastest (Review)
    A Battle from the Start, by Brian Steel Wills
    1. A Battle from the Start by Brian Steel Wills
    Chronicles, December 1992, pp. 40-41
  71. Reviews
    The Lavender Baboon (Review)
    The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, by C.A. Tripp and Lewis Gannett
    1. The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln by C.A. Tripp and Lewis Gannett
    Chronicles, May 2005, pp. 33-35
  72. [+]
    Les Sauvages D'Ecosse (Review)
    Celtic Warfare, 1595-1763, by James Michael Hill
    1. Celtic Warfare, 1595-1763 by James Michael Hill
    National Review, April 15, 1988, p. 51
  73. Reviews
    L'Etranger Chez Lui (Review)
    A Pilgrim in the Ruins, by Jay Tolson
    1. A Pilgrim in the Ruins by Jay Tolson
    Chronicles, April 1993, p. 32
  74. Correspondence
    Letter From New York
    The Talk of the Town
    Chronicles, September 1999, p. 35
  75. [+]
    The Lewis Gun (Review)
    Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer, by Paul Edwards
    1. Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer by Paul Edwards
    Chronicles, December 2000, p. 34
  76. [+]
    The Life You Save (Review)
    Flannery O'Connor: A Life, by Jean W. Cash
    1. Flannery O'Connor: A Life by Jean W. Cash
    Chronicles, November 2002, p. 28
  77. [+]
    The Light That Failed (Review)
    The Source of Light, by Reynolds Price
    1. The Source of Light by Reynolds Price
    National Review, September 18, 1981, pp. 1084-1085
  78. [+]
    The Lion and the Fox (Review)
    James Burnham, by Samuel Francis
    1. James Burnham by Samuel Francis
    Chronicles, August 2001, p. 25
  79. Reviews
    Listen My Children (Review)
    Paul Revere's Ride, by David Hackett Fischer
    1. Paul Revere's Ride by David Hackett Fischer
    Chronicles, January 1995, p. 28
  80. [+]
    A Local Globalist (4 Reviews)
    Selected Poems of John Gould Fletcher, Vol. I, by Lucas Carpenter, Leighton Randolph, a...
    1. Selected Poems of John Gould Fletcher, Vol. I by Lucas Carpenter, Leighton Randolph, and John Gould Fletcher, ...
    2. The Autobiography of John Gould Fletcher, Vol. II by Lucas Carpenter and John Gould Fletcher
    3. Arkansas by John Gould Fletcher
    4. Selected Essays of John Gould Fletcher, Vol. IV by Lucas Carpenter and John Gould Fletcher
    Chronicles, November 1989, pp. 32-34
  81. Opinions
    The Long Hello (2 Reviews)
    Raymond Chandler: Stories and Early Novels, by Frank MacShane and Raymond Chandler
    1. Raymond Chandler: Stories and Early Novels by Frank MacShane and Raymond Chandler
    2. Raymond Chandler: Later Novels and Other Writings by Frank MacShane and Raymond Chandler
    Chronicles, March 1996, pp. 30-32
  82. [+]
    The Long View (Review)
    From Eden to Babylon, by M.E. Bradford and Andrew Nelson Lytle
    1. From Eden to Babylon by M.E. Bradford and Andrew Nelson Lytle
    National Review, March 5, 1990, p. 47
  83. [+]
    Love's Old Sweet Song (Review)
    Erotic Faith, by Robert M. Polhemus
    1. Erotic Faith by Robert M. Polhemus
    Chronicles, April 1991, p. 40
  84. [+]
    Lucky Him (2 Reviews)
    The Anti-Egotist, by Paul Fussell
    1. The Anti-Egotist by Paul Fussell
    2. The Russian Girl by Kingsley Amis
    Chronicles, April 1995, p. 36
  85. Opinions
    M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E (Review)
    Tinker Belles and Evil Queens, by Sean Griffin
    1. Tinker Belles and Evil Queens by Sean Griffin
    Chronicles, August 2000, p. 27
  86. [+]
    MacArthur Park Is Melting in the Dark (Review)
    Writing Los Angeles, by David L. Ulin
    1. Writing Los Angeles by David L. Ulin
    Chronicles, May 2003, p. 28
  87. [+]
    Man of the West (Review)
    Anthony Mann, by Jeanine Basinger
    1. Anthony Mann by Jeanine Basinger
    Chronicles, April 2008, p. 31
  88. [+]
    The Man You Hate to Love (2 Reviews)
    Napoleon 1812, by Nigel Nicolson
    1. Napoleon 1812 by Nigel Nicolson
    2. The War of the Two Emperors by Curtis Cate
    National Review, December 19, 1986, pp. 51-52
  89. [+]
    Marching Through Whatever (Review)
    Defending Dixie, by Clyde N. Wilson
    1. Defending Dixie by Clyde N. Wilson
    Chronicles, July 2007, p. 31
    The Mass Age Medium and Future Shlock
    Making sense of the 60's
    Chronicles, January 2010, pp. 14-16
  91. [+]
    Mildred Indemnity Always Twice Pierces the Double Postman (Review)
    The Postman Always Rings Twice, Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce, and Selected Stories,...
    1. The Postman Always Rings Twice, Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce, and Selected Stories by James M. Cain
    Chronicles, November 2003, p. 30
  92. [+]
    Millions for Tribute (Review)
    Uncle Sam in Barbary: A Diplomatic History, by Richard B. Parker
    1. Uncle Sam in Barbary: A Diplomatic History by Richard B. Parker
    Chronicles, September 2004, p. 31
    Mind Your Language!
    Chronicles, February 2006, pp. 14-16
  94. [+]
    Mirror & Labyrinth (Review)
    The Mystery to a Solution, by John T. Irwin
    1. The Mystery to a Solution by John T. Irwin
    Chronicles, November 1995, p. 40
  95. [+]
    Moscow in Malibu (Review)
    Red Star Over Hollywood, by Ronald Radosh and Allis Radosh
    1. Red Star Over Hollywood by Ronald Radosh and Allis Radosh
    Chronicles, September 2005, p. 37
  96. [+]
    A Musical Colossus (Review)
    Conversations with von Karajan, by Richard Osborne and Herbert von Karajan
    1. Conversations with von Karajan by Richard Osborne and Herbert von Karajan
    Chronicles, October 1990, p. 40
  97. Never Mind Your Manners
    Chronicles, August 2001, pp. 15-16
  98. The New Musical Order
    The Recorded Violin
    Chronicles, January 1993, p. 48
  99. [+]
    Nothing Is Dead (Review)
    Return to Good and Evil, by Henry T. Edmondson III
    1. Return to Good and Evil by Henry T. Edmondson III
    Chronicles, August 2003, p. 35
  100. [+]
    The Old Reliable (Review)
    The Folks That Live on the Hill, by Kingsley Amis
    1. The Folks That Live on the Hill by Kingsley Amis
    Chronicles, December 1990, p. 36
  101. [+]
    Onan Agonistes (Review)
    The Runaway Soul, by Harold Brodkey
    1. The Runaway Soul by Harold Brodkey
    Chronicles, July 1992, p. 37
  102. Reviews
    Onan Agonistes (Review)
    The Runaway Soul, by Harold Brodkey
    1. The Runaway Soul by Harold Brodkey
    Chronicles, July 2001, p. 31
  103. Opinions
    Over My Dead Body (2 Reviews)
    Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s and 40s, by Robert Polito
    1. Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s and 40s by Robert Polito
    2. Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s by Robert Polito
    Chronicles, May 1998, pp. 31-33
  104. [+]
    Pace, Pace Mio Dio (Review)
    Rosa Ponselle: American Diva, by Mary Jane Phillips-Matz
    1. Rosa Ponselle: American Diva by Mary Jane Phillips-Matz
    Chronicles, August 1998, p. 33
  105. [+]
    Paint It Black (Review)
    Somewhere in the Night, by Nicholas Christopher
    1. Somewhere in the Night by Nicholas Christopher
    Chronicles, August 1997, pp. 32-33
  106. Reviews
    Paleo Prophets (2 Reviews)
    The Unregenerate South, by Mark G. Malvasi
    1. The Unregenerate South by Mark G. Malvasi
    2. Barbarians in the Saddle by Joseph Scotchie
    Chronicles, June 1998, p. 35
  107. [+]
    Passionate and Incorruptible (Review)
    Kristin: A Reading, by Andrew Lytle
    1. Kristin: A Reading by Andrew Lytle
    Chronicles, November 1992, p. 34
  108. [+]
    A Passionate Voice (Review)
    The Velvet Horn, by Andrew Lytle
    1. The Velvet Horn by Andrew Lytle
    National Review, March 13, 1987, pp. 52-53
  109. [+]
    Patriotic Gore (Review)
    America First!, by Bill Kauffman
    1. America First! by Bill Kauffman
    Chronicles, January 1996, p. 31
  110. [+]
    Percy's Reprise (Review)
    The Second Coming, by Walker Percy
    1. The Second Coming by Walker Percy
    National Review, October 31, 1980, pp. 1338-1339
  111. [+]
    Playback (Review)
    Raymond Chandler: A Biography, by Tom Hiney
    1. Raymond Chandler: A Biography by Tom Hiney
    Chronicles, November 1997, p. 32
  112. Popular Front
    Chronicles, September 1997, pp. 23-25
  113. [+]
    Pro Patria (Review)
    Against the Barbarians, and Other Reflections on Familiar Themes, by M.E. Bradford
    1. Against the Barbarians, and Other Reflections on Familiar Themes by M.E. Bradford
    Chronicles, October 1993, p. 37
  114. [+]
    Professing (Review)
    The Professor and the Profession, by Robert Bechtold Heilman
    1. The Professor and the Profession by Robert Bechtold Heilman
    Chronicles, February 2000, pp. 30-31
  115. [+]
    A Province of the Republic (2 Reviews)
    The Lytle-Tate Letters, by Thomas Daniel Young, Elizabeth Sarcone, and Andrew Lytle, ...
    1. The Lytle-Tate Letters by Thomas Daniel Young, Elizabeth Sarcone, and Andrew Lytle, ...
    2. The Years of Our Friendship by William Doreski
    Chronicles, January 1991, pp. 33-35
  116. Put a Lid on It
    "Stop me before I write again!"
    Chronicles, June 2001, pp. 16-18
  117. [+]
    Robert Coles's Mouth (Review)
    Flannery O'Connor's South, by Robert Coles
    1. Flannery O'Connor's South by Robert Coles
    National Review, August 22, 1980, p. 1032
  118. [+]
    Roll On, Beethoven (Review)
    Beethoven: The Universal Composer, by Edmund Morris
    1. Beethoven: The Universal Composer by Edmund Morris
    Chronicles, December 2005, p. 35
  119. [+]
    Romantic Affinities (Review)
    Emily Bronte and Beethoven, by Robert K. Wallace
    1. Emily Bronte and Beethoven by Robert K. Wallace
    National Review, June 19, 1987, p. 54
  120. [+]
    The Root of All Good (Review)
    North Gladiola, by James Wilcox
    1. North Gladiola by James Wilcox
    National Review, August 23, 1985, p. 47
  121. RUOK? AWHFY?
    Chronicles, July 2006, pp. 24-27
  122. [+]
    Sailing to Urbino (Review)
    Urbino: The Story of a Renaissance City, by June Osborne
    1. Urbino: The Story of a Renaissance City by June Osborne
    Chronicles, May 2004, p. 35
  123. [+]
    Satyr and Satire (Review)
    The Satyr, by Robert DeMaria
    1. The Satyr by Robert DeMaria
    Chronicles, January 1993, pp. 36-37
  124. [+]
    The Seven-League Crutches (2 Reviews)
    No Other Book, by Randall Jarrell and Brad Leithauser
    1. No Other Book by Randall Jarrell and Brad Leithauser
    2. Remembering Randall by Mary von Schrader Jarrell
    Chronicles, November 1999, p. 34
  125. [+]
    The Shadow Knows (Review)
    The Graves of Academe, by Richard Mitchell
    1. The Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell
    National Review, August 6, 1982, p. 964
  126. [+]
    Shaked and Stirred (Review)
    Martini, Straight Up, by Lowell Edmunds
    1. Martini, Straight Up by Lowell Edmunds
    Chronicles, July 1999, p. 35
  127. [+]
    She Done Her Wrong (2 Reviews)
    Scarlett, by Alexandra Ripley
    1. Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley
    2. Southern Daughter: The Life of Margaret Mitchell by Darden Asbury Pyron
    National Review, March 16, 1992, p. 46
  128. Books, Arts & Manners
    Shinnecock, Open & Shut
    National Review, August 1, 1986, pp. 34-38
  129. [+]
    The Shock of Recognition (Review)
    Melville and Turner, by Robert K. Wallace
    1. Melville and Turner by Robert K. Wallace
    Chronicles, November 1993, p. 37
  130. Showdown at Gettysburg
    Chronicles, May 1994, pp. 24-27
  131. [+]
    The Singer and the Song (Review)
    Fernando de Lucia, Son of Naples: 1860-1925, by Michael E. Henstock
    1. Fernando de Lucia, Son of Naples: 1860-1925 by Michael E. Henstock
    Chronicles, November 1991, p. 37
  132. [+]
    Slow Burner (Review)
    Slow Learner, by Thomas Pynchon
    1. Slow Learner by Thomas Pynchon
    National Review, November 16, 1984, pp. 53-54
  133. [+]
    Smiley Face With Dreadlocks (Review)
    The Temple of My Familiar, by Alice Walker
    1. The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker
    National Review, June 30, 1989, pp. 48-49
  134. [+]
    Something Amis (Review)
    Memoirs, by Kingsley Amis
    1. Memoirs by Kingsley Amis
    Chronicles, December 1991, p. 34
  135. [+]
    Southern Exposures (2 Reviews)
    Tell About the South, by Fred C. Hobson
    1. Tell About the South by Fred C. Hobson
    2. The Percys of Mississippi by Lewis Baker
    National Review, March 23, 1984, pp. 42-44
  136. [+]
    Stainless Steel (Review)
    The Hogan Mystique, by Ian Martin Davis
    1. The Hogan Mystique by Ian Martin Davis
    Chronicles, August 1995, pp. 34-35
  137. [+]
    The State of the Art (Review)
    Revelation and Other Fiction from the Sewanee Review, by George Core
    1. Revelation and Other Fiction from the Sewanee Review by George Core
    Chronicles, August 1993, p. 41
  138. [+]
    Still Storied (Review)
    That's What I Like (About the South), by George Garrett and Paul Ruffin
    1. That's What I Like (About the South) by George Garrett and Paul Ruffin
    Chronicles, August 1994, p. 36
  139. [+]
    Stradivarious (Review)
    Great Masters of the Violin, by Boris Schwarz
    1. Great Masters of the Violin by Boris Schwarz
    National Review, June 15, 1984, p. 53
  140. [+]
    Sufferin' Succotash (Review)
    Vineland, by Thomas Pynchon
    1. Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
    National Review, April 30, 1990, p. 59
  141. [+]
    Tally Halt! (Review)
    The Columbia History of the British Novel, by John Richetti
    1. The Columbia History of the British Novel by John Richetti
    Chronicles, October 1994, p. 41
  142. [+]
    Testing the Limits (Review)
    The Limits of Interpretation, by Umberto Eco
    1. The Limits of Interpretation by Umberto Eco
    National Review, March 18, 1991, pp. 54-55
  143. [+]
    Theme From 'A Summer Place' (Review)
    Elevator Music, by Joseph Lanza
    1. Elevator Music by Joseph Lanza
    Chronicles, September 1994, p. 35
  144. [+]
    This Land Is Your Land? (Review)
    Land in America, by Peter M. Wolf
    1. Land in America by Peter M. Wolf
    National Review, February 5, 1982, pp. 178-179
  145. [+]
    This Land Is Your Land? (Review)
    Land in America, by Peter M. Wolf
    1. Land in America by Peter M. Wolf
    National Review, February 19, 1982, pp. 178-179
  146. Too Much Monkey Business
    Chronicles, September 2006, pp. 23-25
  147. Tough Tamales
    Chronicles, October 1998, pp. 18-20
  148. [+]
    Tugging the Leash (Review)
    Poodle Springs, by Raymond Chandler and Robert B. Parker
    1. Poodle Springs by Raymond Chandler and Robert B. Parker
    Chronicles, December 1989, p. 39
  149. [+]
    Twentieth Century Fox (Review)
    Nixon at the Movies, by Mark Feeney
    1. Nixon at the Movies by Mark Feeney
    Chronicles, August 2005, p. 31
  150. [+]
    Uncle Gurton's Beard (Review)
    The Fred Chappell Reader, by Fred Chappell
    1. The Fred Chappell Reader by Fred Chappell
    National Review, November 20, 1987, p. 61
  151. Unisex Multiplex
    Chronicles, February 2000, pp. 16-17
  152. [+]
    The Unmelancholy Dane and the Exemplary American (2 Reviews)
    Tristanissimo, by Shirlee Emmons
    1. Tristanissimo by Shirlee Emmons
    2. Lawrence Tibbett: Singing Actor by Andrew Farkas
    Chronicles, November 1990, pp. 38-39
    "Vampire-Loving Barmaid Hits Jackpot"
    The commodification of culture
    Chronicles, August 2009, pp. 14-15
  154. Books Arts & Manners
    The Village Theist (Review)
    The Habit of Being, by Flannery O'Connor and Sally Fitzgerald
    1. The Habit of Being by Flannery O'Connor and Sally Fitzgerald
    National Review, March 16, 1979, pp. 364-367
  155. [+]
    Virtue Rewarded (Review)
    Difficulties with Girls, by Kingsley Amis
    1. Difficulties with Girls by Kingsley Amis
    National Review, May 19, 1989, p. 50
  156. [+]
    Volodya Again (Review)
    Horowitz: His Life and Music, by Harold C. Schonberg
    1. Horowitz: His Life and Music by Harold C. Schonberg
    Chronicles, July 1993, p. 40
  157. [+]
    Volodya Dearest; or, Rancid Borscht (Review)
    Horowitz: A Biography of Vladimir Horowitz, by Glenn Plaskin
    1. Horowitz: A Biography of Vladimir Horowitz by Glenn Plaskin
    National Review, May 27, 1983, p. 635
  158. [+]
    The Waste Land (Review)
    A Sinking Island, by Hugh Kenner
    1. A Sinking Island by Hugh Kenner
    National Review, August 19, 1988, pp. 44-45
  159. [+]
    The Way Forward is With a Broken Head (Review)
    The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart, by Alice Walker
    1. The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart by Alice Walker
    Chronicles, March 2001, p. 35
  160. [+]
    The Well Wrought Life (Review)
    Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of Modern Criticism, by Mark Royden Winchell
    1. Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of Modern Criticism by Mark Royden Winchell
    Chronicles, December 1996, p. 35
  161. [+]
    A Well-Spent Youth (Review)
    Willie's Game: An Autobiography, by Willie Mosconi and Stanley Cohen
    1. Willie's Game: An Autobiography by Willie Mosconi and Stanley Cohen
    Chronicles, January 1994, pp. 29-30
  162. Reviews
    The Whippoorwill (Review)
    Robert Mitchum: "Baby, I Don't Care", by Lee Server
    1. Robert Mitchum: "Baby, I Don't Care" by Lee Server
    Chronicles, September 2001, pp. 23-25
  163. [+]
    Why Don't You Just Shoot Me and Get It Over With? (Review)
    The Life of Kingsley Amis, by Zachary Leader
    1. The Life of Kingsley Amis by Zachary Leader
    Chronicles, November 2007, p. 33
  164. [+]
    Wicked Ways (Review)
    Inherited Risk, by Jeffrey Meyers
    1. Inherited Risk by Jeffrey Meyers
    Chronicles, August 2002, pp. 31-32
  165. [+]
    The World Is Plenty (Review)
    Brighten the Corner Where You Are, by Fred Chappell
    1. Brighten the Corner Where You Are by Fred Chappell
    Chronicles, February 1990, p. 38
  166. [+]
    A World of Words (Review)
    Johnson's Dictionary and the Language of Learning, by Robert DeMaria, Jr.
    1. Johnson's Dictionary and the Language of Learning by Robert DeMaria, Jr.
    National Review, February 27, 1987, p. 54
  167. Wyndham Lewis and the Moronic Inferno
    The prophet and the herd
    Chronicles, August 1992, pp. 24-26
    Yankee, Go Home
    Yankee, come home---Yankee, get lost
    Chronicles, August 2008, pp. 14-16
  169. [+]
    You Never Know What the Day Will Bring (Review)
    Gringos, by Charles Portis
    1. Gringos by Charles Portis
    Chronicles, July 1991, p. 40
  170. [+]
    Your Place or Mine? (Review)
    An Adultery, by Alexander Theroux
    1. An Adultery by Alexander Theroux
    National Review, February 19, 1988, p. 57
  171. No Items Found