The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Harold Lavine Archives
Harold Lavine •ï¿½31 Items / 12 Articles, 16 Reviews, 3 Books
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  1. [+]
    All That Glitters Is Not Liberty (Review)
    Guatemala: The Story of an Emergent Latin-American Democracy, by Mario Rosenthal
    1. Guatemala: The Story of an Emergent Latin-American Democracy by Mario Rosenthal
    The Saturday Review, October 6, 1962, pp. 51-54
  2. [+]
    Between Rebels and Rightists (3 Reviews)
    The Unfinished Experiment, by Juan Bosch
    1. The Unfinished Experiment by Juan Bosch
    2. Dominican Diary by Tad Szulc
    3. Santo Domingo: Revolt of the Damned by Dan Kurzman
    The Saturday Review, November 27, 1965, p. 36
  3. Can Eisenhower Form a Government?
    Commentary, July 1953, pp. 10-16
  4. The Decline of the Republican Party
    Commentary, August 1958, pp. 101-105
  5. [+]
    Defeat on the Beach (Review)
    The Bay of Pigs, by Haynes Johnson
    1. The Bay of Pigs by Haynes Johnson
    The Saturday Review, May 16, 1964, p. 41
  6. [+]
    Dominican Despot (Review)
    Trujillo, by Robert D. Crassweller
    1. Trujillo by Robert D. Crassweller
    The Saturday Review, August 13, 1966, p. 28
  7. Eisenhower Will Run
    The American Mercury, September 1951, pp. 3-6
  8. Fifth Column in America (1940)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. Fifth Column "Literature"
    The Saturday Review, September 14, 1940, pp. 3-4
  10. [+]
    Fighting Newsman (Review)
    Freedom Is My Beat, by Jules Dubois
    1. Freedom Is My Beat by Jules Dubois
    The Saturday Review, November 7, 1959, p. 25
  11. [+]
    Governance (Review)
    The City, by John V. Lindsay
    1. The City by John V. Lindsay
    The Saturday Review, April 11, 1970, p. 25
  12. [+]
    Hitler Grinds His Axis (Review)
    Axis America, by Robert Strausz-Hupe
    1. Axis America by Robert Strausz-Hupe
    The Saturday Review, March 15, 1941, p. 7
  13. [+]
    How to Evolve a Revolution (Review)
    The Wine Is Bitter, by Milton S. Eisenhower
    1. The Wine Is Bitter by Milton S. Eisenhower
    The Saturday Review, July 20, 1963, p. 22
  14. Last chance on death row
    The Saturday Evening Post, June 29, 1963, pp. 76-79
  15. Latin America: 4 Reports
    Bright New Image for the "Octopus"
    The Saturday Review, April 20, 1974, pp. 18-21
  16. [+]
    Legacy of the Conquisadores (Review)
    Latin America Between the Eagle and the Bear, by Salvador de Madariaga
    1. Latin America Between the Eagle and the Bear by Salvador de Madariaga
    The Saturday Review, June 30, 1962, p. 21
  17. [+]
    A Lethal License (Review)
    The Right to Bear Arms, by Carl Bakal
    1. The Right to Bear Arms by Carl Bakal
    The Saturday Review, August 27, 1966, p. 23
  18. [+]
    Mercurial Fidel (Review)
    Castroism: Theory and Practice, by Theodore Draper
    1. Castroism: Theory and Practice by Theodore Draper
    The Saturday Review, August 21, 1965, p. 28
  19. [+]
    Money Will Not Make Them Free (3 Reviews)
    The Winds of Revolution, by Tad Szulc
    1. The Winds of Revolution by Tad Szulc
    2. On China and Cuba by Jose Maria Gironella
    3. Cuba: The Economic and Social Revolution by Dudley Seers, Andres Bianchi, Richard Jolly, and Max Nolff, ...
    The Saturday Review, January 25, 1964, pp. 28-29
  20. Mr. Eisenhower's Far East Policy
    Commentary, May 1955, pp. 415-420
  21. [+]
    None of His Friends Are Fascists (Review)
    Conquering the Man in the Street, by Ellis Freeman
    1. Conquering the Man in the Street by Ellis Freeman
    The Saturday Review, April 6, 1940, p. 30
  22. [+]
    Poet and Patriot (Review)
    Marti on the U.S.A., by Luis A. Baralt and Jose Marti
    1. Marti on the U.S.A. by Luis A. Baralt and Jose Marti
    The Saturday Review, August 6, 1966, p. 28
  23. Prodigal Republicans & Economizing Democrats
    Commentary, May 1957, pp. 401-405
  24. The Propagandists Open Fire
    The New Republic, November 1, 1939, pp. 360-361
  25. [+]
    Pick of the Paperbacks (Review)
    Haiti: The Politics of Squalor, by Robert I. Rotberg and Christopher K. Clague
    1. Haiti: The Politics of Squalor by Robert I. Rotberg and Christopher K. Clague
    The Saturday Review, March 27, 1971, p. 44
  26. Smoke-Filled Rooms (1970)
    The Confidential Papers of Robert Humphreys
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  27. Social Revolution in Cuba
    Commentary, October 1959, pp. 324-328
  28. [+]
    Straight from the Elephant's Mouth (Review)
    The Winning Side, by Ralph de Toledano
    1. The Winning Side by Ralph de Toledano
    The Saturday Review, November 16, 1963, p. 38
  29. War Propaganda and the United States (1940)
    4 Reviews
  30. Why the Army Gripes
    The Nation, August 30, 1941, pp. 179-180
  31. Why the Democrats Are Confident
    Commentary, January 1954, pp. 17-24
  32. No Items Found