The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert J.C. Butow Archives
Robert J.C. Butow •ï¿½8 Items / 3 Books, 4 Reviews, 1 Article
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  1. [+]
    Asia and the East (Review)
    Year of the Tiger, by Alvin D. Coox
    1. Year of the Tiger by Alvin D. Coox
    The American Historical Review, October 1965, pp. 276-277
  2. [+]
    Asia and the East (Review)
    Japan's Quest for Autonomy, by James B. Crowley
    1. Japan's Quest for Autonomy by James B. Crowley
    The American Historical Review, December 1967, p. 568
  3. The Hull-Nomura Conversations
    A Fundamental Misconception
    The American Historical Review, July 1960, pp. 822-836
  4. [+]
    International Politics (Review)
    Race to Pearl Harbor, by Stephen E. Pelz
    1. Race to Pearl Harbor by Stephen E. Pelz
    American Political Science Review, March 1978, p. 378
  5. Japan's Decision to Surrender (1954)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  6. John Doe Associates (1974)
    Backdoor Diplomacy for Peace, 1941
    2 Reviews
  7. Tojo and the Coming of the War (1961)
    4 Reviews
  8. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Going to War with Japan, 1937-1941, by Jonathan Utley
    1. Going to War with Japan, 1937-1941 by Jonathan Utley
    The American Historical Review, February 1986, p. 211
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