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H. Stuart Hughes Archives
H. Stuart Hughes •ï¿½84 Items / 13 Books, 36 Articles, 35 Reviews
The Sea Change (1975)
The Migration of Social Thought, 1930-1965
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    General (Review)
    The Sea Change, by H. Stuart Hughes
    1. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    The American Historical Review, June 1976, p. 563
  2. [+]
    Perpetuating the Legend (Review)
    The Sea Change, by H. Stuart Hughes
    1. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    National Review, July 4, 1975, p. 734
  3. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Sea Change, by H. Stuart Hughes
    1. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1975, p. 406
  4. [+]
    In Europe and America (2 Reviews)
    Weimar, by Walter Laqueur
    1. Weimar by Walter Laqueur
    2. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1976, pp. 630-632
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Macropolitics by Richard W. Sterling
    2. International Conflict by Michael Haas
    3. A Theory of Conflict by Brian Crozier
    4. The Question of Government by David Fromkin
    5. Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
    6. Becoming Modern by Alex Inkeles and David Horton Smith
    7. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    8. The Thin Blue Line by Indar Jit Rikhye, Michael Harbottle, and Bjorn Egge, ...
    9. Theory of International Law by G.I. Tunkin
    10. Suez 1956 by Robert R. Bowie
    11. Fisheries Conflicts in the North Atlantic by Giulio Pontecorvo
    Foreign Affairs, April 1975, p. 581