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Michael Dunlop Young Archives
Michael Dunlop Young •ï¿½24 Items / 5 Books, 17 Articles, 2 Reviews
The Rise of the Meritocracy (1959)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books
    2034 (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1994, pp. 129-135
  2. [+]
    Survival for What? (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    Commentary, November 1959, pp. 458-462
  3. Books
    All Men Are Equal, but Some... (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    Dissent, Spring 1960, pp. 207-209
  4. [+]
    The Fable of 2034 A.D. (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    Encounter, February 1959, pp. 68-71
  5. [+]
    Books in Brief (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    National Review, October 10, 1959, p. 402
  6. [+]
    Foretelling The Bell Curve (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    National Review, December 19, 1994, p. 55
  7. Books & Comment
    The Cult of Efficiency (Review)
    The Rise of the Meritocracy, by Michael Dunlop Young
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    The New Republic, September 7, 1959, p. 18
  8. [+]
    Atlantic Bookshelf (8 Reviews)
    Reader's Choice
    1. Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
    2. The Freudian Ethic by Richard T. LaPiere
    3. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    4. The Daughters of Necessity by Peter S. Feibleman
    5. Pursuit of the Prodigal by Louis Auchincloss
    6. The Barren Beaches of Hell by Boyd Cochrell
    7. Stiff Upper Lip by Lawrence Durrell
    8. Arturo's Island by Elsa Morante
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1959, pp. 89-98
  9. [+]
    The New Books (8 Reviews)
    Gifts: Free and Cultivated
    1. The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young
    2. Memo to a College Trustee by Beardsley Ruml and Donald H. Morrison
    3. The Image of America by Raymond-Leopold Bruckberger
    4. The American Economy by Massimo Salvadori
    5. Codfish, Cats, and Civilization by Gary Webster
    6. For 2 Cents Plain by Harry Golden
    7. My Philosophical Development by Bertrand Russell
    8. Blaise Pascal by Ernest Mortimer
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1959, pp. 86-89