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William B. Hesseltine Archives
William B. Hesseltine •ï¿½40 Items / 29 Reviews, 9 Books, 2 Articles
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  1. [+]
    America (Review)
    The Confederate Congress, by Wilfred Buck Yearns
    1. The Confederate Congress by Wilfred Buck Yearns
    The American Historical Review, April 1961, p. 757
  2. [+]
    American History (Review)
    From Slavery to Freedom, by John Hope Franklin
    1. From Slavery to Freedom by John Hope Franklin
    The American Historical Review, October 1948, p. 155
  3. [+]
    American History (Review)
    Southern Politics in State and Nation, by V.O. Key, Jr. and Alexander Heard
    1. Southern Politics in State and Nation by V.O. Key, Jr. and Alexander Heard
    The American Historical Review, July 1950, pp. 939-940
  4. [+]
    American History (Review)
    Origins of the New South, 1877-1913, by C. Vann Woodward
    1. Origins of the New South, 1877-1913 by C. Vann Woodward
    The American Historical Review, July 1952, p. 993
  5. [+]
    American History (Review)
    Grant's First Year in the West, by Kenneth P. Williams
    1. Grant's First Year in the West by Kenneth P. Williams
    The American Historical Review, April 1953, p. 651
  6. Atrocities, Then and Now
    The Journal of Historical Review, March 1989, pp. 65-70
  7. The Blue and the Gray on the Nile (1961)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  8. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, by E. Merton Coulter
    1. The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 by E. Merton Coulter
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1951, pp. 315-316
  9. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Lincoln and the Patronage, by Harry J. Carman and Reinhard H. Luthin
    1. Lincoln and the Patronage by Harry J. Carman and Reinhard H. Luthin
    American Political Science Review, October 1943, pp. 931-932
  10. Civil War Prisons (1930)
    A Study in War Psychology
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  11. Confederate Leaders in the New South (1950)
    1 Review
  12. Doctors of Philosophy in History
    The American Historical Review, July 1942, pp. 765-800
  13. Dr. J. G. M. Ramsey: Autobiography and Letters (1954)
    1 Review
  14. A History of the South, 1607-1936 (1936)
    1 Review
  15. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, April 1940, p. 394
  16. Lincoln and the War Governors (1948)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. Pioneer's Mission: The Story of Lyman Copeland Draper (1954)
    1 Review
  18. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Disloyalty in the Confederacy, by Georgia Lee Tatum
    1. Disloyalty in the Confederacy by Georgia Lee Tatum
    American Political Science Review, December 1934, p. 1141
  19. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, December 1935, p. 1091
  20. [+]
    American National Government and Politics (Review)
    The Cast-Iron Man: John C. Calhoun and American Democracy, by Arthur Styron
    1. The Cast-Iron Man: John C. Calhoun and American Democracy by Arthur Styron
    American Political Science Review, April 1936, p. 395
  21. [+]
    American National Government and Politics (Review)
    The Movement for the Acquisition of All Mexico, 1846-1848, by John Douglas Pitts Fuller
    1. The Movement for the Acquisition of All Mexico, 1846-1848 by John Douglas Pitts Fuller
    American Political Science Review, June 1936, p. 597
  22. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    French Opinion on the United States and Mexico, 1860-1867, by Lynn M. Case
    1. French Opinion on the United States and Mexico, 1860-1867 by Lynn M. Case
    American Political Science Review, October 1936, p. 1021
  23. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, April 1937, p. 371
  24. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, August 1937, p. 766
  25. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    The Civil War and Reconstruction, by James Garfield Randall
    1. The Civil War and Reconstruction by James Garfield Randall
    American Political Science Review, August 1937, p. 770
  26. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, June 1938, p. 588
  27. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, April 1939, p. 345
  28. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, June 1940, p. 613
  29. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, by William R. Manning
    1. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States by William R. Manning
    American Political Science Review, April 1941, p. 393
  30. The Rise and Fall of Third Parties (1948)
    From Anti-Masonry to Wallace
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  31. [+]
    Southern Colonies and States (Review)
    Bourbon Democracy in Alabama, 1874-1890, by Allen J. Going
    1. Bourbon Democracy in Alabama, 1874-1890 by Allen J. Going
    The American Historical Review, January 1952, p. 552
  32. [+]
    Southern Colonies and States (Review)
    John Filson of Kentucke, by John Walton
    1. John Filson of Kentucke by John Walton
    The American Historical Review, January 1957, p. 491
  33. Ulysses S. Grant: Politician (1935)
    7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  34. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    American History Since 1865, by George Malcolm Stephenson
    1. American History Since 1865 by George Malcolm Stephenson
    The American Historical Review, October 1939, p. 237
  35. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    Grant of Appomattox, by William E. Brooks
    1. Grant of Appomattox by William E. Brooks
    The American Historical Review, April 1943, p. 658
  36. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    Touched with Fire, by Mark DeWolfe Howe and Oliver Wendell Holmes
    1. Touched with Fire by Mark DeWolfe Howe and Oliver Wendell Holmes
    The American Historical Review, April 1948, p. 629
  37. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    A Stillness at Appomattox, by Bruce Catton
    1. A Stillness at Appomattox by Bruce Catton
    The American Historical Review, April 1954, p. 727
  38. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    Sheridan: The Inevitable, by Richard O'Connor
    1. Sheridan: The Inevitable by Richard O'Connor
    The American Historical Review, January 1954, p. 452
  39. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    Bohemian Brigade, by Louis M. Starr
    1. Bohemian Brigade by Louis M. Starr
    The American Historical Review, April 1955, p. 687
  40. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    Lincoln Finds a General, by Kenneth P. Williams
    1. Lincoln Finds a General by Kenneth P. Williams
    The American Historical Review, July 1957, p. 1009
  41. No Items Found