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Frederick L. Schuman Archives
Frederick L. Schuman •ï¿½181 Items / 14 Books, 40 Articles, 127 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Again the Road to War (Review)
    The Eve of 1914, by Theodor Wolff
    1. The Eve of 1914 by Theodor Wolff
    The New Republic, April 15, 1936, p. 282
  2. [+]
    Albion in Wonderland (Review)
    Britain and the Dictators, by R.W. Seton-Watson
    1. Britain and the Dictators by R.W. Seton-Watson
    The New Republic, June 29, 1938, pp. 229-230
  3. Aloha: Racial Relations in the 50th State
    The North American Review (New), Summer 1964, pp. 44-48
  4. America Looks Abroad (1938)
    1 Review
  5. [+]
    America on the Eve (Review)
    The United States in World Affairs, 1949, by Richard P. Stebbins
    1. The United States in World Affairs, 1949 by Richard P. Stebbins
    The New Republic, January 1, 1951, p. 20
  6. Books in Review
    American Foreign Policy in Crisis (Review)
    The United States in World Affairs, 1948-1949, by John C. Campbell
    1. The United States in World Affairs, 1948-1949 by John C. Campbell
    The New Republic, February 6, 1950, p. 18
  7. American Government and Politics
    "Bill of Attainder" in the Seventy-Eighth Congress
    American Political Science Review, October 1943, pp. 819-828
  8. [+]
    American Government---National, State, and Local (Review)
    The Law of Citizenship in the United States, by Luella Gettys
    1. The Law of Citizenship in the United States by Luella Gettys
    American Political Science Review, December 1934, p. 1127
  9. [+]
    American History (Review)
    The Economic Thought of Woodrow Wilson, by William Diamond
    1. The Economic Thought of Woodrow Wilson by William Diamond
    The American Historical Review, January 1945, p. 364
  10. American Policy Toward Russia Since 1917 (1928)
    A Study of Diplomatic History, International Law and Public Opinion
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  11. America's Stake in Britain's War
    The Nation, January 6, 1940, pp. 11-12
  12. [+]
    The Anatomy of Disaster (Review)
    World Politics, 1918-1936, by R. Palme Dutt
    1. World Politics, 1918-1936 by R. Palme Dutt
    The New Republic, November 4, 1936, p. 23
  13. [+]
    The Anatomy of Frustration (Review)
    Something Went Wrong, by Lewis Browne
    1. Something Went Wrong by Lewis Browne
    The Saturday Review, February 21, 1942, p. 6
  14. Books and the Arts
    The Anatomy of Patriotism (Review)
    The Loyal and the Disloyal, by Morton Grodzins
    1. The Loyal and the Disloyal by Morton Grodzins
    The Nation, March 24, 1956, p. 240
  15. [+]
    Ancestral Voices (Review)
    This Peace, by Thomas Mann
    1. This Peace by Thomas Mann
    The New Republic, January 11, 1939, p. 293
  16. Benighted Diplomacy
    The Nation, May 18, 1932, pp. 563-564
  17. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    An Introduction to the Documents Relating to the International Status of Gibraltar, 170...
    1. An Introduction to the Documents Relating to the International Status of Gibraltar, 1704-1934 by Wilbur C. Abbott
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1936, p. 313
  18. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The Coming Victory of Democracy, by Thomas Mann
    1. The Coming Victory of Democracy by Thomas Mann
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1938, p. 630
  19. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    Peaceful Change: A Study of International Procedures, by Frederick Sherwood Dunn
    1. Peaceful Change: A Study of International Procedures by Frederick Sherwood Dunn
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1938, pp. 479-480
  20. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    Europe in Retreat, by Vera Micheles Dean
    1. Europe in Retreat by Vera Micheles Dean
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1939, p. 635
  21. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    European Diplomatic History, 1871-1932, by Raymond James Sontag
    1. European Diplomatic History, 1871-1932 by Raymond James Sontag
    American Political Science Review, August 1933, p. 650
  22. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    De Bismarck a Poincare, by Raymond Recouly
    1. De Bismarck a Poincare by Raymond Recouly
    American Political Science Review, February 1933, pp. 127-128
  23. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Germany Prepares for War, by Ewald Banse
    1. Germany Prepares for War by Ewald Banse
    2. Nazi Means War by Leland Stowe
    American Political Science Review, June 1934, pp. 524-525
  24. [+]
    Book Reviews (3 Reviews)
    Europe and Europeans, by Carlo Sforza
    1. Europe and Europeans by Carlo Sforza
    2. Locarno by Friedrich Joseph Berber
    3. Vital Peace by Henry Wickham Steed
    American Political Science Review, December 1936, p. 1198
  25. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    War Our Heritage, by Joseph P. Lash and James A. Wechsler
    1. War Our Heritage by Joseph P. Lash and James A. Wechsler
    2. "We or They": Two Worlds in Conflict by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    American Political Science Review, April 1937, p. 345
  26. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Analysis of the Problem of War, by Clyde Eagleton
    1. Analysis of the Problem of War by Clyde Eagleton
    2. Viewed Without Alarm: Europe Today by Walter Millis
    American Political Science Review, August 1937, p. 745
  27. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Profits of War Through the Ages, by Richard Lewinsohn
    1. The Profits of War Through the Ages by Richard Lewinsohn
    American Political Science Review, December 1937, pp. 1167-1168
  28. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Survey of International Affairs, 1936, by Arnold J. Toynbee and V.M. Boulter
    1. Survey of International Affairs, 1936 by Arnold J. Toynbee and V.M. Boulter
    American Political Science Review, June 1938, p. 565
  29. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Survey of International Affairs, 1937, by Arnold J. Toynbee
    1. Survey of International Affairs, 1937 by Arnold J. Toynbee
    2. A Short History of International Affairs 1920 to 1938 by Geoffrey M. Gathorne-Hardy
    American Political Science Review, June 1939, pp. 513-514
  30. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Publicity and Diplomacy, by Oron James Hale
    1. Publicity and Diplomacy by Oron James Hale
    American Political Science Review, February 1941, pp. 159-160
  31. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    America and Russia in the World Community, by Harold H. Fisher
    1. America and Russia in the World Community by Harold H. Fisher
    American Political Science Review, October 1946, pp. 988-989
  32. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Psychology of Dictatorship, by G.M. Gilbert
    1. The Psychology of Dictatorship by G.M. Gilbert
    American Political Science Review, June 1951, p. 548
  33. Books
    Born-Again Christian? (Review)
    The Myth of Capitalism Reborn, by Michael Goldfield and Melvin Rothenberg
    1. The Myth of Capitalism Reborn by Michael Goldfield and Melvin Rothenberg
    The Monthly Review, November 1980, pp. 48-53
  34. [+]
    The Case for Appeasement (Review)
    How War Came: An American White Paper, by Forrest Davis and Ernest K. Lindley
    1. How War Came: An American White Paper by Forrest Davis and Ernest K. Lindley
    The Nation, September 26, 1942, pp. 273-275
  35. The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect (1961)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  36. Cold War's End: Time for Diplomacy
    The Nation, June 20, 1953, pp. 518-520
  37. The Commonwealth of Man (1952)
    An Inquiry Into Power Politics and World Government
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  38. A Communication
    The New Republic, July 8, 1940, pp. 55-56
  39. [+]
    Continental Nightmare (Review)
    Europe Under the Terror, by John L. Spivak
    1. Europe Under the Terror by John L. Spivak
    The Nation, June 27, 1936, p. 849
  40. [+]
    A Critique of War-Makers (Review)
    War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, by David Lloyd George
    1. War Memoirs of David Lloyd George by David Lloyd George
    The American Mercury, March 1934, pp. 378-380
  41. [+]
    The Cure of Souls (Review)
    Errors of Psychotherapy, by Sebastian de Grazia
    1. Errors of Psychotherapy by Sebastian de Grazia
    The New Republic, February 23, 1953, p. 20
  42. Books
    Dance of the Hobgoblins (3 Reviews)
    Realities of American Foreign Policy, by George F. Kennan
    1. Realities of American Foreign Policy by George F. Kennan
    2. The Limits of Foreign Policy by Charles Burton Marshall
    3. Power and Policy by Thomas K. Finletter
    The Nation, November 27, 1954, p. 466
  43. Correspondence
    Definitions of Socialism
    The Monthly Review, June 1969, pp. 62-63
  44. [+]
    Democracy in Confusion (Review)
    Intelligence in Politics, by Max Ascoli
    1. Intelligence in Politics by Max Ascoli
    The Nation, November 21, 1936, p. 611
  45. Design for Power (1942)
    The Struggle for the World
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  46. The Dilemma of the Peace-Seekers
    American Political Science Review, February 1945, pp. 12-30
  47. [+]
    Diplomacy of Anti-Communism (Review)
    Prelude to World War II, by Gaetano Salvemini
    1. Prelude to World War II by Gaetano Salvemini
    The Nation, February 27, 1954, p. 180
  48. [+]
    The Diplomacy of Nemesis (Review)
    The Riddle of the State Department, by Robert Bendiner
    1. The Riddle of the State Department by Robert Bendiner
    The Nation, September 5, 1942, p. 195
  49. The Dismal Science: World Politics
    The American Scholar, Spring 1937, pp. 170-178
  50. [+]
    Drang Nach Osten (Review)
    The German Octopus, by Henry C. Wolfe
    1. The German Octopus by Henry C. Wolfe
    The New Republic, April 27, 1938, p. 366
  51. [+]
    The Enemy: A Diagnosis (Review)
    Behemoth, by Franz L. Neumann
    1. Behemoth by Franz L. Neumann
    The Saturday Review, May 2, 1942, p. 9
  52. Europe on the Eve (1939)
    The Crises of Diplomacy, 1933-1939
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  53. Europe: Four Views
    The Great Conspiracy
    The New Republic, October 26, 1938, pp. 325-326
  54. The European Scene
    The Council of Europe
    American Political Science Review, September 1951, pp. 724-740
  55. The Ever Vanishing Vision
    The Monthly Review, July 1979, pp. 88-91
  56. [+]
    The Face of Evil (Review)
    Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny, by Edward Crankshaw
    1. Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny by Edward Crankshaw
    The Nation, May 26, 1956, p. 455
  57. Books
    Farewell to the Crusaders (Review)
    History of the Cold War, by Kenneth Ingram
    1. History of the Cold War by Kenneth Ingram
    The Nation, October 8, 1955, p. 306
  58. Books
    Formulas for Foreign Policy (3 Reviews)
    Power Through Purpose, by Thomas I. Cook and Malcolm Moos
    1. Power Through Purpose by Thomas I. Cook and Malcolm Moos
    2. Common Sense and World Affairs by Dorothy Fosdick
    3. Civilization and Foreign Policy by Louis J. Halle
    The Nation, March 19, 1955, p. 241
  59. [+]
    Freedom and Tyranny (Review)
    Liberalism and the Challenge of Fascism, by J. Salwyn Schapiro
    1. Liberalism and the Challenge of Fascism by J. Salwyn Schapiro
    The New Republic, July 4, 1949, p. 17
  60. Freemen's Last Chance
    Free World, November 1941, pp. 143-148
  61. Books
    Furor Teutonicus (5 Reviews)
    Tyranny on Trial, by Whitney R. Harris
    1. Tyranny on Trial by Whitney R. Harris
    2. Hitler's Europe by Arnold Toynbee and Veronica M. Toynbee
    3. Modern Germany: Its History and Civilization by Koppel S. Pinson
    4. German History: Some New German Views by Hans Kohn
    5. Governing Postwar Germany by Edward H. Litchfield
    The Nation, September 18, 1954, p. 233
  62. [+]
    Furor Teutonicus (2 Reviews)
    Hitler: A Biography, by Konrad Heiden
    1. Hitler: A Biography by Konrad Heiden
    2. Hitler: The Pawn by Rudolf Olden
    The New Republic, June 10, 1936, p. 136
  63. [+]
    Furor Teutonicus (Review)
    Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, by Alan Bullock
    1. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock
    The New Republic, March 9, 1953, p. 21
  64. [+]
    Geo-Politics for America (Review)
    America's Strategy in World Politics, by Nicholas John Spykman
    1. America's Strategy in World Politics by Nicholas John Spykman
    The Saturday Review, March 28, 1942, p. 7
  65. [+]
    Germanic Madness (2 Reviews)
    Germany Rampant, by Ernest Hambloch
    1. Germany Rampant by Ernest Hambloch
    2. The New German Empire by Franz Borkenau
    The Nation, October 21, 1939, p. 446
  66. General Articles
    Germany Prepares Fear
    The New Republic, February 7, 1934, pp. 353-354
  67. Germany Since 1918 (1937)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  68. [+]
    Germany, Russia, and the West (2 Reviews)
    Germany: Key to Peace, by James P. Warburg
    1. Germany: Key to Peace by James P. Warburg
    2. The Incompatible Allies by Gustav Hilger and Alfred G. Meyer
    The Nation, December 5, 1953, p. 471
  69. Books and the Arts
    Germany: New Myths for Old (2 Reviews)
    The German Fifth Column in the Second World War, by Louis de Jong
    1. The German Fifth Column in the Second World War by Louis de Jong
    2. Return to Power by Alistair Horne
    The Nation, April 28, 1956, p. 365
  70. [+]
    Give Me Liberty (2 Reviews)
    "We or They": Two Worlds in Conflict, by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    1. "We or They": Two Worlds in Conflict by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    2. Collectivism: A False Utopia by William Henry Chamberlin
    The New Republic, June 23, 1937, pp. 200-201
  71. Heirs to the Despot
    The Nation, August 11, 1956, pp. 119-120
  72. [+]
    Heldenleben (Review)
    Wooden Titan, by John W. Wheeler-Bennett
    1. Wooden Titan by John W. Wheeler-Bennett
    The New Republic, March 17, 1937, p. 174
  73. [+]
    The Hindenburg Myth (Review)
    Hindenburg, and the Saga of the German Revolution, by Emil Ludwig
    1. Hindenburg, and the Saga of the German Revolution by Emil Ludwig
    The New Republic, May 22, 1935, p. 53
  74. [+]
    Horrors of Bolshevism, Inc. (Review)
    I Chose Freedom, by Victor Kravchenko
    1. I Chose Freedom by Victor Kravchenko
    The New Republic, May 6, 1946, p. 667
  75. How Many Worlds?
    The New Republic, February 3, 1958, pp. 13-16
  76. How Real Is the Soviet Military Threat?
    A Communication
    The New Republic, December 23, 1957, p. 10
  77. [+]
    The Illusion of Neutrality (3 Reviews)
    Neutrality: Its History, Economics, and Politics, Vol II, by W. Alison Phillips and Art...
    1. Neutrality: Its History, Economics, and Politics, Vol II by W. Alison Phillips and Arthur H. Reede
    2. Neutrality: Its History, Economics, and Politics, Vol. III by Edgar Turlington
    3. Neutrality: Its History, Economics, and Politics, Vol. IV by Philip C. Jessup
    The Nation, April 8, 1936, p. 456
  78. The Impasse of Disarmament
    Current History, November 1961, pp. 267-272
  79. [+]
    Incredible England (Review)
    Security: Can We Retrieve It?, by Arthur Salter
    1. Security: Can We Retrieve It? by Arthur Salter
    The Nation, June 17, 1939, p. 704
  80. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Europe Between Wars?, by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    1. Europe Between Wars? by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    American Political Science Review, October 1934, p. 967
  81. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    The Wilhelmstrasse, by Paul Seabury
    1. The Wilhelmstrasse by Paul Seabury
    American Political Science Review, June 1955, p. 580
  82. [+]
    International Law, Politics, and Organization (Review)
    World Affairs and the College Curriculum, by Richard N. Swift
    1. World Affairs and the College Curriculum by Richard N. Swift
    American Political Science Review, June 1960, p. 573
  83. International Politics (1933)
    Anarchy and Order in the World Society
    11 Reviews
  84. Ivan's Take-Home Pay
    The Nation, August 4, 1956, pp. 99-100
  85. Books
    The Knave of Clubs (2 Reviews)
    Memoirs, by Franz von Papen
    1. Memoirs by Franz von Papen
    2. Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944 by H.R. Trevor-Roper and Adolf Hitler
    The Nation, August 29, 1953, p. 174
  86. [+]
    Kriegsschuldfragen (4 Reviews)
    The Coming of the War, 1914, by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
    1. The Coming of the War, 1914 by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
    2. German Diplomatic Documents, 1871-1914 by E.T.S. Dugdale
    3. A Refutation of the Versailles War Guilt Thesis by Alfred von Wegerer
    4. Portrait of a Diplomatist by Harold G. Nicolson
    The Nation, December 31, 1930, p. 737
  87. Reviews of Books
    Lenin as Conspirator (Review)
    The Collected Works of V.I. Lenin, by V.I. Lenin
    1. The Collected Works of V.I. Lenin by V.I. Lenin
    The New Republic, August 23, 1933, pp. 51-52
  88. [+]
    Lenin---Engineer of Revolution (Review)
    The Revolution of 1917, by V.I. Lenin
    1. The Revolution of 1917 by V.I. Lenin
    The New Republic, September 18, 1929, p. 131
  89. [+]
    Lenin: Self-Portrait (Review)
    The Letters of Lenin, by Elizabeth Hill, Doris Mudie, and Vladimir Lenin
    1. The Letters of Lenin by Elizabeth Hill, Doris Mudie, and Vladimir Lenin
    The New Republic, June 9, 1937, p. 138
  90. A Letter to the Editor
    American Political Science Review, June 1949, pp. 628-676
  91. Machiavelli in Moscow
    The New Republic, November 29, 1939, pp. 158-159
  92. Early Spring Book Section
    "Men Must Act"
    The New Republic, March 8, 1939, p. 133
  93. Might and Right at San Francisco
    The Nation, April 28, 1945, pp. 479-480
  94. Miracle at Stalingrad
    The Nation, July 28, 1956, pp. 80-81
  95. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Fate of the Revolution, by Walter Laqueur
    1. The Fate of the Revolution by Walter Laqueur
    The American Historical Review, June 1968, p. 1586
  96. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Lenin: A Biography, by David Shub
    1. Lenin: A Biography by David Shub
    The American Historical Review, October 1948, p. 142
  97. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    History of the National Economy of Russia to the 1917 Revolution, by Peter I. Lyashchenko
    1. History of the National Economy of Russia to the 1917 Revolution by Peter I. Lyashchenko
    The American Historical Review, October 1950, p. 108
  98. Books and the Arts
    Moral Insight into Power (Review)
    The Pattern of World Conflict, by G.L. Arnold
    1. The Pattern of World Conflict by G.L. Arnold
    The Nation, January 21, 1956, p. 53
  99. [+]
    Morituri Salutamus (4 Reviews)
    Nazi Means War, by Leland Stowe
    1. Nazi Means War by Leland Stowe
    2. The Long Roll on the Rhine by E. Alexander Powell
    3. Germany Prepares for War by Ewald Banse
    4. Can We Limit War? by Hoffman Nickerson
    The New Republic, May 16, 1934, p. 25
  100. The Nazi Dictatorship (1935)
    A Study in Social Pathology and the Politics of Fascism
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  101. [+]
    The Nazi International (Review)
    The Brown Network, by Anonymous
    1. The Brown Network by Anonymous
    The New Republic, July 8, 1936, p. 275
  102. Books and the Arts
    Nazi Koran (Review)
    Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
    1. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
    The Nation, March 18, 1939, p. 323
  103. Articles
    New Outlook for Peace
    America's Key Role
    The Nation, May 21, 1955, pp. 435-437
  104. New World or No World
    Two Spokesmen for Sanity
    The Monthly Review, February 1959, pp. 401-406
  105. Night Over Europe (1941)
    The Diplomacy of Nemesis, 1939-1940
    43 Chapters, 636pp - 8 Reviews, 1 Readable
  106. [+]
    On Keeping Out of War (2 Reviews)
    Can We Be Neutral?, by Allen W. Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    1. Can We Be Neutral? by Allen W. Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    2. Neutrality: Its History, Economics and Law, Vol. I by Philip C. Jessup and Francis Deak
    The Nation, February 12, 1936, pp. 196-197
  107. [+]
    Pamphleteer Turned Historian (Review)
    The United States in a Changing World, by James P. Warburg
    1. The United States in a Changing World by James P. Warburg
    The Nation, October 30, 1954, p. 389
  108. Books
    The Paradoxes of Dr. Toynbee (Review)
    A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee
    1. A Study of History by Arnold J. Toynbee
    The Nation, November 6, 1954, pp. 405-406
  109. [+]
    Paths of Empire (Review)
    The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1890-1902, by William L. Langer
    1. The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1890-1902 by William L. Langer
    The Nation, November 20, 1935, p. 600
  110. Peace, Security and the United Nations (1946)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  111. General Articles
    The Perfidy of Albion
    The New Republic, April 20, 1938, pp. 321-323
  112. [+]
    Plato's Illinois Republic (Review)
    The Case of Frank L. Smith, by Carroll Hill Wooddy
    1. The Case of Frank L. Smith by Carroll Hill Wooddy
    The New Republic, September 9, 1931, p. 106
  113. General Articles
    The Polish Frontier
    The New Republic, January 31, 1944, pp. 138-140
  114. The Political Theory of German Fascism
    American Political Science Review, April 1934, pp. 210-232
  115. The Purgers and the President
    The Nation, July 24, 1943, pp. 90-91
  116. [+]
    Realpolitik and World Order (Review)
    The Super-Powers, by William T.R. Fox
    1. The Super-Powers by William T.R. Fox
    The Nation, September 30, 1944, pp. 384-385
  117. [+]
    Reflections of a Pragmatist (Review)
    Operational Thinking for Survival, by Lawrence Dennis
    1. Operational Thinking for Survival by Lawrence Dennis
    The Nation, December 8, 1969, p. 641
  118. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Great Britain and the German Trade Rivalry, 1875-1914, by Ross J.S. Hoffman
    1. Great Britain and the German Trade Rivalry, 1875-1914 by Ross J.S. Hoffman
    American Political Science Review, April 1934, p. 344
  119. International Law and Relations
    American Political Science Review, August 1934, p. 719
  120. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    The Treaty of Versailles and After, by Lord Riddell
    1. The Treaty of Versailles and After by Lord Riddell
    American Political Science Review, August 1935, p. 707
  121. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    The Foreign Policy of the Powers, by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    1. The Foreign Policy of the Powers by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    American Political Science Review, August 1935, p. 708
  122. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    By Pacific Means, by Manley O. Hudson
    1. By Pacific Means by Manley O. Hudson
    American Political Science Review, April 1936, p. 407
  123. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Germany and the Rhineland,
    1. Germany and the Rhineland
    American Political Science Review, August 1936, p. 802
  124. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (Review)
    The Making of Nazis, by Isaac Leon Kandel
    1. The Making of Nazis by Isaac Leon Kandel
    American Political Science Review, October 1936, p. 1013
  125. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    The Mediterranean in Politics, by Elizabeth Monroe
    1. The Mediterranean in Politics by Elizabeth Monroe
    American Political Science Review, February 1939, p. 145
  126. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    America's Dilemma: Alone or Allied?, by Norman Angell
    1. America's Dilemma: Alone or Allied? by Norman Angell
    American Political Science Review, June 1941, p. 596
  127. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Race: Science and Politics, by Ruth Benedict
    1. Race: Science and Politics by Ruth Benedict
    American Political Science Review, June 1941, p. 602
  128. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    War as a Social Institution, by Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran
    1. War as a Social Institution by Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran
    American Political Science Review, June 1942, p. 593
  129. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Peace Through Law, by Hans Kelsen
    1. Peace Through Law by Hans Kelsen
    2. Strategy of Peace by Henry Merritt Wriston
    American Political Science Review, February 1945, p. 169
  130. [+]
    Oklahomans (Review)
    World Communism, by Franz Borkenau
    1. World Communism by Franz Borkenau
    The New Republic, May 17, 1939, p. 55
  131. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Property or Peace?, by Henry Noel Brailsford
    1. Property or Peace? by Henry Noel Brailsford
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1934, pp. 638-644
  132. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    American Diplomacy, by Benjamin H. Williams
    1. American Diplomacy by Benjamin H. Williams
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1937, pp. 615-616
  133. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1947, p. 120
  134. Review of the Month: More on the Nature of Soviet Society
    The Monthly Review, March 1976, pp. 1-3
  135. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Third Reich, by Maurice Baumont, John H.E. Fried, and Edmond Vermeil, ...
    1. The Third Reich by Maurice Baumont, John H.E. Fried, and Edmond Vermeil, ...
    American Political Science Review, December 1955, p. 1173
  136. [+]
    The Road to Hitler (Review)
    The Berlin Diaries, by Helmut Klotz
    1. The Berlin Diaries by Helmut Klotz
    The New Republic, July 4, 1934, p. 215
  137. [+]
    Russia in World Politics (Review)
    The Soviets in World Affairs, by Louis Fischer
    1. The Soviets in World Affairs by Louis Fischer
    The Nation, October 22, 1930, p. 449
  138. Articles
    Russia Revisited: I
    The Nation, July 21, 1956, pp. 51-52
  139. Russia Since 1917 (1957)
    Four Decades of Soviet Politics
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  140. Books and the Arts
    Russia Through the Looking Glass (Review)
    How the Soviet System Works, by Raymond A. Bauer, Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, ...
    1. How the Soviet System Works by Raymond A. Bauer, Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, ...
    The Nation, October 13, 1956, p. 310
  141. The Russian-American Stalemate
    Current History, January 1959, pp. 31-37
  142. [+]
    Selected New Books (6 Reviews)
    European Politics
    1. A Woman in Berlin by Anonymous
    2. The Bormann Letters by H.R. Trevor-Roper and Martin Bormann
    3. Stresemann and the Rearmament of Germany by Hans W. Gatzke
    4. German Military Intelligence by Paul Leverkuehn
    5. Tycoons and Tyrant by Louis P. Lochner
    6. The Sourge of the Swastika by Lord Russell of Liverpool
    The Nation, November 13, 1954, p. 426
  143. [+]
    Selected New Books (4 Reviews)
    European Politics
    1. The French Revolution, 1788-1792 by Gaetano Salvemini
    2. The Death of the Fourth Republic by Ronald Matthews
    3. Politics of Belief in Nineteenth-Century France by Philip Herbert Spencer
    4. The Legal Community of Mankind by Walter B. Schiffer
    The Nation, October 16, 1954, p. 340
  144. [+]
    Selected New Books (6 Reviews)
    European Politics
    1. The French Labor Movement by Val R. Lorwin
    2. The Rise of French Liberal Thought by Kingsley Martin and J.P. Mayer
    3. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918 by A.J.P. Taylor
    4. A Half Century of International Problems by Frederic R. Coudert and Allan Nevins
    5. The Evolution of Diplomatic Method by Harold Nicolson
    6. The Young Hitler I Knew by August Kubizek
    The Nation, April 23, 1955, p. 353
  145. [+]
    Selected New Books (3 Reviews)
    American Foreign Policy
    1. The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy by William Y. Elliott
    2. The United States as a World Power by Samuel Flagg Bemis
    3. Foreign Policy and Party Politics by H. Bradford Westerfield
    The Nation, October 15, 1955, pp. 326-327
  146. [+]
    Selected New Books (8 Reviews)
    European History
    1. The Third Reich by Maurice Baumont, John H.E. Fried, and Edmond Vermeil, ...
    2. Vichy: Political Dilemma by Paul Farmer
    3. Failure of a Revolution by Rudolf Coper
    4. The Communist Revolution by Harold H. Fisher
    5. NATO: The First Five Years, 1949-1954 by Lord Ismay
    6. Renaissance Diplomacy by Garrett Mattingly
    7. The Holstein Papers by Norman Rich, M.H. Fisher, and Friedrich von Holstein, ...
    8. German Social Democracy, 1905-1917 by Carl E. Schorske
    The Nation, September 10, 1955, p. 229
  147. [+]
    Selected New Books (7 Reviews)
    History and Politics
    1. Introduction to the Law of Nations by Oscar Svarlien
    2. Franz Josef and Napoleon III, 1825-1864 by Charles W. Hallberg
    3. Woodrow Wilson and the Balance of Power by Edward H. Buehrig
    4. United States Foreign Policy by Frances A. Thompson
    5. City Divided: Berlin 1955 by Ewan Butler
    6. The Colossus Again by Alfred Grosser
    7. Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1954 by Peter V. Curl
    The Nation, February 25, 1956, p. 164
  148. [+]
    Selling Communism (Review)
    World Revolutionary Propaganda---A Chicago Study, by Harold D. Lasswell and Dorothy Blu...
    1. World Revolutionary Propaganda---A Chicago Study by Harold D. Lasswell and Dorothy Blumenstock
    The New Republic, April 26, 1939, pp. 350-352
  149. [+]
    Social Dynamics of Fascism (Review)
    The Myth of the Total State, by Guenter Reimann
    1. The Myth of the Total State by Guenter Reimann
    The Saturday Review, October 11, 1941, p. 17
  150. [+]
    Soldiers and Society (Review)
    A History of Militarism, by Alfred Vagts
    1. A History of Militarism by Alfred Vagts
    The New Republic, December 22, 1937, p. 204
  151. Soviet Politics: At Home and Abroad (1946)
    62 Chapters, 712pp - 12 Reviews, 4 Readable
  152. [+]
    Soviet Recognition (Review)
    Why Recognize Russia?, by Louis Fischer
    1. Why Recognize Russia? by Louis Fischer
    The Nation, June 3, 1931, p. 614
  153. [+]
    Soviet Union (Review)
    The Threat of Soviet Imperialism, by C. Grove Haines
    1. The Threat of Soviet Imperialism by C. Grove Haines
    The American Historical Review, July 1954, p. 1015
  154. [+]
    The Soviets (2 Reviews)
    Soviet Russia: A Living Record and a History, by William Henry Chamberlin
    1. Soviet Russia: A Living Record and a History by William Henry Chamberlin
    2. Russia Today and Yesterday by E.J. Dillon
    The New Republic, May 28, 1930, p. 51
  155. Books and the Arts
    Spengler's Marionettes (3 Reviews)
    The Hitler I Knew, by Otto Dietrich
    1. The Hitler I Knew by Otto Dietrich
    2. The Kaiser by Joachim von Kurenberg
    3. Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman by A.J.P. Taylor
    The Nation, December 31, 1955, p. 577
  156. [+]
    Stalin as Satan (2 Reviews)
    Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism, by Boris Souvarine
    1. Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism by Boris Souvarine
    2. History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)
    The New Republic, October 4, 1939, p. 249
  157. [+]
    The Strategy of Revolution (Review)
    The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918, by James Bunyan and H.H. Fisher
    1. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918 by James Bunyan and H.H. Fisher
    The New Republic, March 6, 1935, p. 108
  158. [+]
    Studies in Fear and Anger (3 Reviews)
    Foreign Affairs, 1919-1937, by Eugene L. Hasluck
    1. Foreign Affairs, 1919-1937 by Eugene L. Hasluck
    2. Conscript Europe by Randolph Leigh
    3. Unto Caesar by Fritz A. Voigt
    The New Republic, August 10, 1938, p. 26
  159. Books
    Tall Tales of the Cold War (Review)
    The Fifteen Weeks, by Joseph M. Jones
    1. The Fifteen Weeks by Joseph M. Jones
    The Nation, November 26, 1955, p. 462
  160. [+]
    Third Reich (3 Reviews)
    Dictators Face to Face, by Dino Alfieri
    1. Dictators Face to Face by Dino Alfieri
    2. Race and Reich by Joseph Tenenbaum
    3. Twenty July by Constantine FitzGibbon
    The Nation, September 8, 1956, p. 204
  161. The Third Reich Votes
    The New Republic, November 22, 1933, pp. 38-39
  162. Books
    The Tortured German Psyche (Review)
    Fragebogen, by Ernst von Salomon
    1. Fragebogen by Ernst von Salomon
    The Nation, January 8, 1955, p. 34
  163. General Articles
    The Tory Dialectic: I
    The New Republic, December 28, 1938, pp. 220-221
  164. The Tory Dialectic: II
    The New Republic, January 4, 1939, pp. 253-254
  165. Toward National Suicide
    The Monthly Review, February 1967, pp. 40-41
  166. General Articles
    Toward the New Munich
    The New Republic, May 31, 1939, pp. 91-92
  167. [+]
    Trotsky versus Stalin (Review)
    Stalin, by Leon Trotsky and Charles Malamuth
    1. Stalin by Leon Trotsky and Charles Malamuth
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1946, pp. 126-127
  168. [+]
    Two Variations on a Russian Theme (Review)
    Stalin's Kampf, by M.R. Werner and Joseph Stalin
    1. Stalin's Kampf by M.R. Werner and Joseph Stalin
    The Saturday Review, April 6, 1940, p. 10
  169. Books
    U.N.: The First Decade (3 Reviews)
    The United Nations and How It Works, by David Cushman Coyle
    1. The United Nations and How It Works by David Cushman Coyle
    2. UN: The First Ten Years by Clark M. Eichelberger
    3. The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security by Leland M. Goodrich and Anne P. Simons
    The Nation, July 30, 1955, p. 98
  170. [+]
    The Unending War (Review)
    The Siberian Intervention, by John Albert White
    1. The Siberian Intervention by John Albert White
    The New Republic, September 25, 1950, p. 27
  171. Books and the Arts
    Unquiet Flows the Elbe (2 Reviews)
    The Unquiet Germans, by Charles W. Thayer
    1. The Unquiet Germans by Charles W. Thayer
    2. The Austrian Odyssey by Gordon Brook-Shepherd
    The Nation, September 14, 1957, p. 133
  172. The Reader Replies
    Walking Backward into the Future
    The American Scholar, Winter 1950, pp. 98-103
  173. [+]
    Wanted: A Biographer (3 Reviews)
    Lenin, Red Dictator, by George Vernadsky
    1. Lenin, Red Dictator by George Vernadsky
    2. Lenin by D.S. Mirsky
    3. Lenin, God of the Godless by Ferdinand A. Ossendowski
    The New Republic, May 13, 1931, p. 363
  174. War and Diplomacy in the French Republic (1931)
    An Inquiry Into Political Motivations and the Control of Foreign Policy
    5 Reviews
  175. [+]
    War and Peace (3 Reviews)
    Mars, His Idiot, by H.M. Tomlinson
    1. Mars, His Idiot by H.M. Tomlinson
    2. War: No Profit, No Glory, No Need by Norman Thomas
    3. The Coming World War by Tom H. Wintringham
    The New Republic, January 15, 1936, p. 288
  176. [+]
    The War for the World (Review)
    Global War: An Atlas of World Strategy, by Edgar Ansel Mowrer and Marthe Rajchman
    1. Global War: An Atlas of World Strategy by Edgar Ansel Mowrer and Marthe Rajchman
    The Saturday Review, September 12, 1942, p. 15
  177. [+]
    The War for Time and Space (Review)
    Geopolitics: The Struggle for Space and Power, by Robert Strausz-Hupe
    1. Geopolitics: The Struggle for Space and Power by Robert Strausz-Hupe
    The Saturday Review, June 27, 1942, pp. 3-4
  178. [+]
    The Wasted Decade (Review)
    Ten Years: The World on the Way to War, 1930-1940, by Dwight E. Lee
    1. Ten Years: The World on the Way to War, 1930-1940 by Dwight E. Lee
    The Saturday Review, March 21, 1942, p. 10
  179. The Wasted Decades: 1899-1939
    Current History, June 1964, pp. 326-330
  180. Who Owns the Future?
    The Will to Survive
    The Nation, January 11, 1941, pp. 36-38
  181. [+]
    World Politics (10 Reviews)
    Seeds of Destruction, by Cedric Belfrage
    1. Seeds of Destruction by Cedric Belfrage
    2. Nuremberg: German Views of the War Trials by Wilbourn E. Benton and George Grimm
    3. The Letters of Jacob Burckhardt by Alexander Dru and Jacob Burckhardt
    4. America's Rise to World Power, 1898-1954 by Foster Rhea Dulles
    5. The Fate of the French Non-communist Left by E. Drexel Godfrey, Jr.
    6. France: The Tragic Years, 1939-1947 by Sisley Huddleston
    7. Democracy and Marxism by Henry B. Mayo
    8. Nationalism: Myth and Reality by Boyd C. Shafer
    9. Devil's Diary by John L. Stipp
    10. The American Tradition in Foreign Policy by Frank Tannenbaum
    The Nation, June 11, 1955, p. 509
  182. No Items Found