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Paul Pickrel Archives
Paul Pickrel •ï¿½98 Items / 1 Book, 97 Reviews
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  1. Books in Review
    Academic Freedom and Pluralism (Review)
    Academic Freedom, by Russell Kirk
    1. Academic Freedom by Russell Kirk
    Commentary, July 1955, pp. 89-91
  2. [+]
    The Double Vision of Society (Review)
    The Embezzler, by Louis Auchincloss
    1. The Embezzler by Louis Auchincloss
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1966, p. 148
  3. [+]
    Edmund Wilson, Lionel Trilling, Philip Rahv (3 Reviews)
    The Bit Between My Teeth, by Edmund Wilson
    1. The Bit Between My Teeth by Edmund Wilson
    2. The Myth and the Powerhouse by Philip Rahv
    3. Beyond Culture by Lionel Trilling
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1966, pp. 95-96
  4. The New Books
    From Various Roots (8 Reviews)
    Some Recent Novels from Abroad
    1. The Woman from Sarajevo by Ivo Andric
    2. The Wailing Mountain by Mihailo Lalic
    3. A Sitter for a Satyr by Jerzy Andrzejewski
    4. The Mechanical Pianos by Henri-Francois Rey
    5. An Ancient Enemy by Pierre Moinot
    6. The Giant Dwarfs by Gisela Elsner
    7. The Garden of the Finzi-Continis by Giorgio Bassani
    8. A Green Tree in Gedde by Alan Sharp
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1965, pp. 130-133
  5. [+]
    Joycean Correspondences (2 Reviews)
    The James Joyce Murder Mystery, by Amanda Cross
    1. The James Joyce Murder Mystery by Amanda Cross
    2. Letters of James Joyce by Stuart Gilbert and James Joyce
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1967, pp. 108-109
  6. [+]
    Jude the Obscure and the Fall of Phaethon (2 Reviews)
    Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy
    1. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy
    2. Sex and Fantasy by Robert May
    The Hudson Review, Summer 1986, pp. 231-250
  7. [+]
    Miss Jewett to Miss McCarthy (Review)
    Pioneers and Caretakers, by Louis Auchincloss
    1. Pioneers and Caretakers by Louis Auchincloss
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1965, p. 112
  8. The Moving Stairs (1948)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  9. [+]
    The New Bombs (11 Reviews)
    New Nations and Old Problems
    1. The First New Nation by Seymour Martin Lipset
    2. American Education: A National Failure by Hyman G. Rickover
    3. Challenge to Affluence by Gunnar Myrdal
    4. The Age of Napoleon by J. Christopher Herold
    5. Montenegro by Milovan Djilas
    6. The Domesticated Americans by Russell Lynes
    7. Making Do by Paul Goodman
    8. The Violent World of Hugh Greene by Colin Wilson
    9. Confusions by Jack B. Ludwig
    10. Idiots First by Bernard Malamud
    11. A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1963, pp. 118-132
  10. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Success Stories
    1. Melbourne by Lord David Cecil
    2. The Remarkable Mr. Jerome by Anita Leslie
    3. The Man Who Lives in Paradise by A.C. Gilbert and Marshall McClintock
    4. My Life With the Microbes by Selman A. Waksman
    5. The Anatomy of a Crime by Joseph F. Dinneen
    6. The Memoirs of Aga Khan by Aga Khan
    7. Adventure in Freedom by Oscar Handlin
    8. In the Name of Sanity by Lewis Mumford
    9. The Dancing Bear: Berlin de Profundis by Frances Faviell
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1954, pp. 100-106
  11. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Art, Taxes, and the Myth of the Rich
    1. Cash McCall by Cameron Hawley
    2. Architecture, Ambition and Americans by Wayne Andrews
    3. John Singer Sargent by Charles Merrill Mount
    4. American Painting: From the Armory Show to the Depression by Milton W. Brown
    5. Ten North Frederick by John O'Hara
    6. A Charmed Life by Mary McCarthy
    7. Robert Benchley by Nathaniel Benchley
    8. Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor
    9. The Spider's House by Paul Bowles
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1955, pp. 88-103
  12. [+]
    The New Books (5 Reviews)
    Particle and Pattern
    1. Accent on Form by Lancelot Law Whyte
    2. A Program for Conservatives by Russell Kirk
    3. A Dangerous Freedom by Bradford Smith
    4. People of Plenty by David M. Potter
    5. The Natural House by Frank Lloyd Wright
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1955, pp. 90-97
  13. [+]
    The New Books (7 Reviews)
    History, and How We Make It
    1. Chance or Destiny: Turning Points in American History by Oscar Handlin
    2. The Strange Career of Jim Crow by C. Vann Woodward
    3. 1,000,000 Delinquents~~One Million Delinquents by Benjamin Fine
    4. America at Mid-Century by Andre Siegfried
    5. Standing Room Only by Karl Sax
    6. Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya
    7. Not Honour More by Joyce Cary
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1955, pp. 84-91
  14. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    The Question of Style
    1. The Open Mind by J. Robert Oppenheimer
    2. The Year of Decisions by Harry S. Truman
    3. The Deer Park by Norman Mailer
    4. Inside Africa by John Gunther
    5. The Pillar of Salt by Albert Memmi
    6. The Myth of Sisyphus, and Other Essays by Albert Camus
    7. The Dark Eye in Africa by Laurens van der Post
    8. The Fears Men Live By by Selma Hirsh
    9. How Far the Promised Land? by Walter Francis White
    10. The Scrolls from the Dead Sea by Edmund Wilson
    11. The Dead Sea Scrolls by Millar Burrows
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1955, pp. 84-97
  15. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    The 'Thirties and the 'Fifties
    1. Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk
    2. The Fabulous Train by Frederic Wakeman
    3. On the Waterfront by Budd Schulberg
    4. Time for Living by George Soule
    5. John Goffe's Legacy by George Woodbury
    6. Epstein: An Autobiography by Jacob Epstein
    7. Hogarth's Progress by Peter Quennell
    8. Swift and Carroll: A Psychoanalytic Study of Two Lives by Phyllis Greenacre
    9. Portrait of Barrie by Cynthia Asquith
    10. The Moth and the Star by Aileen Pippett
    11. Heritage by Anthony West
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1955, pp. 86-95
  16. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    Sanity and Society...
    1. The Sane Society by Erich Fromm
    2. Culture and Mental Disorders by Joseph W. Eaton and Robert J. Weil
    3. The Revelations of Dr. Modesto by Alan Harrington
    4. Band of Angels by Robert Penn Warren
    5. Bell's Landing by Gerald Warner Brace
    6. The Tree of Man by Patrick White
    7. Nine Men by Fred Rodell
    8. The Supreme Court in the American System of Government by Robert H. Jackson
    9. The Sixth of June by Lionel Shapiro
    10. Officers and Gentlemen by Evelyn Waugh
    11. The Navigator by Jules Roy
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1955, pp. 90-96
  17. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    Political Rhetoric, the Decision-Makers, and Some Innocents Abroad
    1. Affairs of State: The Eisenhower Years by Richard H. Rovere
    2. The Revolt of the Moderates by Samuel Lubell
    3. The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills
    4. The Quiet American by Graham Greene
    5. Some Inner Fury by Kamala Markandaya
    6. A Perfect Woman by L.P. Hartley
    7. Lucy Crown by Irwin Shaw
    8. Toscanini: An Intimate Portrait by Samuel Chotzinoff
    9. Helen Keller: Sketch for a Portrait by Van Wyck Brooks
    10. Living Like a Lord by John Godley, Lord Kilbracken
    11. Two Worlds: An Edinburgh Jewish Childhood by David Daiches
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1956, pp. 82-96
  18. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Ambiguities of Success
    1. Trial Balance: The Education of an American by Alan Valentine
    2. My Forty Years with Ford by Charles E. Sorensen and Samuel T. Williamson
    3. Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law by Alpheus Thomas Mason
    4. Much Ado About Me by Fred Allen
    5. The Happy Life of a Doctor by Roger Irving Lee
    6. Over My Shoulder by Clarence B. Randall
    7. The Art of Success by The Editors of Fortune
    8. Work and Its Discontents by Daniel Bell
    9. Seize the Day by Saul Bellow
    10. The New World by Winston S. Churchill
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1956, pp. 84-101
  19. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Politicians, Soldiers, and Hittites
    1. The Last Hurrah by Edwin O'Connor
    2. Island in the Sun by Alec Waugh
    3. A Secret Understanding by Merle Miller
    4. Boon Island by Kenneth Lewis Roberts
    5. Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell
    6. The Dreyfus Case: A Reassessment by Guy Chapman
    7. Bugles and a Tiger by John Masters
    8. The Case for Modern Man by Charles Frankel
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1956, pp. 86-97
  20. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    Popular Government, the Fully Informed Citizen, and People Like Us
    1. Utopia, 1976 by Morris L. Ernst
    2. The Restoration of Learning by Arthur E. Bestor
    3. Retreat From Learning by Joan Dunn
    4. The Heresy of Democracy by Lord Eustace Percy
    5. Democracy in World Politics by Lester B. Pearson
    6. On the Aesthetic Education of Man by Friedrich Schiller
    7. Homo Ludens by Johan Huizinga
    8. Great Books of the Western World by Robert M. Hutchins and Mortimer J. Adler
    9. Education: The Lost Dimension by William Roy Niblett
    10. The Foreseeable Future by George P. Thomson
    11. The Imperial Intellect by A. Dwight Culler
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1956, pp. 84-89
  21. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Stream and the Self
    1. New Lives for Old by Margaret Mead
    2. Goodbye to Uncle Tom by J.C. Furnas
    3. A Wreath for Udomo by Peter Abrahams
    4. A Single Pebble by John Hersey
    5. A Dance in the Sun by Dan Jacobson
    6. Self: Explorations in Personal Growth by Clark E. Moustakas and Sita Ram Jayaswal
    7. Amelie in Love by Henri Troyat
    8. The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne by Brian Moore
    9. Ring Lardner by Donald Elder
    10. Minority Report by H.L. Mencken
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1956, pp. 87-91
  22. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The Sense of Identity and the Sense of Society
    1. Marianne Thornton: A Domestic Biography, 1797-1887 by E.M. Forster
    2. Neilson of Smith by Margaret Farrand Thorp
    3. A Cornish Waif's Story by Emma Smith
    4. The Mandarins by Simone de Beauvoir
    5. The Girl He Left Behind by Marion Hargrove
    6. A Walk On the Wild Side by Nelson Algren
    7. The Ninth Wave by Eugene Burdick
    8. Music in American Life by Jacques Barzun
    9. The Ford Foundation: The Men and the Millions by Dwight Macdonald
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1956, pp. 80-87
  23. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Unconventional Memoirs...
    1. Long Day's Journey into Night by Eugene O'Neill
    2. Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis
    3. Behind the Mountains by Oliver La Farge
    4. Mr. Hamish Gleave by Richard Llewellyn
    5. All Honorable Men by David Karp
    6. That Uncertain Feeling by Kingsley Amis
    7. The Revolt of Gunner Asch by Hans Hellmut Kirst
    8. Ayorama by Raymond de Coccola and Paul King
    9. The Mysterious North by Pierre Berton
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1956, pp. 96-102
  24. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Sir Winston Early and Late...
    1. Savrola: A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania by Winston Churchill
    2. The Birth of Britain by Winston S. Churchill
    3. Cousins and Strangers by S. Gorley Putt
    4. Good Behavior by Harold Nicolson
    5. Imperial Woman by Pearl S. Buck
    6. The Abode of Love by Aubrey Menen
    7. Every Other Bed by Mike Gorman
    8. The Dispossessed by Geoffrey A. Wagner
    9. This Is Our World by Louis Fischer
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1956, pp. 80-89
  25. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Home Life of the Amphibian, and Unallied Subjects
    1. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and Other Essays by Aldous Huxley
    2. The Curve of the Snowflake by W. Grey Walter
    3. Homecomings by C.P. Snow
    4. Anglo-Saxon Attitudes by Angus Wilson
    5. The Big Nickelodeon by Maritta Wolff
    6. Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch
    7. Able Company by Douglas John Hollands
    8. Arms and Men: A Study in America Military History by Walter Millis
    9. This Hallowed Ground by Bruce Catton
    10. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War by Ned G. Bradford
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1956, pp. 86-99
  26. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    All About People
    1. Bernard Shaw: His Life, Work, and Friends by St. John G. Ervine
    2. The Outsider by Colin Wilson
    3. Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography by Frank R. Moraes
    4. The Happy Warrior by Emily Smith Warner and Hawthorne Daniel
    5. A Catholic Runs for President by Edmund A. Moore
    6. The Heart Has Its Reasons by Wallis W. Windsor
    7. The Nun's Story by Kathryn C. Hulme
    8. The Executive Life by The Editors of Fortune
    9. The Business of Crime by Robert Rice
    10. Gift of Time by Andrew Varna
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1956, pp. 82-94
  27. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    We Are on a Journey...
    1. Segregation: The Inner Conflict in the South by Robert Penn Warren
    2. Azalai by John Skolle
    3. In Search of Adam by Herbert Wendt
    4. Contemporary Capitalism by John Strachey
    5. Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox, 1882-1940 by James MacGregor Burns
    6. The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima
    7. A Certain Smile by Francoise Sagan
    8. The Fair Game by Constantine FitzGibbon
    9. Beowulf by Bryher
    10. A Family Party by John O'Hara
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1956, pp. 83-86
  28. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    A Book about Words and Some Words about Books
    1. A Dictionary of American-English Usage by Margaret Nicholson
    2. Say, Darling by Richard Pike Bissell
    3. Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov
    4. The Seraglio by James Merrill
    5. The Strange Enchantment by Geoffrey Cotterell
    6. The Wapshot Chronicle by John Cheever
    7. To Make a World by Theodore Morrison
    8. The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
    9. The Vatican Story by Bernard Wall
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1957, pp. 87-95
  29. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Midsummer Biography and Fiction
    1. Preacher with a Plow by Samuel B. Coles
    2. Rhodes of Africa by Felix Gross
    3. A Prophet in His Own Country by Kenneth S. Davis
    4. The Love-Seekers by Leonora Hornblow
    5. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
    6. The Nine Mile Circle by Patricia Hill
    7. The Red and the White by Henri Troyat
    8. The Beggar in the Harem by Leonid V. Solovyev
    9. Personal and Oriental by Austin Coates
    10. Tip on a Dead Jockey, and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1957, pp. 88-91
  30. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Bernard Baruch, Texas, and Some Lesser Subjects
    1. Baruch: My Own Story by Bernard Baruch
    2. Mr. Baruch by Margaret L. Coit
    3. A Death in the Family by James Agee
    4. Last Tales by Isak Dinesen
    5. The Dangerous Games by Tereska Torres
    6. Pemberton, Ltd. by Anthony Glyn
    7. Make My Bed by Nathaniel Burt
    8. Reluctant Empire by George Fuermann
    9. The Road to Tyburn by Christopher Hibbert
    10. The Naked God by Howard Fast
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1957, pp. 82-93
  31. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Hour After Westerly, and Other Stories, by Robert M. Coates
    1. The Hour After Westerly, and Other Stories by Robert M. Coates
    2. The Day the Money Stopped by Brendan Gill
    3. The Guardians by J.I.M. Stewart
    4. Tower in the West by Frank C. Norris
    5. Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis
    6. The Papers of Christian Gauss by Katherine Gauss Jackson, Hiram Haydn, and Christian Frederick Gauss, ...
    7. The Last Parallel by Martin Russ
    8. Give Us This Day by Sidney Stewart
    9. The Great Chain of Life by Joseph Wood Krutch
    10. The Darwin Reader by Marston Bates, Philip S. Humphrey, and Charles Darwin, ...
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1957, pp. 86-94
  32. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    From Society Back to People
    1. The Organization Man by William H. Whyte, Jr.
    2. A Surfeit of Honey by Russell Lynes
    3. The Anti-Capitalist Mentality by Ludwig von Mises
    4. Constraint and Variety in American Education by David Riesman
    5. They've Got Your Number by Robert Wernick
    6. Forms and Patterns in Nature by Wolf Strache
    7. The Great Migrations by Georges Blond
    8. The Fountain Overflows by Rebecca West
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1957, pp. 85-89
  33. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    We Look Before and After
    1. The Next Hundred Years by Harrison Brown, James Bonner, and John Weir
    2. The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt
    3. The Lunatic Fringe by Gerald W. Johnson
    4. The Kingdom of This World by Alejo Carpentier
    5. The Awakened by Zoe Oldenbourg
    6. They Hanged My Saintly Billy by Robert Graves
    7. Life at Happy Knoll by John P. Marquand
    8. The Durable Fire by Howard Swiggett
    9. In the Time of Greenbloom by Gabriel Fielding
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1957, pp. 84-89
  34. [+]
    The New Books (13 Reviews)
    Ladies and Gentlemen...
    1. Gypsy: A Memoir by Gypsy Rose Lee
    2. Memories of a Catholic Girlhood by Mary McCarthy
    3. Mrs. Gladstone by Georgina Battiscombe
    4. The Turn of the Tide: A History of the War Years by Arthur Bryant
    5. Potter on America by Stephen Potter
    6. The Club by Andrew Graham
    7. The Sandcastle by Iris Murdoch
    8. The Nature of Passion by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
    9. The Town by William Faulkner
    10. All Rome Trembled by Melton S. Davis
    11. Tides of Crisis by Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
    12. The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law by Glanville L. Williams
    13. Reflections on Hanging by Arthur Koestler
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1957, pp. 79-87
  35. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Where Responsibility Begins
    1. Nothing But the Night by James Yaffe
    2. The Last Angry Man by Gerald Green
    3. A Distant Drum by Charles Bracelen Flood
    4. A Legacy by Sybille Bedford
    5. The Loving Eye by William Sansom
    6. The Hell Bent Kid by Charles O. Locke
    7. The Fall by Albert Camus
    8. Gertrude Stein: Her Life and Work by Elizabeth Sprigge
    9. Old Friends by Clive Bell
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1957, pp. 88-97
  36. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    The Search for Community
    1. Journey of an American by Albion Ross
    2. Kingdom of the Saints by Ray B. West, Jr.
    3. The Short Reign of Pippin IV by John Steinbeck
    4. The Yoke and the Arrows by Herbert L. Matthews
    5. Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment by Sidney Hook
    6. Go South to Sorrow by Carl T. Rowan
    7. The Feast of Lupercal by Brian Moore
    8. Tunes of Glory by James Kennaway
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1957, pp. 78-90
  37. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Public and Private
    1. The Court and the Castle by Rebecca West
    2. Room at the Top by John Braine
    3. A Bit Off the Map, and Other Stories by Angus Wilson
    4. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
    5. Those Without Shadows by Francoise Sagan
    6. Candles in the Sun by Emily Lutyens
    7. The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined by William F. Friedman and Elizebeth S. Friedman, ...
    8. Return to the Islands by Arthur F. Grimble
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1957, pp. 84-95
  38. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    Postrevolutionary Figures
    1. The Memoirs of a Revolutionist by Dwight Macdonald
    2. Look Back in Anger by John Osborne
    3. On the Road by Jack Kerouac
    4. Women, and Sometimes Men by Florida Scott-Maxwell
    5. Islam Inflamed by Jan Morris
    6. Come With Me to Macedonia by Leonard Drohan
    7. Rally Round the Flag, Boys! by Max Shulman
    8. Sullivan by Walter Macken
    9. The Weather of February by Hollis Summers
    10. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold by Evelyn Waugh
    11. The King Ranch by Tom Lea
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1957, pp. 88-98
  39. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Economic Man and the Rest of Us
    1. Expense Account by Joe Morgan
    2. The Man Who Broke Things by John Brooks
    3. Image of a Society by Roy Fuller
    4. The Price of Diamonds by Dan Jacobson
    5. The Hireling by L.P. Hartley
    6. Madison Avenue, U.S.A. by Martin Mayer
    7. The Guide by R.K. Narayan
    8. The Mackerel Plaza by Peter De Vries
    9. Bitter Lemons of Cyprus by Lawrence Durrell
    10. Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1958, pp. 84-93
  40. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The Cultured Man and Some Less Formidable Types
    1. The Cultured Man by Ashley Montagu
    2. The King Must Die by Mary Renault
    3. The Horn by John Clellon Holmes
    4. At Lady Molly's by Anthony Powell
    5. A Habit of Loving by Doris Lessing
    6. The End of the Road by John Barth
    7. The Summer Lovers by Hollis Alpert
    8. The Hours After Midnight by Joseph Arnold Hayes
    9. Part of a Long Story by Agnes Boulton
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1958, pp. 84-88
  41. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Academics, Owners, Artists, and Others
    1. The Academic Mind by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens, Jr.
    2. The Academic Marketplace by Theodore Caplow and Reece J. McGee
    3. Some of My Best Friends Are Professors by George Guion Williams
    4. The Proud Possessors by Aline B. Saarinen
    5. Mine Enemy Grows Older by Alexander King
    6. Agee on Film by James Agee
    7. Here, Of All Places! by Osbert Lancaster
    8. Journey to Poland and Yugoslavia, 1958 by John Kenneth Galbraith
    9. Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1958, pp. 88-101
  42. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Not New York
    1. An Epitaph for Dixie by Harry S. Ashmore
    2. Anatomy of a Murder by Robert Traver
    3. Home from the Hill by William Humphrey
    4. Some Came Running by James Jones
    5. My Face for the World to See by Alfred Hayes
    6. First Love and Other Sorrows by Harold Brodkey
    7. Kilometer 95 by Herbert Russcol and Margalit Banai
    8. The Man on the Rock by Francis King
    9. The Sibyl by Par Lagerkvist
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1958, pp. 83-88
  43. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    America's Secular Religion
    1. Brainpower Quest by Andrew A. Freeman
    2. What We Want of Our Schools by Irving Adler
    3. A Fourth of a Nation by Paul Woodring
    4. American Education in the Twentieth Century by I.L. Kandel
    5. The Second Report to the President
    6. For Future Doctors by Alan Gregg
    7. The Tarnished Tower by Ann Marbut
    8. Corner Boy by Herbert Simmons
    9. A Maine Village by Lura Beam
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1958, pp. 84-89
  44. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Novels of Middle Age and Others
    1. The Enemy Camp by Jerome Weidman
    2. The Image Makers by Bernard Dryer
    3. The Time of the Dragons by Alice Ekert-Rotholz
    4. The Passionate City by Ian Stuart Black
    5. The Dangerous American by A.E. Hotchner
    6. The Hard Blue Sky by Shirley Ann Grau
    7. River's End, and Other Stories by Anthony C. West
    8. Darwin's Century by Loren Eiseley
    9. The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men by Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg
    10. Memoirs of a Public Baby by Philip O'Connor
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1958, pp. 86-90
  45. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Rich Man, Poor Man...
    1. The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith
    2. The Long March by Simone de Beauvoir
    3. The Mountain Road by T.H. White
    4. Two Women by Alberto Moravia
    5. Chiara by Gene D'Olive
    6. Journey to Java by Harold G. Nicolson
    7. Seidman and Son by Elick Moll
    8. A New England Girlhood by Nancy Hale
    9. Parktilden Village by George P. Elliott
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1958, pp. 82-89
  46. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    A Question of Identity
    1. I Like It Here by Kingsley Amis
    2. The Return of Ansel Gibbs by Frederick Buechner
    3. The Freest Man on Earth by James Whitfield Ellison
    4. They Came to Cordura by Glendon F. Swarthout
    5. The Conscience of the Rich by C.P. Snow
    6. Maggie-Now by Betty Smith
    7. The Joy Wagon by Arthur T. Hadley
    8. My Brother's Keeper by Stanislaus Joyce
    9. Less Than Kin by William Clark
    10. People of the Reeds by Gavin Maxwell
    11. The Capitalist Manifesto by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1958, pp. 92-103
  47. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Numbers and Enigmas
    1. The Undiscovered Self by C.G. Jung
    2. Inside Russia Today by John Gunther
    3. A Very Far Country by E.M. Almedingen
    4. The Heart of India by Alexander Campbell
    5. Yonder One World by Frank R. Moraes
    6. Seasons of Jupiter by Anand Lall
    7. Declaration by Tom Maschler
    8. The Contenders by John Wain
    9. Happy as Larry by Thomas Hinde
    10. Dickens at Work by John Everett Butt and Kathleen Tillotson
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1958, pp. 80-90
  48. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The City and Some Wicked Citizens
    1. The Exploding Metropolis
    2. The Bull of Minos by Leonard Cottrell
    3. Mistress to an Age by J. Christopher Herold
    4. The Long Dream by Richard Wright
    5. Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene
    6. Someone Will Die Tonight in the Caribbean by Rene Puissesseau
    7. The Bell by Iris Murdoch
    8. The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
    9. The Birds by Oskar Heinroth and Katharina Heinroth
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1958, pp. 106-119
  49. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The Public, the Private, and the Real
    1. A World of Strangers by Nadine Gordimer
    2. Engaged in Writing by Stephen Spender
    3. Women and Thomas Harrow by John P. Marquand
    4. Venus in Sparta by Louis Auchincloss
    5. The Law by Roger Vailland
    6. Marlborough's Duchess by Louis Kronenberger
    7. American Murder Ballads and Their Stories by Olive Woolley Burt
    8. Once Upon a City by Grace M. Mayer
    9. The Puerto Ricans by Christopher Rand
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1958, pp. 88-97
  50. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    The Middle Ground and Some More Exotic Regions
    1. The Democratic Vista by Richard Chase
    2. Short Stories of Russia Today by Yvonne Kapp
    3. The Russian Revolution by Alan Moorehead
    4. Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-1918 by Z.A.B. Zeman
    5. Let No Man Write My Epitaph by Willard Motley
    6. The Palace Guard by Donald Braider
    7. The Bystander by Albert J. Guerard
    8. The Southern Heritage by James McBride Dabbs
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1958, pp. 89-96
  51. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Gifts: Free and Cultivated
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    2. Memo to a College Trustee by Beardsley Ruml and Donald H. Morrison
    3. The Image of America by Raymond-Leopold Bruckberger
    4. The American Economy by Massimo Salvadori
    5. Codfish, Cats, and Civilization by Gary Webster
    6. For 2 Cents Plain by Harry Golden
    7. My Philosophical Development by Bertrand Russell
    8. Blaise Pascal by Ernest Mortimer
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1959, pp. 86-89
  52. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    How We Look to Others---And Who Makes the Image
    1. As Others See Us by Franz M. Joseph
    2. Fiction of the Fifties by Herbert Gold
    3. Men at the Top by Osborn Elliott
    4. The Image Merchants by Irwin Ross
    5. The Fabulous Showman by Irving Wallace
    6. The Living Theatre by Elmer L. Rice
    7. A Life in the Theatre by Tyrone Guthrie
    8. A Midwest Story by Augusta Walker
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1959, pp. 88-99
  53. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    A Medley, with Some Familiar Themes
    1. The Captive and the Free by Joyce Cary
    2. The Pistol by James Jones
    3. The Poorhouse Fair by John Updike
    4. Mrs. Bridge by Evan S. Connell, Jr.
    5. Young Love by Johannes Allen
    6. The Scientists by Eleazar Lipsky
    7. The Search by C.P. Snow
    8. W. Somerset Maugham by Karl G. Pfeiffer
    9. Suburbia: Its People and Their Politics by Robert Coldwell Wood
    10. The Waist-High Culture by Thomas Griffith
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1959, pp. 109-116
  54. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Men Making Money
    1. The Hot Half Hour by Robert L. Foreman
    2. The Detroiters by Harold Livingston
    3. The Admen by Shepherd Mead
    4. A Really Sincere Guy by Robert Van Riper
    5. Pax by Middleton Kiefer
    6. Showcase by Martin Dibner
    7. The Ruling Passion by George de Mare
    8. A Piece of the Action by Herb Gardner
    9. From the Terrace by John O'Hara
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1959, pp. 86-92
  55. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Elastic Novel
    1. Dragoman Pass by Eric Williams
    2. Tempo di Roma by Alexis Curvers
    3. The Lion by Joseph Kessel
    4. The Zulu and the Zeide by Dan Jacobson
    5. Five Families by Oscar Lewis
    6. Blow Up a Storm by Garson Kanin
    7. Lion at My Heart by Harry Mark Petrakis
    8. The Cool World by Warren Miller
    9. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter by Simone de Beauvoir
    10. The Light Infantry Ball by Hamilton Basso
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1959, pp. 85-89
  56. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Images of Society
    1. The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills
    2. The House of Intellect by Jacques Barzun
    3. The John Wood Case by Ruth Suckow
    4. The Delectable Mountains, and Other Narratives by Berton Roueche
    5. The Rape of the Fair Country by Alexander Cordell
    6. The Harmless People by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
    7. Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth
    8. Who Live in Shadow by John M. Murtagh and Sara Harris
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1959, pp. 90-95
  57. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Mostly about the Young
    1. Harry Vernon at Prep by Franc Smith
    2. The Angers of Spring by Joseph Whitehill
    3. Summer's Lease by Constance Pendergast
    4. Felding Castle by Edith de Born
    5. The Young Assassins by Juan Goytisolo
    6. A Room in Moscow by Sally Belfrage
    7. The Big Red Schoolhouse by Fred M. Hechinger
    8. An Anthropologist at Work by Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict
    9. The Gold of Troy by Robert Payne
    10. Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1959, pp. 96-104
  58. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Picasso, the Smith Family, Rats, and other Explorers
    1. Picasso: His Life and Times by Roland Penrose
    2. Picasso at Vallauris by Pablo Picasso
    3. The Transatlantic Smiths by Robert Allerton Parker
    4. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing
    5. I Remember by Boris Pasternak
    6. The Evolution of a Conservative by William Henry Chamberlin
    7. The Warriors by J. Glenn Gray
    8. Cadwallader by Russell Lynes
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1959, pp. 84-90
  59. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Faulkner, Nabokov, Hersey, Shirley Jackson, and Some Newcomers
    1. The Mansion by William Faulkner
    2. The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Vladimir Nabokov
    3. Invitation to a Beheading by Vladimir Nabokov
    4. The War Lover by John Hersey
    5. Green Water, Green Sky by Mavis Gallant
    6. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
    7. Half Moon Haven by Martin Russ
    8. Hidden America by Roland Wells Robbins and Evan Jones
    9. The Lost Cities of Africa by Basil Davidson
    10. The New Shape of American Religion by Martin E. Marty
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1959, pp. 102-113
  60. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Occasionally Endotic
    1. Meeting with Japan by Fosco Maraini
    2. Segaki by David Stacton
    3. Yesterday by Maria Dermout
    4. I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale by Khushwant Singh
    5. Moscow Gatecrash by John R.G. Kilbracken
    6. Don Chato by Anne Sinclair Mehdevi
    7. The Rack by A.E. Ellis
    8. Warrior's Rest by Christiane Rochefort
    9. Men Die by Harold Louis Humes
    10. The Finished Man by George Garrett
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1959, pp. 103-117
  61. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Of Lions and Lambs
    1. The Structure of Nations and Empires by Reinhold Niebuhr
    2. The Frozen Revolution: Poland by Frank Gibney
    3. Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
    4. Strangers on the Shore by Douglas Kiker
    5. No Love for Johnnie by Wilfred Fienburgh
    6. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe
    7. Balcony in the Forest by Julien Gracq
    8. The Flight of Ikaros by Kevin Andrews
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1959, pp. 92-98
  62. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Varieties of Commitment
    1. Name and Address: An Autobiography by T.S. Matthews
    2. Lament for a Generation by Ralph de Toledano
    3. The Edge of Day by Laurie Lee
    4. Streetwalker by Anonymous
    5. The Dinner Party by Claude Mauriac
    6. Aimez-Vous Brahms? by Francoise Sagan
    7. The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor
    8. From the Hand of the Hunter by John Braine
    9. The Forest and the Sea by Marston Bates
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1960, pp. 108-114
  63. [+]
    The New Books (6 Reviews)
    Wright Morris, Thomas Wolfe, Four Novels
    1. Ceremony in Lone Tree by Wright Morris
    2. A House Full of Women by Philip James McFarland
    3. The Paratrooper of Mechanic Avenue by Lester Goran
    4. A Silence of Desire by Kamala Markandaya
    5. The Ballad of Peckham Rye by Muriel Spark
    6. The Firmament of Time by Loren Eiseley
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1960, pp. 96-100
  64. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Points of Departure and of No Return
    1. The Lincoln Lords by Cameron Hawley
    2. Wilder Stone by John Leggett
    3. Two Weeks in Another Town by Irwin Shaw
    4. Where the Boys Are by Glendon Swarthout
    5. A Summer World by Richard Dougherty
    6. Billy Liar by Keith Waterhouse
    7. The House in Vienna by Edith de Born
    8. No Room in the Ark by Alan Moorehead
    9. The Ten Pains of Death by Gavin Maxwell
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1960, pp. 103-109
  65. [+]
    The New Books (16 Reviews)
    Of Biography and Biographers
    1. John Paul Jones: A Sailor's Biography by Samuel Eliot Morison
    2. From the Morgenthau Diaries by John Morton Blum and Hans J. Morgenthau
    3. Edison: A Biography by Matthew Josephson
    4. James Joyce by Richard Ellmann
    5. The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and Her World by John Malcolm Brinnin
    6. John Jay Chapman: An American Mind by Richard B. Hovey
    7. Prodigal Puritan by Vivian C. Hopkins
    8. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin by Leonard W. Labaree, William B. Willcox, and Benjamin Franklin, ...
    9. Nobel by Nicholas Halasz
    10. You Are All Alone by Jozsef Kovago
    11. Winslow Homer by Lloyd Goodrich
    12. Albert P. Ryder by Lloyd Goodrich
    13. Thomas Eakins by Fairfield Porter
    14. Stuart Davis by E.C. Goossen
    15. Willem de Kooning by Thomas B. Hess
    16. Jackson Pollock by Frank O'Hara
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1960, pp. 89-93
  66. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    From Anthony Comstock to Young Academics
    1. Comstockery in America by Robert W. Haney
    2. The Chapman Report by Irving Wallace
    3. Set This House On Fire by William Styron
    4. The Stars in Their Courses by Harry Brown
    5. The Good Years by Walter Lord
    6. America in the Modern World by D.W. Brogan
    7. The Absence of a Cello by Ira Wallach
    8. A Question of Innocence by Donald Winks
    9. Weekend in Dinlock by Clancy Sigal
    10. The New Professors by Robert O. Bowen
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1960, pp. 90-95
  67. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    People with Power
    1. The Affair by C.P. Snow
    2. Hail to the Chief by James Reichley
    3. Venetian Red by P.M. Pasinetti
    4. Power and Persuasion by John Franklin Carter
    5. Taken at the Flood by John Gunther
    6. The Big Ward by Jacoba Van Velde
    7. On a Lonesome Porch by Ovid Williams Pierce
    8. The Kissing Fish by Monique Lange
    9. The Seeker by Allen Wheelis
    10. Through Streets Broad and Narrow by Gabriel Fielding
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1960, pp. 97-102
  68. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    A Sense of Difference
    1. The Others by Ann Aikman
    2. A Separate Peace by John Knowles
    3. The Magic Christian by Terry Southern
    4. Kiss, Kiss by Roald Dahl
    5. Ourselves to Know by John O'Hara
    6. Rosemarie by Erich Kuby
    7. The Law and the Profits by C. Northcote Parkinson
    8. Is There an American in the House? by David Cort
    9. Monsignor Ronald Knox by Evelyn Waugh
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1960, pp. 106-113
  69. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Private Life among the Foreigners, Americans, and Criminals
    1. The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
    2. The Man of Blood by Jose Luis de Vilallonga
    3. The Disinherited by Michel del Castillo
    4. Eating People Is Wrong by Malcolm Bradbury
    5. Evidence of Love by Dan Jacobson
    6. An American Romance by Hans Koningsberger
    7. The Keener Love by Sally Thompson
    8. In the Absence of Magic by Ernst Pawel
    9. A Garden of Cucumbers by Poyntz Tyler
    10. The End of Ideology by Daniel Bell
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1960, pp. 93-100
  70. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    The Problems of the Young and Some Recent Novels
    1. Growing Up Absurd by Paul Goodman
    2. The Process of Education by Jerome S. Bruner
    3. Life: Its Dimensions and Its Bounds by Robert M. MacIver
    4. Goodbye to a River by John Graves
    5. The Necklace of Kali by Robert Towers
    6. The Lilacs Overgrow by Tai-yi Lin
    7. The Nephew by James Purdy
    8. Know Nothing by Mary Lee Settle
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1960, pp. 109-122
  71. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    The Rich: They Are Nearly Always with Us
    1. The House of Five Talents by Louis Auchincloss
    2. Timothy Dexter Revisited by John P. Marquand
    3. The Trial Begins by Abram Tertz
    4. The Householder by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
    5. The Luck of Ginger Coffey by Brian Moore
    6. A Sketch of My Life by Thomas Mann
    7. Past and Present by Monika Mann
    8. Letters to Paul Amann, 1915-1952 by Thomas Mann and Herbert Wegener
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1960, pp. 102-109
  72. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Summer Fiction: Steinbeck, Silone, and Some Women on the Loose
    1. The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck
    2. The Fox and the Camellias by Ignazio Silone
    3. Jimmy Riddle by Ian Brook
    4. The Forger by Jay Williams
    5. Breakdown by John Bratby
    6. Clem Anderson by R.V. Cassill
    7. The Edge of Sadness by Edwin O'Connor
    8. A Shooting Star by Wallace Stegner
    9. The House on Coliseum Street by Shirley Ann Grau
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1961, pp. 91-98
  73. [+]
    The New Books (11 Reviews)
    Fiction, Non-fiction, and Pseudo-fiction
    1. The Blue of Capricorn by Eugene Burdick
    2. Adrift in Soho by Colin Wilson
    3. The Old Men at the Zoo by Angus Wilson
    4. The Whisperers by Robert Nicolson
    5. A Passion in Rome by Morley Callaghan
    6. Dangerfield by Barnaby Conrad
    7. False Entry by Hortense Calisher
    8. A New Life by Bernard Malamud
    9. Night Song by John Alfred Williams
    10. Scarred by Bruce Lowery
    11. Love in Question by Rosalie Packard
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1961, pp. 109-123
  74. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The Image, by Daniel J. Boorstin
    1. The Image by Daniel J. Boorstin
    2. Ship of Fools by Katherine Anne Porter
    3. Going Away by Clancy Sigal
    4. David Knudsen by George P. Elliott
    5. The Blood of the Lamb by Peter De Vries
    6. Down There on a Visit by Christopher Isherwood
    7. The Tangled Bank by Stanley Edgar Hyman
    8. Darwin and the Naked Lady by Alex Comfort
    9. The Other America by Michael Harrington
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1962, pp. 83-91
  75. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Changes that Time Brings
    1. Portrait in Brownstone by Louis Auchincloss
    2. Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck
    3. Letters of James Agee to Father Flye by James Agee
    4. A Different Drummer by William M. Kelley
    5. The Sins of the Fathers by Christian Geissler
    6. The Plane Trees by Monique Lange
    7. The American College and University by Frederick Rudolph
    8. The State Universities and Democracy by Allan Nevins
    9. Loss of the Self In Modern Literature and Art by Wylie Sypher
    10. The Shape of Time by George Kubler
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1962, pp. 91-96
  76. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Sylva, by Vercors
    1. Sylva by Vercors
    2. Notes from a Dark Street by Edward Adler
    3. Joy to Levine! by Norma Stahl Rosen
    4. The Last Summer by Elizabeth Gunn
    5. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
    6. The End of the Battle by Evelyn Waugh
    7. The Fox in the Attic by Richard Hughes
    8. The Whole Creation by Theodore Morrison
    9. Anonymous by Leonardo Ricci
    10. Illustrated World of the Bible Library
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1962, pp. 103-109
  77. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Innocents in the Big City
    1. Youngblood Hawke by Herman Wouk
    2. Riverside Drive by Louis Simpson
    3. The Bible Salesman by Alma Stone
    4. Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
    5. Chemmeen by Thakazhi S. Pillai
    6. Key to the Door by Alan Sillitoe
    7. An Unofficial Rose by Iris Murdoch
    8. A Sad Heart at the Supermarket by Randall Jarrell
    9. Speaking the Language Like a Native by Aubrey Menen
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1962, pp. 89-96
  78. [+]
    The New Books (5 Reviews)
    The Sun and the City
    1. The Intellectual Versus the City by Morton Gabriel White and Lucia White
    2. Man and the Sun by Jacquetta H. Hawkes
    3. The Collectors: Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone by Barbara Pollack
    4. One Boy's Boston, 1887-1901 by Samuel Eliot Morison
    5. Chekhov: A Biography by Ernest J. Simmons
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1962, pp. 98-111
  79. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    The Breakup of the Tribe
    1. Before My Time by Niccolo Tucci
    2. Diamond by Brian Blanville
    3. The Sound of Bow Bells by Jerome Weidman
    4. Mister Margolies by James Yaffe
    5. Two Brothers by Vasco Pratolini
    6. Now Bless Thyself by Elizabeth Sewell
    7. In-Laws and Outlaws by C. Northcote Parkinson
    8. The Lonely African by Colin Turnbull
    9. The Blue Nile by Alan Moorehead
    10. Tragedy in Dedham by Francis Russell
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1962, pp. 98-105
  80. [+]
    The New Books (10 Reviews)
    Recent Novels
    1. A Favourite of the Gods by Sybille Bedford
    2. The Birthday King by Gabriel Fielding
    3. A Girl in Winter by Philip Larkin
    4. The Centaur by John Updike
    5. The Asphalt Campus by Geoffrey Wagner
    6. Sissie by John Alfred Williams
    7. Where's Annie? by Eileen Bassing
    8. Of Streets and Stars by Alan Marcus
    9. The Lonely Voice by Frank O'Connor
    10. The Ordeal of Change by Eric Hoffer
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1963, pp. 88-96
  81. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Love, Irony, and a Bit of Vitriol
    1. The Road to Huddersfield by James Morris
    2. Night Comes to the Cumberlands by Harry M. Caudill
    3. The Land of Rumbelow by Carlos Baker
    4. The Collector by John Fowles
    5. The Names and Faces of Heroes by Reynolds Price
    6. Miss Bannister's Girls by Louise Tanner
    7. Vertical and Horizontal by Lillian Ross
    8. Psychiatry in American Life by Charles J. Rolo
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1963, pp. 93-95
  82. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Historians and Other Confused People
    1. Freedom in the Western World by Herbert J. Muller
    2. The Precarious Balance by Ludwig Dehio
    3. Under the Mountain Wall by Peter Matthiessen
    4. Black Cargoes by Daniel P. Mannix and Malcolm Cowley
    5. Africa for Beginners by Melvin J. Lasky
    6. Kings, Courts and Monarchy by Harold G. Nicolson
    7. The Fate of the Edsel, and Other Business Adventures by John Brooks
    8. The Tyranny of Testing by Banesh Hoffmann
    9. The Community of Scholars by Paul Goodman
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1963, pp. 99-105
  83. [+]
    The New Books (12 Reviews)
    Mostly about Women
    1. Ascent of Woman by Elisabeth Mann Borgese
    2. The Soviet Family by David Mace and Vera Mace
    3. Roman Women: Their History and Habits by J.P.V.D. Balsdon
    4. Mrs. G.B.S. by Janet Dunbar
    5. Private Shaw and Public Shaw by Stanley Weintraub
    6. Beatrice Webb's American Diary, 1898 by David A. Shannon and Beatrice Webb
    7. Textures of Life by Hortense Calisher
    8. The Unicorn by Iris Murdoch
    9. Possession by Kamala Markandaya
    10. Miss Clare Remembers by Miss Read
    11. Salt by Herbert Gold
    12. What's Become of Waring? by Anthony Powell
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1963, pp. 102-108
  84. [+]
    The New Books (5 Reviews)
    The Know They're Monsters: Some Recent Books on Art
    1. Life With Picasso by Francoise Gilot and Carlton Lake
    2. Lautrec by Lautrec by Philippe Huisman and M G. Dortu
    3. My Friend Degas by Daniel Halevy
    4. The Unknown Degas and Renoir by Denis Rouart
    5. Paintings of D.H.Lawrence by Mervyn Levy and D.H.Lawrence
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1964, pp. 124-129
  85. [+]
    The New Books (14 Reviews)
    A Backward Glance: Art Books, Books on Art, and Picture Books
    1. The Philosophy of Art History by Arnold Hauser
    2. Art and Psychoanalysis by William Phillips
    3. Art History: An Anthology of Modern Criticism by Wylie Sypher
    4. Nigerian Images by William Fagg and Herbert List
    5. My Life in Photography by Edward Steichen
    6. Self-Portraits by Manuel Gasser
    7. Florine Stettheimer by Parker Tyler
    8. Patrons and Painters by Francis Haskell
    9. Great Drawings of the Masters by J.E. Schuler
    10. The Drawings of Edwin Dickinson by Edwin Walter Dickinson
    11. Life for Dead Spaces by Charles Goodman and Wolf von Eckardt
    12. Great Private Collections by Douglas Cooper
    13. Newport: Pleasures and Palaces by Nancy Sirkis
    14. A Vision of Paris by Eugene Atget and Arthur D. Trottenberg
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1964, pp. 101-105
  86. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    The Gods: Their Exits and their Entrances
    1. Julian by Gore Vidal
    2. The Rector of Justin by Louis Auchincloss
    3. The Tomorrow-Tamer, and Other Stories by Margaret Laurence
    4. The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence
    5. The Radical Tradition by R.H. Tawney and Rita Hinden
    6. Insight and Responsibility by Erik H. Erikson
    7. Around About America by Erskine Caldwell
    8. Double Vision by John Knowles
    9. An America That Was by Albert Britt
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1964, pp. 99-103
  87. [+]
    The New Books (9 Reviews)
    Interest, Human and Otherwise
    1. When the Cheering Stopped by Gene Smith
    2. The Day of the Lion by Roy MacGregor-Hastie
    3. Burton by Byron Farwell
    4. A Fine Madness by Elliott Baker
    5. Jubb by Keith Waterhouse
    6. Because I Was Flesh by Edward Dahlberg
    7. A Frieze of Girls by Allan Seager
    8. The Martyred by Richard E. Kim
    9. The Wasted Americans by Edgar May
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1964, pp. 117-125
  88. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Vision and Reality: Shakespeare to Calvin Coolidge
    1. The Great Shakespeare Jubilee by Christian Deelman
    2. How Shakespeare Spent the Day by Ivor J.C. Brown
    3. Shakespeare's Politics by Allan Bloom and Harry V. Jaffa
    4. The Shakespearean Imagination by Norman Holland
    5. Art and Anarchy by Edgar Wind
    6. Both Sides of the Ocean by Viktor Nekrasov
    7. The Spire by William G. Golding
    8. My People Is the Enemy by William Stringfellow
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1964, pp. 113-119
  89. [+]
    The New Books (6 Reviews)
    The Meaning of the Twentieth Century, by Kenneth E. Boulding
    1. The Meaning of the Twentieth Century by Kenneth E. Boulding
    2. The Scientific Age by Lloyd V. Berkner
    3. The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
    4. Corridors of Power by C.P. Snow
    5. The Italian Girl by Iris Murdoch
    6. Herzog by Saul Bellow
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1964, pp. 122-128
  90. Books in Review
    The Pleasures of Maturity (Review)
    An End to Innocence, by Leslie A. Fiedler
    1. An End to Innocence by Leslie A. Fiedler
    Commentary, October 1955, pp. 378-379
  91. [+]
    The Sacred Dwelling (Review)
    The Temple and the House, by FitzRoy Somerset Raglan
    1. The Temple and the House by FitzRoy Somerset Raglan
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1965, pp. 150-151
  92. The New Books
    Sad, Sinister, and Sane (5 Reviews)
    Some New Novels
    1. Gentlemen in Their Season by Gabriel Fielding
    2. Quondam by David Pryce-Jones
    3. Up Above the World by Paul Bowles
    4. Despair by Vladimir Nabokov
    5. A Country of Strangers by Conrad Richter
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1966, pp. 98-99
  93. The New Books
    Sex: The Amateurs and the Virtuosi (5 Reviews)
    The Sex Kick, by Tristram Potter Coffin
    1. The Sex Kick by Tristram Potter Coffin
    2. What You Should Know About Human Sexual Response by Julius Fast
    3. One in Twenty by Bryan Magee
    4. The Boys of Boise by John Gerassi
    5. The Many Faces of Sex by Theodor Reik
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1966, pp. 116-119
  94. The New Books
    A Stegner, a MacLennan, and a Sontag (3 Reviews)
    All the Little Live Things, by Wallace Stegner
    1. All the Little Live Things by Wallace Stegner
    2. Return of the Sphinx by Hugh MacLennan
    3. Death Kit by Susan Sontag
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1967, pp. 118-119
  95. [+]
    Thing of Darkness (Review)
    An American Dream, by Norman Mailer
    1. An American Dream by Norman Mailer
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1965, p. 116
  96. [+]
    Two Novelists: Outsider and Insider (2 Reviews)
    Dreiser, by W.A. Swanberg
    1. Dreiser by W.A. Swanberg
    2. C.P. Snow: A Biographical and Critical Study by Jerome Thale and C.P. Snow
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1965, pp. 116-117
  97. The New Books
    Using the Mother Tongue (4 Reviews)
    A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, by Henry W. Fowler
    1. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage by Henry W. Fowler
    2. The Careful Writer by Theodore M. Bernstein
    3. Freedom and Discipline in English
    4. Fractured English by Norton Mockridge
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1965, pp. 118-121
  98. Books in Review
    The Voice Beyond Ideology (Review)
    The Opposing Self, by Lionel Trilling
    1. The Opposing Self by Lionel Trilling
    Commentary, April 1955, pp. 398-399
  99. No Items Found