The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Hans A. Reinhold Archives
Hans A. Reinhold •ï¿½134 Items / 7 Books, 50 Articles, 77 Reviews
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  1. About English in Our Liturgy
    Commonweal, March 16, 1945, pp. 537-540
  2. The American Parish and the Roman Liturgy (1958)
    A Essay in Seven Chapters
    1 Review
  3. [+]
    Apostle (Review)
    Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations, by Henri Daniel-Rops
    1. Saint Paul, Apostle of Nations by Henri Daniel-Rops
    Commonweal, August 21, 1953, p. 496
  4. A Special Issue
    Art and the Liturgy
    Commonweal, March 21, 1958, pp. 631-633
  5. [+]
    A Bad, Bad Book (Review)
    Perpetual Peace, and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals, by Immanuel Kant
    1. Perpetual Peace, and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals by Immanuel Kant
    Commonweal, August 4, 1939, p. 360
  6. Bringing the Mass to the People (1960)
    1 Review
  7. [+]
    Buddhism (Review)
    Aspects of Buddhism, by Henri de Lubac
    1. Aspects of Buddhism by Henri de Lubac
    Commonweal, March 19, 1954, pp. 607-608
  8. [+]
    Challenges of Our Time (Review)
    Contemporary Church Art, by Anton Henze and Theodore Filthaut
    1. Contemporary Church Art by Anton Henze and Theodore Filthaut
    Commonweal, December 7, 1956, pp. 262-263
  9. Christmas in the Liturgy
    Commonweal, December 28, 1962, pp. 355-356
  10. Christmas: Anno Domini 1955
    Commonweal, December 23, 1955, pp. 299-300
  11. Churches: Their Plan and Furnishing (1948)
    1 Review
  12. [+]
    The Church's Human Element (Review)
    The Human Element in the Church of Christ, by Paul Simon
    1. The Human Element in the Church of Christ by Paul Simon
    Commonweal, February 25, 1955, p. 560
  13. The Cloister and Society
    Commonweal, May 20, 1938, pp. 97-99
  14. [+]
    Contemporary Social Problems (Review)
    Living Religions and a World Faith, by William Ernest Hocking
    1. Living Religions and a World Faith by William Ernest Hocking
    Commonweal, April 11, 1941, p. 625
  15. Critics' Choice for Christmas, 1952
    Commonweal, December 5, 1952, p. 231
  16. Critics' Choices for Catholic Book Week
    Commonweal, February 21, 1958, pp. 547-548
  17. Critics' Choices of Catholic Books
    Commonweal, February 24, 1956, p. 549
  18. Critics' Choices of Catholic BOoks
    Commonweal, February 22, 1957, pp. 546-547
  19. The Cultural Lag
    Commonweal, November 4, 1949, pp. 103-105
  20. Denver and Maria Laach
    Commonweal, November 8, 1946, pp. 86-88
  21. Don Luigi Sturzo
    A Memoir
    Commonweal, November 30, 1951, pp. 193-194
  22. The Dynamics of Liturgy (1961)
    1 Review
  23. English in the Liturgy
    Commonweal, November 16, 1973, p. 167
  24. Eternal Glory
    Commonweal, November 7, 1941, pp. 66-68
  25. Europe's Troubled Mind
    Commonweal, June 20, 1947, pp. 233-234
  26. Books of the Week
    The Four Horsemen (Review)
    Man and Society in Calamity, by Pitirim A. Sorokin
    1. Man and Society in Calamity by Pitirim A. Sorokin
    Commonweal, October 30, 1942, p. 45
  27. [+]
    From the Heart (Review)
    The Canon of the Mass, by Jerome Gassner
    1. The Canon of the Mass by Jerome Gassner
    Commonweal, March 3, 1950, p. 563
  28. Future of the Liturgy
    Commonweal, November 6, 1953, pp. 111-112
  29. Germany
    Shadows of Tomorrow
    Commonweal, January 2, 1953, pp. 323-326
  30. [+]
    A Grand Sweep (Review)
    The Church and the Gospel, by Jean Guitton
    1. The Church and the Gospel by Jean Guitton
    Commonweal, May 18, 1962, p. 213
  31. [+]
    Greece: Architecture (Review)
    Hagia Sophia, by Emerson Howland Swift
    1. Hagia Sophia by Emerson Howland Swift
    Commonweal, January 31, 1941, p. 378
  32. The Hallowing of All Life
    Commonweal, October 8, 1943, pp. 607-609
  33. [+]
    History (Review)
    Thus Speaks Germany, by W.W. Coole and M.F. Potter
    1. Thus Speaks Germany by W.W. Coole and M.F. Potter
    Commonweal, April 3, 1942, p. 594
  34. The Hope for Germany
    Commonweal, May 31, 1946, pp. 158-161
  35. I Never Thought of That
    Commonweal, November 17, 1944, pp. 118-119
  36. Incarnation and Parousia
    Commonweal, December 19, 1941, pp. 214-215
  37. Inflation's Human Aspect
    Commonweal, September 17, 1948, pp. 538-540
  38. Inroads of the Bourgeois Spirit
    Commonweal, February 27, 1942, pp. 458-461
  39. Lent in Focus
    Commonweal, March 17, 1950, pp. 599-601
  40. The Lesson of Assisi
    Commonweal, October 5, 1956, pp. 7-9
  41. Liturgical Parish Missions
    Commonweal, September 12, 1947, pp. 520-522
  42. Liturgical Reform
    Commonweal, July 30, 1954, pp. 407-409
  43. Liturgy and Art (1966)
    1 Review
  44. Liturgy and Reunion
    Commonweal, January 5, 1962, pp. 379-382
  45. [+]
    The Long Loneliness of Dorothy Day (Review)
    The Long Loneliness, by Dorothy Day
    1. The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day
    Commonweal, February 29, 1952, pp. 521-522
  46. Mail from the Enemy Defeated
    Commonweal, May 23, 1947, pp. 134-136
  47. Maria Laach Revisited
    Commonweal, August 23, 1963, pp. 497-500
  48. The Mass of the Future
    Commonweal, August 21, 1964, pp. 565-567
  49. Books
    A Matter of Tradition (Review)
    Two Roads to Truth, by Edmund Ware Sinnott
    1. Two Roads to Truth by Edmund Ware Sinnott
    Commonweal, March 6, 1953, pp. 556-559
  50. [+]
    A Moscow Diary (Review)
    Russian Assignment, by Leslie C. Stevens, Vice Admiral, U.S.N. (Retired)
    1. Russian Assignment by Leslie C. Stevens, Vice Admiral, U.S.N. (Retired)
    Commonweal, January 15, 1954, p. 383
  51. [+]
    A New Apologetics (Review)
    God, Man, and the Universe, by Jacques de Bivort de la Saudee
    1. God, Man, and the Universe by Jacques de Bivort de la Saudee
    Commonweal, November 12, 1954, pp. 173-176
  52. No Time to Stop
    Commonweal, August 20, 1965, pp. 583-584
  53. [+]
    Not So Harmless (Review)
    The Comforters, by Muriel Spark
    1. The Comforters by Muriel Spark
    Commonweal, August 23, 1957, pp. 526-528
  54. Notes on Spain
    Commonweal, October 17, 1952, pp. 31-33
  55. One Hundred Churches in Seven Years
    Commonweal, February 10, 1939, pp. 429-430
  56. Our Lenten Liturgy
    Commonweal, March 25, 1949, pp. 582-584
  57. Out of the Night?
    Commonweal, March 28, 1941, pp. 559-560
  58. Parousia, 1943
    Commonweal, January 15, 1943, pp. 318-319
  59. [+]
    Poetry (Review)
    Sonnets to Orpheus, by Rainer Maria Rilke
    1. Sonnets to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke
    Commonweal, August 14, 1942, p. 404
  60. The Pope's Plea for Personalism
    Commonweal, January 14, 1944, pp. 323-326
  61. Prisons and Penance
    Commonweal, October 27, 1939, pp. 4-5
  62. [+]
    Religion (Review)
    The Church Before Pilate, by Edward Leen
    1. The Church Before Pilate by Edward Leen
    Commonweal, January 26, 1940, pp. 310-311
  63. [+]
    Religion (Review)
    The Dialog Mass, by Gerald Ellard
    1. The Dialog Mass by Gerald Ellard
    Commonweal, July 3, 1942, p. 259
  64. Books
    The Return to Liturgy (Review)
    Liturgical Piety, by Louis Bouyer
    1. Liturgical Piety by Louis Bouyer
    Commonweal, August 26, 1955, pp. 521-522
  65. Books
    Revealing Example of Charity and Hope (Review)
    The Catholic Approach to Protestantism, by George H. Tavard
    1. The Catholic Approach to Protestantism by George H. Tavard
    Commonweal, December 16, 1955, p. 288
  66. [+]
    Religion (Review)
    The Church and the Social Problem of Our Day, by Karl Barth
    1. The Church and the Social Problem of Our Day by Karl Barth
    Commonweal, January 12, 1940, p. 271
  67. More Books of the Week
    What We Eat (Review)
    Arrival and Departure, by Arthur Koestler
    1. Arrival and Departure by Arthur Koestler
    Commonweal, December 24, 1943, p. 255
  68. More Books of the Week
    Spiking German Weapons (Review)
    Can Our Cities Survive?, by Jose Luis Sert
    1. Can Our Cities Survive? by Jose Luis Sert
    Commonweal, February 5, 1943, p. 402
  69. More Books of the Week
    Good Family (Review)
    A Short Life of Kierkegaard, by Walter Lowrie
    1. A Short Life of Kierkegaard by Walter Lowrie
    Commonweal, February 26, 1943, p. 475
  70. [+]
    Off the Deep End (Review)
    The Church in Disrepute, by Bernard Iddings Bell
    1. The Church in Disrepute by Bernard Iddings Bell
    Commonweal, May 7, 1943, p. 79
  71. More Books of the Week
    Columnist's Boyhood (Review)
    Force and Freedom, by Jacob Burckhardt and James Hastings Nichols
    1. Force and Freedom by Jacob Burckhardt and James Hastings Nichols
    Commonweal, May 28, 1943, p. 149
  72. [+]
    Pleasant, Short Book (Review)
    The True Life, by Luigi Sturzo
    1. The True Life by Luigi Sturzo
    Commonweal, November 5, 1943, p. 76
  73. [+]
    Minor Parallel (Review)
    Christian Counter-Attack, by Hugh Martin, Douglas Newton, and Herbert Montague Waddams,...
    1. Christian Counter-Attack by Hugh Martin, Douglas Newton, and Herbert Montague Waddams, ...
    Commonweal, August 4, 1944, p. 379
  74. [+]
    Russians as Soldiers (Review)
    Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power, by Konrad Heiden
    1. Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power by Konrad Heiden
    Commonweal, February 11, 1944, p. 428
  75. Books of the Week
    The Screen: Pippa Passes (Review)
    Omnipotent Government, by Ludwig von Mises
    1. Omnipotent Government by Ludwig von Mises
    Commonweal, July 21, 1944, p. 329
  76. [+]
    Portuguese Greatness (Review)
    Germany: A Self Portrait, by Harlan R. Crippen
    1. Germany: A Self Portrait by Harlan R. Crippen
    Commonweal, June 2, 1944, p. 162
  77. [+]
    Second Milestone (Review)
    The Altar and the World, by Bernard Iddings Bell
    1. The Altar and the World by Bernard Iddings Bell
    Commonweal, June 16, 1944, p. 210
  78. [+]
    End of Isolation (3 Reviews)
    Either/Or: A Fragment of Life, by Soren Kierkegaard
    1. Either/Or: A Fragment of Life by Soren Kierkegaard
    2. For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves by Soren Kierkegaard
    3. Practice in Christianity by Soren Kierkegaard
    Commonweal, June 30, 1944, p. 260
  79. [+]
    Cynara (Review)
    Attack Upon Christendom, by Soren Kierkegaard
    1. Attack Upon Christendom by Soren Kierkegaard
    Commonweal, November 3, 1944, pp. 82-83
  80. [+]
    "Park Bench Statesman" (Review)
    The Concept of Dread, by Soren Kierkegaard
    1. The Concept of Dread by Soren Kierkegaard
    Commonweal, November 17, 1944, p. 133
  81. [+]
    Impact from Overseas (Review)
    Slavery and Freedom, by Nicholas Berdyaev
    1. Slavery and Freedom by Nicholas Berdyaev
    Commonweal, October 27, 1944, p. 44
  82. [+]
    Worrying about Pressure (Review)
    A History of the Dominican Liturgy, 1215-1945, by William R. Bonniwell
    1. A History of the Dominican Liturgy, 1215-1945 by William R. Bonniwell
    Commonweal, February 2, 1945, p. 404
  83. [+]
    The Screen: No Cigar (Review)
    Racial State, by Gerhard Jacoby
    1. Racial State by Gerhard Jacoby
    Commonweal, February 16, 1945, p. 451
  84. More Books of the Week
    Sacred and Profane Success (Review)
    The Yogi and the Commissar, by Arthur Koestler
    1. The Yogi and the Commissar by Arthur Koestler
    Commonweal, July 27, 1945, p. 362
  85. [+]
    The Labor Movement (Review)
    Journal from My Cell, by Roland de Pury
    1. Journal from My Cell by Roland de Pury
    Commonweal, November 22, 1946, p. 149
  86. [+]
    Heaven in a Rage (Review)
    Rembrandt, the Jews and the Bible, by Franz Landsberger
    1. Rembrandt, the Jews and the Bible by Franz Landsberger
    Commonweal, September 13, 1946, p. 533
  87. [+]
    The Screen: Sound and Fury (Review)
    The von Hassell Diaries, 1938-1944, by Ulrich von Hassell
    1. The von Hassell Diaries, 1938-1944 by Ulrich von Hassell
    Commonweal, December 5, 1947, p. 204
  88. [+]
    Sonority of Success (Review)
    The Story of Jesus in the World's Literature, by Edward Wagenknecht
    1. The Story of Jesus in the World's Literature by Edward Wagenknecht
    Commonweal, February 14, 1947, p. 452
  89. [+]
    Escape (Review)
    A Kierkegaard Anthology, by Robert Bretall and Soren Kierkegaard
    1. A Kierkegaard Anthology by Robert Bretall and Soren Kierkegaard
    Commonweal, February 28, 1947, p. 498
  90. [+]
    The Screen: Here We Go Again (Review)
    Dear Fatherland, Rest Quietly, by Margaret Bourke-White
    1. Dear Fatherland, Rest Quietly by Margaret Bourke-White
    Commonweal, January 10, 1947, p. 327
  91. [+]
    The Labor Movement (Review)
    In Time and Eternity, by Nahum N. Glatzer
    1. In Time and Eternity by Nahum N. Glatzer
    Commonweal, January 17, 1947, p. 356
  92. [+]
    The Sick Mare (Review)
    Ibsen: A Study of Six Plays, by Brian W. Downs
    1. Ibsen: A Study of Six Plays by Brian W. Downs
    Commonweal, June 27, 1947, p. 268
  93. [+]
    The Fate of Small Nations (Review)
    How It Happens, by Pearl S. Buck and Erna von Pustau
    1. How It Happens by Pearl S. Buck and Erna von Pustau
    Commonweal, March 7, 1947, p. 525
  94. [+]
    The Labor Movement (5 Reviews)
    The Language of Faith, by Nahum N. Glatzer
    1. The Language of Faith by Nahum N. Glatzer
    2. Galut by Yitzhak F. Baer
    3. From the Land of Sheba by S.D. Goitein
    4. The Rabbi of Bacherach by Heinrich Heine
    5. Solomon Maimon: An Autobiography by Moses Hadas and Salomon Maimon
    Commonweal, November 28, 1947, p. 177
  95. [+]
    On Tucking One's Shirt In (Review)
    Ferdinand Lassalle: Romantic Revolutionary, by David Footman
    1. Ferdinand Lassalle: Romantic Revolutionary by David Footman
    Commonweal, October 24, 1947, p. 53
  96. [+]
    The Stage and Screen (Review)
    On the Marble Cliffs, by Ernst Junger
    1. On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger
    Commonweal, April 16, 1948, p. 639
  97. [+]
    Nicholas Berdyaev (Review)
    The Death of Socrates, by Romano Guardini
    1. The Death of Socrates by Romano Guardini
    Commonweal, August 13, 1948, p. 432
  98. Books
    The Screen: Physician, Heal Thyself (Review)
    Behold the Spirit, by Alan W. Watts
    1. Behold the Spirit by Alan W. Watts
    Commonweal, August 20, 1948, pp. 454-455
  99. [+]
    Treason (Review)
    Art in the Early Church, by Walter Lowrie
    1. Art in the Early Church by Walter Lowrie
    Commonweal, January 9, 1948, p. 332
  100. [+]
    Mr. Wilson's Five Points (Review)
    In Darkest Germany, by Victor Gollancz
    1. In Darkest Germany by Victor Gollancz
    Commonweal, January 16, 1948, p. 358
  101. Books
    The Screen: There Goes the Bride (Review)
    The King and the Corpse, by Heinrich Zimmer and Joseph Campbell
    1. The King and the Corpse by Heinrich Zimmer and Joseph Campbell
    Commonweal, July 23, 1948, pp. 356-357
  102. [+]
    As Others See It (Review)
    The New Testament, by Cuthbert S. Lattey
    1. The New Testament by Cuthbert S. Lattey
    Commonweal, October 15, 1948, p. 20
  103. [+]
    The Screen: The Girls Take Over (Review)
    The Mass in Slow Motion, by Ronald A. Knox
    1. The Mass in Slow Motion by Ronald A. Knox
    Commonweal, October 22, 1948, p. 42
  104. [+]
    Reflections on Travel (Review)
    Cathedrals and How They Were Built, by D.H.S. Cranage
    1. Cathedrals and How They Were Built by D.H.S. Cranage
    Commonweal, April 1, 1949, p. 621
  105. [+]
    On Translating the Bible (Review)
    Seeds of Contemplation, by Thomas Merton
    1. Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
    Commonweal, April 15, 1949, p. 19
  106. Books
    The Screen: What's Good About It? (Review)
    The Wisdom of Catholicism, by Anton C. Pegis
    1. The Wisdom of Catholicism by Anton C. Pegis
    Commonweal, August 19, 1949, p. 466
  107. Books
    John Quincy Adams for Ph.D.'s (Review)
    Desert Calling, by Anne J. Fremantle
    1. Desert Calling by Anne J. Fremantle
    Commonweal, December 16, 1949, p. 297
  108. Books
    Of Note (Review)
    Transformation in Christ, by Dietrich von Hildebrand
    1. Transformation in Christ by Dietrich von Hildebrand
    Commonweal, February 11, 1949, p. 451
  109. [+]
    The Screen: Why Hollywood Is Worried (Review)
    Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, by Gershom G. Scholem
    1. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism by Gershom G. Scholem
    Commonweal, January 7, 1949, p. 332
  110. [+]
    Catholic International News (Review)
    Theologia Germanica, by Martin Luther
    1. Theologia Germanica by Martin Luther
    Commonweal, July 15, 1949, p. 347
  111. [+]
    A Thomist Answers Sartre (Review)
    And the Third Day..., by Herbert Grierson
    1. And the Third Day... by Herbert Grierson
    Commonweal, March 11, 1949, p. 549
  112. [+]
    Christmas Books (Review)
    Goethe and the Modern Age, by Arnold Bergstraesser
    1. Goethe and the Modern Age by Arnold Bergstraesser
    Commonweal, December 1, 1950, p. 212
  113. Books
    Of Note (Review)
    Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker, by Ernst von Weizsacker
    1. Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker by Ernst von Weizsacker
    Commonweal, November 23, 1951, pp. 177-178
  114. [+]
    The Screen: Whom (Review)
    Church and Mankind, Vol. I: Dogma, by Edward Schillebeeckx
    1. Church and Mankind, Vol. I: Dogma by Edward Schillebeeckx
    Commonweal, May 21, 1965, pp. 298-304
  115. Scandal of Christians Being Separated
    Commonweal, July 9, 1948, pp. 301-303
  116. The Sea for Christ!
    Commonweal, March 12, 1937, pp. 549-551
  117. [+]
    Simone Weil, Saint of the Churchless (Review)
    Waiting for God, by Simone Weil
    1. Waiting for God by Simone Weil
    Commonweal, October 26, 1951, pp. 65-69
  118. Soeren Kierkegaard
    Commonweal, April 10, 1942, pp. 608-610
  119. The Soul Afire (1945)
    Revelations of the Mystics
    2 Reviews
  120. The Spirit of Lent
    Commonweal, March 4, 1955, pp. 577-579
  121. The Spirit of the Roman Liturgy
    Commonweal, January 1, 1943, pp. 270-271
  122. [+]
    The State as Monster (Review)
    The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt
    1. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
    Commonweal, June 8, 1951, pp. 217-218
  123. Books
    Tension Between Individualism and Community in the Church (Review)
    The Variety of Catholic Attitudes, by Theodore L. Westow
    1. The Variety of Catholic Attitudes by Theodore L. Westow
    Commonweal, March 13, 1964, p. 724
  124. [+]
    A Thousand Faces---But Who Cares? (Review)
    The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
    1. The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
    Commonweal, July 8, 1949, pp. 321-323
  125. Threshold or Interior
    Commonweal, August 26, 1949, pp. 480-482
  126. Tourist and Pilgrim
    Commonweal, October 14, 1949, pp. 6-8
  127. [+]
    Toward Christian Unity (Review)
    One Shepherd, by Charles Boyer
    1. One Shepherd by Charles Boyer
    Commonweal, July 4, 1952, pp. 320-322
  128. The Treasures of Christmas
    Commonweal, December 28, 1956, pp. 327-328
  129. [+]
    Two Modern Studies of the Life of Christ (Review)
    The Lord, by Romano Guardini
    1. The Lord by Romano Guardini
    Commonweal, November 19, 1954, p. 192
  130. [+]
    Warm Presentation (Review)
    The Christ of Faith, by Karl Adam
    1. The Christ of Faith by Karl Adam
    Commonweal, November 8, 1957, pp. 158-160
  131. What About Germany's Christians?
    Commonweal, May 19, 1944, pp. 102-105
  132. The Work of the People
    Commonweal, September 26, 1947, pp. 571-572
  133. The Worker Priests
    Commonweal, March 1, 1957, pp. 561-563
  134. No Items Found