The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Edgar Ansel Mowrer Archives
Edgar Ansel Mowrer •ï¿½160 Items / 31 Reviews, 11 Books, 118 Articles
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  1. Abandon Peron Now
    The Forum, September 1946, pp. 235-236
  2. Books, Arts, Manners
    Analysis of Appeasement (Review)
    The Politics of Surrender, by M. Stanton Evans
    1. The Politics of Surrender by M. Stanton Evans
    National Review, January 10, 1967, p. 40
  3. Berliner Biographies
    The Saturday Review, October 13, 1956, p. 11
  4. Blueprint for Survival
    Coronet Magazine, August 1947, pp. 11-14
  5. Braver and Newer
    A Guest Editorial
    The Saturday Review, January 8, 1955, p. 22
  6. Brinksmanship Is Necessary
    National Review, March 26, 1963, pp. 229-231
  7. Call the Mufti!
    The Forum, March 1946, pp. 611-612
  8. Challenge and Decision (1950)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. China Experts Chortle at Bobby's Speech
    Does Sen. Kennedy Read the Newspapers?
    Human Events, March 4, 1967, p. 1
  10. City Hall Politics in Italy
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1953, pp. 59-61
  11. Books, Arts, Manners
    The Cold War and Its Origins (Review)
    The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-1960, by Denna F. Fleming
    1. The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-1960 by Denna F. Fleming
    National Review, December 30, 1961, pp. 453-454
  12. [+]
    The Collapse of Internationalism (Review)
    The Intelligent Man's Review of Europe Today, by G.D.H. Cole and Margaret Cole
    1. The Intelligent Man's Review of Europe Today by G.D.H. Cole and Margaret Cole
    The Saturday Review, October 28, 1933, pp. 213-214
  13. Conversations With Two Italians
    Human Events, August 9, 1969, pp. 7-8
  14. The Costly Myth of Soviet Thaw
    Human Events, May 17, 1969, p. 10
  15. Danger Sign
    The Saturday Review, May 25, 1946, pp. 5-6
  16. Does New ADA Chairman Put Party Above Country?
    Human Events, April 22, 1967, p. 11
  17. Dollar Diplomats in Araby?
    The Forum, January 1946, pp. 430-431
  18. The Dragon Wakes (1939)
    A Report from China
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  19. [+]
    Education of a Democrat (Review)
    Ambassador Dodd's Diary, 1933-1938, by William E. Dodd, Jr. and Martha Dodd
    1. Ambassador Dodd's Diary, 1933-1938 by William E. Dodd, Jr. and Martha Dodd
    The Nation, March 8, 1941, p. 272
  20. Books, Arts, Manners
    The Education of James Agee (Review)
    Agee on Film, by James Agee
    1. Agee on Film by James Agee
    National Review, January 17, 1959, p. 464
  21. An End to Make-Believe (1961)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  22. [+]
    The Enemy of an Enemy (Review)
    Again the Goose Step, by Delbert Clark
    1. Again the Goose Step by Delbert Clark
    The Saturday Review, October 8, 1949, pp. 40-41
  23. Europe's Reds Helped by U.S. Weakness
    Human Events, October 21, 1967, p. 6
  24. [+]
    A Finer World by Partnership Capital (Review)
    We're All In It, by Eric A. Johnston
    1. We're All In It by Eric A. Johnston
    The Saturday Review, December 18, 1948, p. 14
  25. Foreign Aid Should Be Made Election Issue
    Human Events, July 30, 1966, p. 12
  26. [+]
    Four Men's Stories (Review)
    Albion Ross
    1. Journey of an American by Albion Ross
    The Saturday Review, April 13, 1957, p. 19
  27. France Nees a New Revolution
    Collier's Weekly, January 22, 1954, pp. 19-23
  28. French Move to Left Could Happen in America
    Human Events, June 22, 1968, p. 12
  29. [+]
    Fringe of a Frenzy (Review)
    Conquest by Terror, by Leland Stowe
    1. Conquest by Terror by Leland Stowe
    The Saturday Review, May 17, 1952, p. 10
  30. German Reunification Hopes Fade
    Human Events, September 10, 1966, p. 13
  31. Germany After Ten Years
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1928, pp. 61-69
  32. Germany Comes Back
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1927, pp. 203-209
  33. Germany Puts the Clock Back (1933)
    8 Reviews, 3 Readable
  34. Global War: An Atlas of World Strategy (1942)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  35. A Good Tiem to Be Alice
    The Saturday Review, December 22, 1951, pp. 6-7
  36. A Good Time to Be Alive (1959)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  37. Growing Resentment May Doom Soviet Communism
    Human Events, July 29, 1967, p. 9
  38. A Half Century of Soviet Duplicity
    Human Events, October 14, 1967, p. 11
  39. History May Show Reds Won Cold War in 1966
    Human Events, January 7, 1967, p. 5
  40. Ho Counts on Faltering U.S. Will
    Human Events, April 8, 1967, p. 6
  41. How De Gaulle Views Europe Today
    Human Events, July 15, 1967, p. 10
  42. How Europeans View Riots in U.S. Cities
    Human Events, August 12, 1967, p. 8
  43. How the Dawes Plan Works
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1926, pp. 592-599
  44. [+]
    How to Deal with Russia (Review)
    The Great Challenge, by Louis Fischer
    1. The Great Challenge by Louis Fischer
    The Saturday Review, October 12, 1946, p. 27
  45. [+]
    If Not Containment, What? (Review)
    Containment or Liberation?, by James Burnham
    1. Containment or Liberation? by James Burnham
    The Saturday Review, April 18, 1953, p. 16
  46. If You Were Secretary of State
    Coronet Magazine, April 1948, pp. 152-157
  47. Immortal Italy (1922)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  48. Intervention Below
    The Forum, July 1946, pp. 37-38
  49. Is a Lasting Peace on Cyprus Possible?
    Human Events, December 9, 1967, p. 16
  50. Is the United States Really Trying to Win?
    Human Events, May 13, 1967, p. 9
  51. Italy's Economic Recovery
    The Forum, February 1923, pp. 1198-1206
  52. [+]
    "John Between" in Air-and-Atomic Age (Review)
    Target: You, by Leland Stowe
    1. Target: You by Leland Stowe
    The Saturday Review, May 7, 1949, p. 13
  53. Just What to Negotiate in Viet Nam Is Unclear
    Human Events, April 1, 1967, p. 13
  54. Books, Arts, Manners
    Learned Lemming of Appeasement (Review)
    The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect, by Frederick L. Schuman
    1. The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect by Frederick L. Schuman
    National Review, October 23, 1962, p. 318
  55. [+]
    Liberty & Democratic Participation (Review)
    The Prospect Before Us, by John Dos Passos
    1. The Prospect Before Us by John Dos Passos
    The Saturday Review, November 4, 1950, p. 14
  56. National Interest and Moral Principles in Foreign Policy
    The American Scholar, Summer 1949, pp. 376-381
  57. [+]
    New Concepts of an Old Enemy (2 Reviews)
    The Death and Life of Germany, by Eugene Davidson
    1. The Death and Life of Germany by Eugene Davidson
    2. Germany and World Politics in the Twentieth Century by Ludwig Dehio
    The Saturday Review, May 30, 1959, p. 16
  58. New Frontier for Freedom
    Collier's Weekly, June 25, 1954, pp. 34-41
  59. New Year's Predictions from Two Columnists
    Human Events, January 14, 1967, p. 12
  60. The Nightmare of American Foreign Policy (1948)
    7 Reviews, 1 Readable
  61. The Open Universe
    The Saturday Review, April 19, 1958, pp. 11-13
  62. Our Imaginary Isolation
    The Forum, February 1926, pp. 186-195
  63. Our Three-Story Heritage
    The Saturday Review, August 1, 1953, pp. 9-10
  64. [+]
    Patterned for Peace (Review)
    The Promise of World Tensions, by Harlan Cleveland
    1. The Promise of World Tensions by Harlan Cleveland
    The Saturday Review, February 25, 1961, p. 28
  65. Peace Pipe Dreams
    The Saturday Review, September 18, 1948, pp. 9-10
  66. Books, Arts, Manners
    The Power of Arrogance (Review)
    The Arrogance of Power, by J. William Fulbright
    1. The Arrogance of Power by J. William Fulbright
    National Review, April 4, 1967, p. 367
  67. [+]
    Prescription for Safety (Review)
    Policy for the West, by Barbara Ward
    1. Policy for the West by Barbara Ward
    The Saturday Review, January 13, 1951, p. 27
  68. [+]
    Promise or Threat to World (Review)
    Profile of Red China, by Lynn Landman and Amos Landman
    1. Profile of Red China by Lynn Landman and Amos Landman
    The Saturday Review, March 15, 1952, p. 18
  69. Red China's Developing Civil War
    Human Events, January 21, 1967, pp. 14-16
  70. The Reds Hold Five Big Cards---But We Can Trump Them
    Collier's Weekly, October 29, 1954, pp. 50-53
  71. Return to Integrity
    The Saturday Review, February 5, 1955, p. 7
  72. The Rule of the Fascisti
    The Forum, March 1923, pp. 1299-1306
  73. [+]
    Russia and the Wave of the Future (Review)
    Europe in Revolution, by John Scott
    1. Europe in Revolution by John Scott
    The Saturday Review, October 27, 1945, p. 11
  74. Russia Swaps Peanuts for Shrimp
    Human Events, April 15, 1967, p. 7
  75. Saviors of a Decaying Profession
    The Saturday Review, June 14, 1952, p. 13
  76. Sawdust, Seaweed, and Synthetics
    The Saturday Review, December 8, 1956, pp. 11-13
  77. [+]
    Second Warning (Review)
    End of a Berlin Diary, by William L. Shirer
    1. End of a Berlin Diary by William L. Shirer
    The Saturday Review, September 27, 1947, p. 9
  78. Sinon, or the Future of Politics (1930)
    1 Review
  79. Some Predictions for 1969
    Human Events, January 11, 1969, p. 5
  80. Some Predictions for '68
    Human Events, January 13, 1968, p. 9
  81. Soviet Nuclear Strategy Meeting with Success
    Human Events, March 11, 1967, p. 12
  82. [+]
    Strategy: Be Flexible and Firm (Review)
    What Price Coexistence?, by John C. Slessor
    1. What Price Coexistence? by John C. Slessor
    The Saturday Review, January 6, 1962, p. 64
  83. [+]
    A Study of Four Contested Areas (Review)
    Spheres of Influence, by Sydney Morrell
    1. Spheres of Influence by Sydney Morrell
    The Saturday Review, October 26, 1946, p. 17
  84. [+]
    Sway of Hammer, Sickle & Secret Police (Review)
    1. Behind Europe's Curtain by John Gunther
    The Saturday Review, July 2, 1949, pp. 10-11
  85. The Swiss Rearmament
    Foreign Affairs, July 1936, pp. 618-626
  86. The Third Man
    The Saturday Review, July 5, 1952, pp. 6-8
  87. [+]
    Three Worlds or One (Review)
    The Nine Lives of Europe, by Leo Lania
    1. The Nine Lives of Europe by Leo Lania
    The Saturday Review, March 18, 1950, p. 12
  88. Treason in the German Republic
    The Nation, March 11, 1925, p. 259
  89. Triumph and Turmoil (1968)
    A Personal History of our Time
    4 Reviews
  90. Trudeau Losing U.S. Friendship
    Human Events, March 1, 1969, p. 13
  91. The Tug-of-War for Europe's Brains
    Coronet Magazine, July 1947, pp. 143-146
  92. Twenty-Five Years of U.S. Foreign Policy
    Human Events, April 12, 1969, pp. 19-22
  93. U.S. Actions to Blame for Strange German Moves
    Human Events, December 17, 1966, pp. 15-16
  94. [+]
    U.S. Foreign Policy (Review)
    Master Plan U.S.A., by John Fischer
    1. Master Plan U.S.A. by John Fischer
    The Saturday Review, October 27, 1951, p. 16
  95. U.S. in Weak Talk Stance
    Human Events, May 25, 1968, p. 14
  96. Umano and the Price of Lasting Peace (1973)
    1 Review
  97. [+]
    Under the Russian Blanket (Review)
    East of the Iron Curtain, by William Van Narvig
    1. East of the Iron Curtain by William Van Narvig
    The Saturday Review, January 18, 1947, p. 11
  98. Culture and the Arts
    Unseating "Kultur"
    The Survey, February 1, 1929, pp. 589-590
  99. Articles
    A Warming to America: Put Up or Shut Up
    Coronet Magazine, November 1946, pp. 3-6
  100. What "Arrogance of Power"?
    Human Events, March 8, 1969, p. 11
  101. What Asia Wants
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1951, pp. 67-72
  102. What Viet Nam Has Taught Us
    Human Events, November 9, 1968, p. 6
  103. Where Is Europe Going?
    Human Events, July 12, 1969, p. 11
  104. Who Will Counsel the Counselor?
    The Saturday Review, September 29, 1951, pp. 6-7
  105. Why a New Term for U Thant?
    Human Events, October 8, 1966, p. 5
  106. Why Advertise God's Country?
    The Saturday Review, October 21, 1950, pp. 8-9
  107. Why Communism Can't "Evolve"
    Human Events, December 14, 1968, p. 10
  108. Why Let Red China Become Nuclear Power?
    Human Events, February 3, 1968, p. 15
  109. Why No Asylum for Svetlana?
    U.S. Policy Hits New Low
    Human Events, March 25, 1967, p. 1
  110. Books, Arts, Manners
    Why We Flounder (Review)
    The Two Faces of American Foreign Policy, by Thomas Molnar
    1. The Two Faces of American Foreign Policy by Thomas Molnar
    National Review, January 15, 1963, p. 29
  111. Will Cuba Be Campaign Issue?
    Human Events, March 23, 1968, p. 7
  112. Books, Arts, Manners
    The Will to Survive? (Review)
    Suicide of the West, by James Burnham
    1. Suicide of the West by James Burnham
    National Review, April 21, 1964, pp. 321-322
  113. [+]
    With Bravos and Boos (Review)
    Europe Without Baedeker, by Edmund Wilson
    1. Europe Without Baedeker by Edmund Wilson
    The Saturday Review, October 25, 1947, p. 15
  114. With Thanks to Japan
    Free World, January 1942, pp. 387-390
  115. Words of Caution: "Watch Willy Brandt"
    Human Events, November 22, 1969, p. 14
  116. [+]
    The World of Horst Wessel (Review)
    The Nazi Dictatorship, by Frederick L. Schuman
    1. The Nazi Dictatorship by Frederick L. Schuman
    The Nation, September 18, 1935, p. 334
  117. No Items Found