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Robert V. Daniels Archives
Robert V. Daniels •ï¿½53 Items / 9 Books, 17 Articles, 27 Reviews
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  1. The Challenge of Muscovite Revisionism
    Dissent, Summer 1965, pp. 384-387
  2. The Chinese Revolution in Russian Perspective
    World Politics, January 1961, pp. 210-230
  3. Communist Breakdown, Social Democratic Paralysis
    Dissent, Spring 1995, pp. 244-248
  4. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation, by Richard B. Day
    1. Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation by Richard B. Day
    American Political Science Review, June 1975, p. 720
  5. [+]
    Conflicts & Affinities (2 Reviews)
    Political Power: USA/USSR, by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington
    1. Political Power: USA/USSR by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington
    2. A Strategy of Interdependence by Vincent P. Rock
    Commentary, September 1964, pp. 86-87
  6. The Conscience of the Revolution (1960)
    Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia
    10 Reviews, 1 Readable
  7. Correspondence
    The National Interest, Summer 1995, pp. 102-107
  8. Doctrine and Foreign Policy
    Survey, October 1965, pp. 3-13
  9. A Documentary History of Communism in Russia (1961)
    From Lenin to Gorbachev
    2 Reviews
  10. The Dynamics of Soviet Politics (1976)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  11. The End of the Communist Revolution (1993)
    2 Reviews
  12. Books
    Five Views of Soviet Reality (2 Reviews)
    Russian Panorama, by Kumara P.S. Menon
    1. Russian Panorama by Kumara P.S. Menon
    2. The New Face of Soviet Totalitarianism by Adam B. Ulam
    Problems of Communism, November 1963, pp. 46-48
  13. [+]
    From Gorbachev to Putin (5 Reviews)
    Yeltsin: A Life, by Timothy J. Colton
    1. Yeltsin: A Life by Timothy J. Colton
    2. Russia - Lost in Transition by Lilia Shevtsova
    3. Collapse of an Empire by Yegor Gaidar
    4. Petrostate by Marshall I. Goldman
    5. The New Cold War by Edward Lucas
    The Nation, October 20, 2008, pp. 30-31
  14. [+]
    The Future of Communism (2 Reviews)
    The U.S.S.R. and the Future, by Leonard Schapiro
    1. The U.S.S.R. and the Future by Leonard Schapiro
    2. Polycentrism by Walter Laqueur and Leopold Labedz
    Commentary, July 1963, pp. 84-86
  15. Reviews of Books
    General (3 Reviews)
    Marxism in Our Time, by Isaac Deutscher
    1. Marxism in Our Time by Isaac Deutscher
    2. Georg Lukacs by George Lichtheim
    3. The Marxian Revolutionary Idea by Robert C. Tucker
    The American Historical Review, December 1972, p. 1399
  16. Home Alone
    Can America Play the Superpower Role?
    Dissent, Fall 2000, pp. 53-58
  17. How Monolithic Was the Monolith?
    Problems of Communism, March 1964, pp. 40-47
  18. [+]
    International Communism (Review)
    Comintern and Peasant in East Europe, 1919-1930, by George D. Jackson, Jr.
    1. Comintern and Peasant in East Europe, 1919-1930 by George D. Jackson, Jr.
    Problems of Communism, July 1967, p. 71
  19. Is Russia Reformable? (1988)
    Change and Resistance From Stalin to Gorbachev
    3 Reviews
  20. Reviews in Brief
    Lenin and Stalin (2 Reviews)
    Lenin Reader, by Stefan T. Possony and V.I. Lenin
    1. Lenin Reader by Stefan T. Possony and V.I. Lenin
    2. Stalin by T.H. Rigby
    Problems of Communism, March 1968, p. 65
  21. Letters
    Commentary, February 1979, pp. 4-22
  22. [+]
    Marxism and Communism (3 Reviews)
    Theory vs. Practice
    1. German Marxism and Russian Communism by John P. Plamenatz
    2. Marxism: Past and Present by R.N. Carew Hunt
    3. Marxism: The Unity of Theory and Practice by Alfred G. Meyer
    Problems of Communism, November 1955, pp. 43-47
  23. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Soviet Russia in World Politics, by Robert D. Warth
    1. Soviet Russia in World Politics by Robert D. Warth
    The American Historical Review, January 1964, p. 461
  24. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Martov, by Israel Getzler
    1. Martov by Israel Getzler
    The American Historical Review, June 1968, p. 1585
  25. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Soviet Leaders, by George W. Simmonds
    1. Soviet Leaders by George W. Simmonds
    The American Historical Review, June 1969, pp. 1673-1674
  26. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Heirs of Stalin, by Abraham Rothberg
    1. The Heirs of Stalin by Abraham Rothberg
    The American Historical Review, April 1973, p. 468
  27. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, June 1976, p. 633
  28. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Beria: Stalin's First Lieutenant, by Amy Knight
    1. Beria: Stalin's First Lieutenant by Amy Knight
    The American Historical Review, April 1995, p. 558
  29. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Dream That Failed, by Walter Laqueur
    1. The Dream That Failed by Walter Laqueur
    The American Historical Review, April 1996, p. 531
  30. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Volume One, by E.H. Carr
    1. Volume One by E.H. Carr
    The American Historical Review, July 1951, pp. 891-892
  31. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Volume Two, by E.H. Carr
    1. Volume Two by E.H. Carr
    The American Historical Review, October 1952, pp. 115-116
  32. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Russia: What Next?, by Isaac Deutscher
    1. Russia: What Next? by Isaac Deutscher
    The American Historical Review, October 1953, p. 122
  33. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Volume Three, by E.H. Carr
    1. Volume Three by E.H. Carr
    The American Historical Review, April 1954, p. 622
  34. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    The Interregnum, 1923-1924, by Edward H. Carr
    1. The Interregnum, 1923-1924 by Edward H. Carr
    The American Historical Review, April 1955, p. 608
  35. The Nature of Communism (1962)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  36. [+]
    Nice Guys Finish Last (Review)
    From the Other Shore, by Andre Liebich
    1. From the Other Shore by Andre Liebich
    Dissent, Fall 1998, pp. 137-140
  37. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought, and Methodology (Review)
    Russian Political Thought: An Introduction, by Thornton Anderson
    1. Russian Political Thought: An Introduction by Thornton Anderson
    American Political Science Review, June 1968, p. 612
  38. Red October (1967)
    The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
    2 Reviews
  39. [+]
    "An Afterwards" (Review)
    How the Soviet Union Is Governed, by Jerry F. Hough and Merle Fainsod
    1. How the Soviet Union Is Governed by Jerry F. Hough and Merle Fainsod
    The New Republic, August 25, 1979, pp. 31-32
  40. The Riddle of Russian Reform
    Dissent, Fall 1993, pp. 489-496
  41. Russia after Yeltsin
    Dissent, Winter 1999, pp. 34-38
  42. Russia: The Roots of Confrontation (1964)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  43. Russian Reform
    Dissent, Summer 1995, pp. 307-312
  44. Politics Abroad
    Russia's Democratic Dictatorship
    Dissent, Summer 2000, pp. 9-14
  45. [+]
    A Social Democratic Witness (Review)
    The Soviet Revolution, 1917-1939, by Raphael R. Abramovitch
    1. The Soviet Revolution, 1917-1939 by Raphael R. Abramovitch
    Commentary, January 1963, pp. 84-85
  46. Marxism-Leninism
    Soviet Power and Marxist Determinism
    Problems of Communism, May 1960, pp. 12-18
  47. Books
    Stalin (6 Reviews)
    Revolutionary or Counterrevolutionary?
    1. Let History Judge by Roy Medvedev
    2. Stalin: Man and Ruler by Robert H. McNeal
    3. The Birth of Stalinism by Michal Reiman
    4. Stalin and the Kirov Murder by Robert Conquest
    5. Stalin's Industrial Revolution by Hiroaki Kuromiya
    6. The Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order by Pavel Campeanu
    Problems of Communism, September 1989, pp. 81-86
  48. Toward a Definition of Soviet Socialism
    New Politics, Winter 1961, pp. 111-118
  49. Trotsky, Stalin, and Socialism (1991)
    1 Review
  50. Upheaval in Russia
    Dissent, Winter 1994, pp. 32-34
  51. Books & the Arts
    Was Communism Reformable? (8 Reviews)
    The Gorbachev Factor, by Archie Brown
    1. The Gorbachev Factor by Archie Brown
    2. On My Country and the World by Mikhail Gorbachev
    3. Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-91 by Jerry F. Hough
    4. Revolution From Above by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    5. Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power by Anatol Lieven
    6. Stealing the State by Steven L. Solnick
    7. The Collapse of the Soviet Military by William E. Odom
    8. Yeltsin's Russia by Lilia Shevtsova
    The Nation, January 3, 2000, pp. 25-29
  52. What the Russians Mean
    Commentary, October 1962, pp. 314-323
  53. Whatever Happened to the Russian Revolution
    Commentary, November 1978, pp. 48-54
  54. No Items Found