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Dominick T. Armentano Archives
Dominick T. Armentano •ï¿½32 Items / 4 Books, 19 Articles, 8 Reviews
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  1. Exchanges
    Anti-Antitrust: Ideology or Economics?
    Reply to Scherer
    Critical Review, Winter 1992, pp. 29-40
  2. Antitrust (1987)
    The Case for Repeal
    10 Chapters, 130pp - 2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  3. Antitrust and Insurance
    Should the McCarran Act Be Repealed?
    Cato Journal, Winter 1989, pp. 729-750
  4. Antitrust and Monopoly (1982)
    Anatomy of a Policy Failure
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  5. Antitrust History: The American Tobacco Case of 1911
    An economic review of one of the historic cases in antitrust law.
    The Freeman, March 1971, pp. 173-186
  6. Antitrust Reform
    Predatory Practices and the Competitive Process
    The Review of Austrian Economics, Spring 1989, pp. 61-74
  7. Antitrust Regulation: Back to the Past
    The new activist antitrust policy threatens both business and consumer.
    The Freeman, January 1993, pp. 16-18
  8. Auto Insurance Chaos in California
    Government regulation of Prices and profit rates is hardly a step forward for consumers.
    The Freeman, March 1990, pp. 93-94
  9. [+]
    Busting the antitrust trust (Review)
    The Antitrust Paradox, by Robert H. Bork
    1. The Antitrust Paradox by Robert H. Bork
    The Libertarian Review, March 1978, p. 43
  10. Capitalism and the Antitrust Laws
    Reason, January 1972, pp. 13-16
  11. Book Reviews
    Credit Creation or Financial Intermediation? (Review)
    Winners, Losers, and Microsoft, by Stan J. Liebowitz
    1. Winners, Losers, and Microsoft by Stan J. Liebowitz
    The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Fall 1999, pp. 85-88
  12. The Economics of Price Fixing
    The Freeman, June 1967, pp. 366-368
  13. Book Reviews
    Economics on Trial (Review)
    Titan, by Ron Chernow
    1. Titan by Ron Chernow
    The Freeman, January 1999, p. 55
  14. The Energy Crisis: Historical Roots
    Energy crises have struck the U.S. before - complete with gas lines, accusation of "win...
    The Libertarian Review, July 1979, pp. 24-29
  15. The Failure of Antitrust Policy
    Antitrust regulation is based on strange theory and incorrect history.
    The Freeman, June 1994, pp. 294-296
  16. Government Sanction of the Oil Cartel (1975)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. The Immorality of Antitrust Law
    The Freeman, August 1999, pp. 23-24
  18. [+]
    In restraint of trade (Review)
    Economic Regulation and the Public Interest, by Alan Stone
    1. Economic Regulation and the Public Interest by Alan Stone
    Inquiry, February 20, 1978, p. 26
  19. The Inherent Weakness of Price Collusion
    Seven major reasons why price-fixing agreements among producers is not a significant pr...
    The Freeman, January 1970, pp. 40-43
  20. Microsoft and the Antitrust Debate
    Or Broken Trust?
    National Review, May 4, 1998, pp. 44-45
  21. Features
    The Microsoft Case
    Divestiture Won't Help Consumers
    The Freeman, April 2000, pp. 21-22
  22. Books
    Movies (Review)
    A Critique of Interventionism, by Ludwig von Mises
    1. A Critique of Interventionism by Ludwig von Mises
    Reason, May 1978, p. 66
  23. [+]
    Movies (Review)
    In Defense of the Corporation, by Robert Hessen
    1. In Defense of the Corporation by Robert Hessen
    Reason, July 1979, p. 45
  24. The Myths of Antitrust (1972)
    Economic Theory and Legal Cases
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  25. Neither sleet, nor ... (forget it)
    Reason, January 1970, pp. 12-16
  26. Politics
    Petroleum, Politics, & Prices
    Reason, June 1974, pp. 6-11
  27. Public Choice and Antitrust
    Cato Journal, Winter 1985, pp. 925-932
  28. [+]
    Readable Energy Facts (Review)
    Energy, by Antony C. Sutton
    1. Energy by Antony C. Sutton
    Reason, April 1980, pp. 52-60
  29. [+]
    The Superlawyers (Review)
    The Million Dollar Lawyers, by Joseph C. Goulden
    1. The Million Dollar Lawyers by Joseph C. Goulden
    The Libertarian Review, March 1977, p. 18
  30. Features
    Teen Smoking: The New Prohibition
    Proposed regulations are likely to have little effect.
    The Freeman, January 1997, p. 32
  31. No Items Found