The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
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Paul H. Avrich Archives
Paul H. Avrich •ï¿½34 Items / 8 Books, 1 Article, 25 Reviews
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  1. An American Anarchist (1978)
    The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre
    2 Reviews
  2. Anarchist Portraits (1988)
    1 Review
  3. [+]
    Anatomy of a Murder (2 Reviews)
    Postmortem, by William Young #2 and David E. Kaiser
    1. Postmortem by William Young #2 and David E. Kaiser
    2. Sacco and Vanzetti: The Case Resolved by Francis Russell
    The New Republic, April 7, 1986, pp. 30-33
  4. Books & the Arts
    Bakunin and His Circle (3 Reviews)
    Daughter of a Revolutionary, by Michael Confino
    1. Daughter of a Revolutionary by Michael Confino
    2. Bakunin: The Father of Anarchism by Anthony Masters
    3. Mikhail Bakunin: Selected Writings by Arthur Lehning and Mikhail Bakunin
    The Nation, February 15, 1975, p. 181
  5. [+]
    Comparative Politics (Review)
    In the Name of the People, by Adam B. Ulam
    1. In the Name of the People by Adam B. Ulam
    American Political Science Review, September 1978, p. 1136
  6. [+]
    General (Review)
    The Anarchists, by James Joll
    1. The Anarchists by James Joll
    The American Historical Review, July 1965, p. 1152
  7. [+]
    General (Review)
    Mikhail Bakunin, by Aileen Kelly
    1. Mikhail Bakunin by Aileen Kelly
    The American Historical Review, December 1983, p. 1243
  8. The Haymarket Tragedy (1984)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. Kronstadt 1921 (1970)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. Books & the Arts
    The Martyrdom of Gustav Landauer (2 Reviews)
    Call to Revolution, by Charles B. Maurer
    1. Call to Revolution by Charles B. Maurer
    2. Prophet of Community by Eugene Lunn
    The Nation, November 23, 1974, pp. 533-534
  11. [+]
    Modern Europe (2 Reviews)
    Russia in Revolution, 1890-1918, by Lionel Kochan
    1. Russia in Revolution, 1890-1918 by Lionel Kochan
    2. Russia 1917: The February Revolution by George Katkov
    The American Historical Review, December 1967, p. 544
  12. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, October 1967, p. 179
  13. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Revolutionary Russia, by Richard E. Pipes
    1. Revolutionary Russia by Richard E. Pipes
    The American Historical Review, December 1968, p. 674
  14. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, February 1968, p. 863
  15. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Pobedonostsevz: His Life and Thought, by Robert F. Byrnes
    1. Pobedonostsevz: His Life and Thought by Robert F. Byrnes
    The American Historical Review, June 1969, p. 1665
  16. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Roots of Russian Communism, by David S. Lane
    1. The Roots of Russian Communism by David S. Lane
    The American Historical Review, February 1970, p. 891
  17. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, February 1971, p. 171
  18. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, April 1974, p. 536
  19. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, December 1974, p. 1601
  20. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Kropotkin, by Martin A. Miller
    1. Kropotkin by Martin A. Miller
    The American Historical Review, December 1976, p. 1176
  21. [+]
    Modern Europe (3 Reviews)
    Marx and the Marxists, by David Childs
    1. Marx and the Marxists by David Childs
    2. "Kapital" K. Marksa I Filosofskaia Mysl V Rossii by V.F. Pustarnakov
    3. Political Ideas of Marx and Engels, Vol. I by Richard N. Hunt
    The American Historical Review, February 1976, p. 124
  22. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Russian Revolution, by John L.H. Keep
    1. The Russian Revolution by John L.H. Keep
    The American Historical Review, February 1978, p. 235
  23. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Volneniia na Urale V Seredine XVIII Veka, by A.S. Orlov
    1. Volneniia na Urale V Seredine XVIII Veka by A.S. Orlov
    The American Historical Review, December 1980, p. 1237
  24. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Latvian Impact on the Bolshevik Revolution., by Andrew Ezergailis
    1. The Latvian Impact on the Bolshevik Revolution. by Andrew Ezergailis
    The American Historical Review, October 1984, p. 1121
  25. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Tsar and Cossack, 1855-1914, by Robert H. McNeal
    1. Tsar and Cossack, 1855-1914 by Robert H. McNeal
    The American Historical Review, June 1988, p. 738
  26. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914-1917, by Michael ...
    1. The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914-1917 by Michael Melancon
    The American Historical Review, April 1992, p. 585
  27. The Modern School Movement (1980)
    Anarchism and Education in the United States
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  28. The Russian Anarchists (1966)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  29. Russian Rebels, 1600-1800 (1972)
    Four Great Rebellions Which Shook the Russian State in the Seventeenth
    1 Review
  30. [+]
    The Short Course and Soviet Historiography (Review)
    History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks),
    1. History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1960, pp. 539-553
  31. Books & the Arts
    Solzhenitsyn's Political Philosophy
    The Nation, October 19, 1974, pp. 373-375
  32. [+]
    United States (Review)
    The American as Anarchist, by David DeLeon
    1. The American as Anarchist by David DeLeon
    The American Historical Review, December 1979, p. 1467
  33. [+]
    United States (Review)
    The Voice of Terror: A Biography of Johann Most, by Johann Joseph Most
    1. The Voice of Terror: A Biography of Johann Most by Johann Joseph Most
    The American Historical Review, June 1981, p. 659
  34. No Items Found