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Arthur N. Holcombe Archives
Arthur N. Holcombe •ï¿½63 Items / 15 Books, 13 Articles, 35 Reviews
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  1. American Government and Politics
    Report on Recent Social Trends in the United States
    American Political Science Review, April 1933, pp. 222-226
  2. An American View of European Union
    American Political Science Review, June 1953, pp. 417-430
  3. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The United States Shipping Board, by Darrell Hevenor Smith and Paul V. Betters
    1. The United States Shipping Board by Darrell Hevenor Smith and Paul V. Betters
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1932, p. 153
  4. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Standards of American Legislation, by Ernst Freund
    1. Standards of American Legislation by Ernst Freund
    American Political Science Review, August 1917, pp. 580-581
  5. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Principles of American State Government, by John Mabry Mathews
    1. Principles of American State Government by John Mabry Mathews
    American Political Science Review, May 1917, pp. 346-347
  6. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Government Telephones, by James Mavor
    1. Government Telephones by James Mavor
    American Political Science Review, May 1917, pp. 357-358
  7. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Veto Power of the Governor of Illinois, by Niels H. Debel
    1. The Veto Power of the Governor of Illinois by Niels H. Debel
    American Political Science Review, February 1919, p. 156
  8. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    The State and the Nation, by Edward Jenks
    1. The State and the Nation by Edward Jenks
    2. The State in Peace and War by John Watson
    American Political Science Review, November 1919, pp. 680-681
  9. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Politics of Industry, by Glenn Frank
    1. The Politics of Industry by Glenn Frank
    American Political Science Review, November 1919, pp. 694-695
  10. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Government Organization in War Time and After, by William F. Willoughby
    1. Government Organization in War Time and After by William F. Willoughby
    American Political Science Review, February 1920, pp. 171-172
  11. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Modern Democracies, by James Bryce
    1. Modern Democracies by James Bryce
    American Political Science Review, August 1921, pp. 433-436
  12. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Public Opinion, by Walter Lippmann
    1. Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
    American Political Science Review, August 1922, p. 500
  13. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    A New Constitution for a New America, by William MacDonald
    1. A New Constitution for a New America by William MacDonald
    American Political Science Review, February 1922, p. 136
  14. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The New German Constitution, by Rene Brunet
    1. The New German Constitution by Rene Brunet
    American Political Science Review, November 1922, pp. 700-701
  15. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    History of Political Thought, by Raymond G. Gettell
    1. History of Political Thought by Raymond G. Gettell
    American Political Science Review, November 1924, p. 801
  16. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Non-Voting: Causes and Methods of Control, by Charles Edward Merriam and Harold Foote G...
    1. Non-Voting: Causes and Methods of Control by Charles Edward Merriam and Harold Foote Gosnell, ...
    American Political Science Review, February 1925, p. 202
  17. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Jefferson and Hamilton, by Claude G. Bowers
    1. Jefferson and Hamilton by Claude G. Bowers
    American Political Science Review, February 1926, pp. 215-216
  18. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Chinese Political Thought, by Elbert Duncan Thomas
    1. Chinese Political Thought by Elbert Duncan Thomas
    American Political Science Review, November 1927, p. 890
  19. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    China in Revolution, by Harley Farnsworth MacNair
    1. China in Revolution by Harley Farnsworth MacNair
    American Political Science Review, February 1932, pp. 158-159
  20. Book Reviews and Notices
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Menace of Fascism, by John Strachey
    1. The Menace of Fascism by John Strachey
    American Political Science Review, April 1934, p. 310
  21. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Do We Want Fascism?, by Carmen Haider
    1. Do We Want Fascism? by Carmen Haider
    2. B.U.F.: Oswald Mosley and British Fascism by James Drennan
    American Political Science Review, August 1934, p. 689
  22. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Sun Yat-Sen: His Life and Its Meaning, by Lyon Sharman
    1. Sun Yat-Sen: His Life and Its Meaning by Lyon Sharman
    American Political Science Review, April 1935, p. 316
  23. [+]
    Book Reviews (3 Reviews)
    Strong Man of China, by Robert Berkov
    1. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    2. The Invasion of China by the Western World by E.R. Hughes
    3. Japan in China by Kiyoshi K. Kawakami
    American Political Science Review, August 1938, p. 768
  24. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Fate and Freedom, by Jerome Frank
    1. Fate and Freedom by Jerome Frank
    American Political Science Review, April 1946, p. 356
  25. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Arsenal of Democracy, by Donald Marr Nelson
    1. Arsenal of Democracy by Donald Marr Nelson
    American Political Science Review, December 1946, p. 1185
  26. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Southern Politics in State and Nation, by V.O. Key, Jr. and Alexander Heard
    1. Southern Politics in State and Nation by V.O. Key, Jr. and Alexander Heard
    American Political Science Review, March 1950, pp. 192-193
  27. [+]
    Books of American History (2 Reviews)
    Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth, by Bessie Louise Pierce
    1. Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth by Bessie Louise Pierce
    2. Civic Education in the United States by Charles E. Merriam
    The American Historical Review, April 1935, pp. 539-540
  28. The Chinese Revolution (1930)
    A PHase in the Regeneration of a World Power
    6 Reviews
  29. The Chinese Road to Office
    The American Scholar, Winter 1937, pp. 38-45
  30. Dependent Areas in the Post-War World (1941)
    2 Reviews
  31. Direct Primaries and the Second Ballot
    American Political Science Review, November 1911, pp. 535-552
  32. The Electric Lighting System of Paris
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1911, pp. 122-132
  33. The Executive Council, With Special Reference to Massachusetts
    American Political Science Review, May 1915, pp. 304-308
  34. The Foundations of the Modern Commonwealth (1923)
    2 Reviews
  35. The Future of the Washington Conference Treaties
    American Political Science Review, June 1932, pp. 439-451
  36. [+]
    General History (Review)
    Essays in Political Science, by John Mabry Mathews and James Hart
    1. Essays in Political Science by John Mabry Mathews and James Hart
    The American Historical Review, April 1938, p. 575
  37. Government in a Planned Democracy (1934)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  38. Human Rights in the Modern World (1948)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  39. The Middle Classes in American Politics (1940)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  40. Minimum Wage in Practice
    The New Republic, January 16, 1915, pp. 16-17
  41. The New Party Politics (1933)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  42. News and Notes
    Report of the Committee on Policy for 1936
    American Political Science Review, February 1937, pp. 122-123
  43. News and Notes
    Harry Augustus Garfield
    American Political Science Review, April 1943, p. 325
  44. Organizing Democracy
    The New Republic, July 7, 1917, pp. 268-270
  45. Organizing Peace in the Nuclear Age (1959)
    Report of the Commission
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  46. Our More Perfect Union (1950)
    From Eighteenth-Century Principles to Twentieth-Century Practice
    3 Reviews
  47. The Political Interpretation of History
    American Political Science Review, February 1937, pp. 1-11
  48. The Political Outlook in the United States: a Symposium
    Trench Warfare
    American Political Science Review, November 1931, pp. 914-924
  49. The Political Parties of To-Day (1924)
    A Study in Republican and Democratic Politics
    3 Reviews
  50. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Swope Plan, by Gerard Swope and J. George Frederick
    1. The Swope Plan by Gerard Swope and J. George Frederick
    American Political Science Review, April 1932, p. 398
  51. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (Review)
    The Reform Movement in China, 1898-1912, by Meribeth E. Cameron
    1. The Reform Movement in China, 1898-1912 by Meribeth E. Cameron
    American Political Science Review, February 1932, p. 171
  52. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Pollsters, by Lindsay Rogers
    1. The Pollsters by Lindsay Rogers
    American Political Science Review, August 1949, p. 823
  53. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Administrative Powers Over Persons and Property, by Ernest Freund
    1. Administrative Powers Over Persons and Property by Ernest Freund
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1929, pp. 265-266
  54. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    When China Unites, by Harry Gannes
    1. When China Unites by Harry Gannes
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1938, pp. 441-442
  55. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Japan's Case Examined, by Westel W. Willoughby
    1. Japan's Case Examined by Westel W. Willoughby
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1941, p. 145
  56. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee
    1. A Study of History by Arnold J. Toynbee
    American Political Science Review, December 1955, pp. 1151-1154
  57. [+]
    Social Ideal, Political Reality (Review)
    The Society of Man, by Louis J. Halle
    1. The Society of Man by Louis J. Halle
    The Saturday Review, January 22, 1966, p. 41
  58. The Spirit of the Chinese Revolution (1930)
    4 Reviews
  59. State Government in the United States (1916)
    4 Reviews
  60. A Strategy of Peace in a Changing World (1967)
    2 Reviews
  61. Strengthening the United Nations (1957)
    1 Review
  62. [+]
    United We Survive (Review)
    World Peace Through World Law, by Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn
    1. World Peace Through World Law by Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn
    The Saturday Review, March 22, 1958, p. 18
  63. No Items Found