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William B. Ziff Archives
William B. Ziff •ï¿½11 Items / 4 Books, 5 Articles, 2 Reviews
Two Worlds (1946)
A Realistic Approach to the Problem of Keeping the Peace
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    American Political Science Review, October 1946, pp. 992-993
  2. [+]
    Horizon's Editor (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    Commonweal, August 2, 1946, p. 390
  3. [+]
    The Lone Ranger Rides Again (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    The Nation, September 28, 1946, p. 357
  4. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1947, p. 120
  5. [+]
    Is the Small State Obsolete? (Review)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    The Saturday Review, June 29, 1946, p. 14
  6. Books in Brief
    One World or Two? (3 Reviews)
    Two Worlds, by William B. Ziff
    1. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    2. Russia on the Way by Harrison E. Salisbury
    3. A Few Brass Tacks by Louis Bromfield
    The Forum, September 1946, pp. 266-267
  7. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (18 Reviews)
    General: Political, Military and Legal
    1. The Great Globe Itself by William C. Bullitt
    2. Two Worlds by William B. Ziff
    3. It's Up to Us by Harris Wofford
    4. One World---or None by Dexter Masters and Katharine Way
    5. From Geneva to San Francisco by Norman Bentwich
    6. The United Nations by Louis Dolivet
    7. This Thing Called History by Harold Wheeler
    8. The Meeting of East and West by F.S.C. Northrop
    9. The Future in Perspective by Sigmund Neumann
    10. Spheres of Influence by Sydney Morrell
    11. France and Britain
    12. World War: Its Cause and Cure by Lionel Curtis
    13. The Night Is Far Spent by Harry P. Van Walt
    14. It Happened in 1945 by Clark Kinnaird
    15. The Associated Press News Annual: 1945 by Russell Landstrom
    16. Practical Applications of Democracy by George B. de Huszar
    17. Federal Government by K.C. Wheare
    18. Landing Operations by Alfred Vagts
    Foreign Affairs, January 1947, pp. 334-336