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Charles Godfrey Leland Archives
Charles Godfrey Leland •ï¿½80 Items / 21 Articles, 10 Poems, 47 Books, 1 Review
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  1. Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in... (1879)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  2. The Algonquin Legends of New England (1884)
  3. The Alternate Sex (1904)
    or, The Female Intellect in Man, and the Masculine in Woman
  4. An Anglo-American Romany Ballad
    The Century Magazine, March 1882, pp. 665-666
  5. Aradia: Gospel of the Witches (1899)
    1 Review
  6. The Art of Conversation (1869)
  7. Brand-New Ballads (1885)
  8. Cavalry Song
    The Knickerbocker, August 1861, p. 158
  9. Contes des Comtesses
    or, Tales of Countesses
    The Knickerbocker, February 1853, pp. 134-137
  10. Contes des Comtesses
    or, Tales of Countesses
    The Knickerbocker, May 1853, pp. 435-441
  11. De Spiridionie Episcopo
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1866, pp. 454-455
  12. A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon and Cant (1891)
    1 Review
  13. [+]
    East of the Jordan, and other Books of Travel (5 Reviews)
    East of the Jordan, by Selah Merrill
    1. East of the Jordan by Selah Merrill
    2. Spain and the Spaniards by Edmondo de Amicis
    3. How I Crossed Africa by Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto
    4. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn by Frank Vincent, Jr.
    5. To the Central African Lakes and Back by Joseph Thomson
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1881, pp. 832-839
  14. The Edda among the Algonquin Indians
    The Atlantic Monthly, August 1884, pp. 222-233
  15. The Egyptian Sketch Book (1874)
  16. Elementary Metal Work (1894)
    A Practical Manual for Amateurs and for Use in Schools
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. The English Gipsies and Their Language (1893)
  18. Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition (1892)
    1 Review
  19. Flaxius (1902)
  20. Fusang (1875)
    or, The Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century
    1 Review
  21. The Gypsies (1882)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  22. A Gypsy Beauty
    The Century Magazine, August 1886, pp. 539-541
  23. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling (1891)
    1 Review
  24. Hand-work in Public Schools
    The Century Magazine, October 1882, pp. 890-896
  25. Hans Breitmann About Town (1869)
  26. Hans Breitmann in Church (1870)
    With Other New Ballads
    1 Review
  27. Hans Breitmann in Germany (1895)
  28. Hans Breitmann und His Philosopede (1869)
  29. Hans Breitmann's Ballads (1869)
    1 Review
  30. Hans Breitmann's Party (1868)
    With Other Ballads
    1 Review
  31. Hans Breitman's Ballads (1876)
  32. Have we a Principle among us
    The Knickerbocker, August 1861, pp. 153-156
  33. Have You a Strong Will? (1899)
    or, How to Develop and Strengthen Will-Power
  34. Johannykin and the Goblins (1877)
  35. Johnnykin and the Goblins (1876)
  36. The Knight and the Dragon
    The Knickerbocker, October 1861, pp. 324-325
  37. Kuloskap the Master, and Other Algonkin Poems (1902)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  38. Legends of Florence (1895)
  39. Legends of the Passaquoddy
    The Century Magazine, September 1884, pp. 668-676
  40. A Manual of Mending and Repairing (1896)
  41. A Manual of Wood Carving (1891)
  42. Meister Karl's Sketch-Book (1855)
    1 Review
  43. Memoirs (1893)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  44. The Minor Arts (1880)
    Porcelain Painting, Wood-Carving, Stencilling, Modelling, Mosaic Work, etc.
  45. Mother Pitcher's Poems, for Little People (1864)
  46. The Music-Lesson of Confucius (1872)
  47. The Mystic Will (1907)
  48. Observations of Mace Sloper
    The Knickerbocker, April 1861, pp. 419-429
  49. Observations of Mace Sloper
    The Knickerbocker, February 1861, pp. 164-170
  50. Observations of Mace Sloper
    The Knickerbocker, January 1861, pp. 25-33
  51. Observations of Mace Sloper
    The Knickerbocker, July 1861, pp. 7-15
  52. Pidgin-English Sing-Song (1876)
    or, Songs and Stories in the China-English Dialect
  53. The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams (1855)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  54. Practical Education (1888)
  55. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, January 1852, pp. 58-65
  56. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, July 1852, pp. 37-41
  57. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, June 1852, pp. 508-509
  58. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, March 1852, pp. 236-243
  59. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, October 1852, pp. 320-326
  60. Sketch-Book of Me, Meister Karl
    The Knickerbocker, September 1852, pp. 224-232
  61. Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land (1895)
  62. Sunshine in Thought (1862)
    1 Review
  63. The Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division (1867)
    or, Three Thousand Miles in a Railway Car
  64. The Unpublished Legends of Virgil (1899)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  65. Visiting the Gypsies
    The Century Magazine, April 1883, pp. 905-911
  66. The Weed
    The Knickerbocker, November 1861, p. 405
  67. Ye Book of Copperheads (1863)
  68. No Items Found