The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Daniel Jaffe Archives
Daniel Jaffe •ï¿½5 Items / 3 Reviews, 2 Poems
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  1. To Calypso: Five-Week-Old German Shepherd
    The Saturday Review, January 9, 1965, p. 73
  2. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (12 Reviews)
    An All-American Muse
    1. Ariel by Sylvia Plath
    2. Events and Celebrations by R.G. Vliet
    3. Staying Alive by David Wagoner
    4. The Wrong Angel by Stanley Moss
    5. The Diving Bell by Dabney Stuart
    6. Weathers and Edge by Philip Booth
    7. Go Read the River by Dave Etter
    8. The Grey Tower by Donald F. Drummond
    9. The Weathercock by Ann Stanford
    10. Collected Poems, 1930-1965 by A.D. Hope
    11. Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace by Andrei Voznesensky
    12. Measures by Norman MacCaig
    The Saturday Review, October 15, 1966, p. 29
  3. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (9 Reviews)
    Voice of the Poet: Oracular, Eerie, Daring
    1. Notebook 1967-68 by Robert Lowell
    2. Violence and Glory by James Schevill
    3. An Ear in Bartram's Tree by Jonathan Williams
    4. Valley of the Many-Colored Grasses by Ronald Johnson
    5. New and Selected Poems by David Wagoner
    6. The Complete Poems by Elizabeth Bishop
    7. The Invention of New Jersey by Jack Anderson
    8. Uranium Poems by Judith Johnson Sherwin
    9. On Bear's Head by Philip Whalen
    The Saturday Review, September 6, 1969, pp. 28-29
  4. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (14 Reviews)
    A Shared Language in the Poet's Tongue
    1. Love and Fame by John Berryman
    2. Regarding Wave by Gary Snyder
    3. Other Things and the Aardvark by Eugene J. McCarthy
    4. Swallow the Lake by Clarence Major
    5. De Mayor of Harlem by David Henderson
    6. Death and Friends by Jon Anderson
    7. Sky by Michael Benedikt
    8. Words in the Mourning Time by Robert Earl Hayden
    9. The Door Standing Open by Robert Mezey
    10. Margins by Philip Booth
    11. Uplands: New Poems by A.R. Ammons
    12. In the Outer Dark by Stanley Plumly
    13. Sit Opposite Each Other by Hollis Summers
    14. New and Selected Poems by William Jay Smith
    The Saturday Review, April 3, 1971, pp. 31-33
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