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David M. Kotz Archives
David M. Kotz •ï¿½19 Items / 16 Articles, 2 Books, 1 Review
Revolution From Above (1997)
The Demise of the Soviet System
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Revolution from Above: The Demise of the Soviet System (Review)
    Revolution From Above, by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    1. Revolution From Above by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    In These Times, April 14, 1997, pp. 28-30
  2. [+]
    A Ruling Class Destroys Its Own Regime (Review)
    Revolution From Above, by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    1. Revolution From Above by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    The Monthly Review, October 1997, pp. 49-57
  3. Books & the Arts
    Was Communism Reformable? (8 Reviews)
    The Gorbachev Factor, by Archie Brown
    1. The Gorbachev Factor by Archie Brown
    2. On My Country and the World by Mikhail Gorbachev
    3. Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-91 by Jerry F. Hough
    4. Revolution From Above by David M. Kotz and Fred Weir
    5. Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power by Anatol Lieven
    6. Stealing the State by Steven L. Solnick
    7. The Collapse of the Soviet Military by William E. Odom
    8. Yeltsin's Russia by Lilia Shevtsova
    The Nation, January 3, 2000, pp. 25-29