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Andrei Voznesensky Archives
Andrei Voznesensky •ï¿½28 Items / 19 Poems, 6 Books, 3 Articles
Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace (1966)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Voznesensky, Elizabeth Bishop, Thom Gunn (3 Reviews)
    Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace, by Andrei Voznesensky
    1. Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace by Andrei Voznesensky
    2. Modern Russian Poetry by Vladimir Markov
    3. Bratsk Station and Other Poems by Yevgeny A. Yevtushenko
    Encounter, July 1968, pp. 69-71
  2. [+]
    Atlantic Bookshelf (7 Reviews)
    Some Recent Poetry
    1. The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke by Theodore Roethke
    2. Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace by Andrei Voznesensky
    3. Dear Men and Women by John Hall Wheelock
    4. A Joyful Noise by Donald Finkel
    5. Estrangements by Arthur Freeman
    6. The Tin Can, and Other Poems by William Jay Smith
    7. Selected Poems: New and Old, 1923-1966 by Robert Penn Warren
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1966, p. 163
  3. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (12 Reviews)
    An All-American Muse
    1. Ariel by Sylvia Plath
    2. Events and Celebrations by R.G. Vliet
    3. Staying Alive by David Wagoner
    4. The Wrong Angel by Stanley Moss
    5. The Diving Bell by Dabney Stuart
    6. Weathers and Edge by Philip Booth
    7. Go Read the River by Dave Etter
    8. The Grey Tower by Donald F. Drummond
    9. The Weathercock by Ann Stanford
    10. Collected Poems, 1930-1965 by A.D. Hope
    11. Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace by Andrei Voznesensky
    12. Measures by Norman MacCaig
    The Saturday Review, October 15, 1966, p. 29
  4. [+]
    Provender from Cathay (15 Reviews)
    A Collection of Chinese Lyrics, by Duncan Mackintosh and Alan Ayling
    1. A Collection of Chinese Lyrics by Duncan Mackintosh and Alan Ayling
    2. An Anthology of Chinese Verse by J.D. Frodsham
    3. George Seferis: Collected Poems, 1924-1955 by Edmund Keeley, Philip Sherrard, and George Seferis, ...
    4. Sister My Life by Boris Pasternak
    5. Modern Russian Poetry by Vladimir Markov
    6. Antiworlds, and the Fifth Ace by Andrei Voznesensky
    7. Poems: Chosen by the Author by Yevgeny Yevtushenko
    8. Selected Poems by Miroslav Holub
    9. Poems and Antipoems by Nicanor Parra and Miller Williams
    10. The Heights of Macchu Picchu by Pablo Neruda
    11. Selected Writings by Jules Supervielle
    12. Poems and Fragments by Friedrich Holderlin
    13. Selected Prose and Poetry by Giacomo Leopardi
    14. Medieval Irish Lyrics by James Carney
    15. The Penguin Book of Modern Verse Translation by George Steiner
    The Hudson Review, Summer 1968, pp. 564-574