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Robert Berkov Archives
Robert Berkov •ï¿½1 Book
Strong Man of China (1938)
The Story of Chiang Kai-Shek
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Generalissimo (Review)
    Strong Man of China, by Robert Berkov
    1. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    The Saturday Review, February 12, 1938, p. 19
  2. [+]
    Book Reviews (3 Reviews)
    Strong Man of China, by Robert Berkov
    1. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    2. The Invasion of China by the Western World by E.R. Hughes
    3. Japan in China by Kiyoshi K. Kawakami
    American Political Science Review, August 1938, p. 768
  3. [+]
    Books in the News: China (8 Reviews)
    War in China, by Varian Fry
    1. War in China by Varian Fry
    2. Americans in Eastern Asia by Tyler Dennett
    3. The Far Eastern Crisis by Henry L. Stimson
    4. Red Star Over China by Edgar Snow
    5. First Act in China by James M. Bertram
    6. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    7. Japan Defies the World by James A.B. Scherer
    8. Japan Over Asia by William Henry Chamberlin
    The Saturday Review, March 5, 1938, pp. 12-13
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    The Far East
    1. Canada, the Pacific, and War by William Strange
    2. Pacific Scene by Harry J. Greenwall
    3. China and Japan
    4. China, the Powers and the Washington Conference by Albert E. Kane
    5. The Invasion of China by the Western World by E.R. Hughes
    6. China Fights for Her Life by Herbert Roslyn Ekins and Theon Wright
    7. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    8. Japanese Aggression and Chinese Opinion
    9. Land Utilization in China by John Lossing Buck
    10. The Last Genro by Bunji Omura
    11. Children of the Rising Sun by Willard Price
    Foreign Affairs, July 1938, p. 743
  5. [+]
    New Books: A Reader's List (11 Reviews)
    One American and His Attempt at Education, by Frazier Hunt
    1. One American and His Attempt at Education by Frazier Hunt
    2. The Private Letters of Princess Lieven to Prince Metternich, 1820-1826 by Peter Quennell and Princess Lieven
    3. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    4. Conqueror of the Seas by Stefan Zweig
    5. Another Ophelia by Edwin Lanham
    6. Root in the Rock by Dora Hilda Southgate
    7. Harvest Comedy by Frank Swinnerton
    8. The Idaho Encyclopedia by Vardis Fisher
    9. The Criminals We Deserve by Henry T.F. Rhodes
    10. The Story of Twentieth-Century Exploration by Charles E. Key
    11. The Peoples Want Peace by Elias Tobenkin
    The New Republic, February 16, 1938, pp. 55-56
  6. [+]
    The Check List (25 Reviews)
    1. The Story of Melina Rorke by Melina Rorke
    2. On My Own by Mary Knight
    3. R.F.D. by Charles Allen Smart
    4. Beyond Dark Hills by Jesse Stuart
    5. Aaron Burr: A Biography by Nathan Schachner
    6. The Idealism of Giovanni Gentile by Roger W. Holmes
    7. "Coming Sir" by Dave Marlowe
    8. Strong Man of China by Robert Berkov
    9. The Market Place by Alexander Dana Noyes
    10. Rudyard Kipling's Vermont Feud by Frederic F. Van de Water
    11. The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham
    12. Twentieth Century Composers by David Ewen
    13. The Kaiser on Trial by George Sylvester Viereck
    14. The Professional Thief by Edwin H. Sutherland
    15. Joaquin Miller: Literary Frontiersman by Martin Severin Peterson
    16. Encore by Daniel Frohman
    17. Lost Empire by Hector Chevigny
    18. John Jay Chapman and His Letters by M.A. DeWolfe Howe and John Jay Chapman
    19. Paint and Prejudice by C.R.W. Nevinson
    20. Anatole France, 1844-1896 by Edwin Preston Dargan
    21. American Women, Volume Ii: 1937-1938
    22. John Carlisle Kilgo by Paul Neff Garber
    23. Astrophel by Alfred Hoyt Bill
    24. Bonaparte by Eugene Tarle
    25. He Did Not Die At Meyerling by Henry Wysham Lanier
    The American Mercury, June 1938, pp. 229-232