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Frank N. Trager Archives
Frank N. Trager •ï¿½47 Items / 17 Reviews, 10 Books, 19 Articles
Communist China, 1949-1968 (1970)
A Twenty-Year Appraisal
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Published Reviews
  1. Reviews
    In the Public Interest (Review)
    Communist China, 1949-1968, by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    1. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    The American Spectator, April 1972, p. 16
  2. [+]
    The Real Red China (Review)
    Communist China, 1949-1968, by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    1. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    National Review, July 27, 1971, p. 816
  3. [+]
    Asia and the East (3 Reviews)
    Ideology and Practice, by James Chieh Hsiung
    1. Ideology and Practice by James Chieh Hsiung
    2. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    3. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    The American Historical Review, October 1972, pp. 1167-1168
  4. [+]
    Models of Conflict in Chinese Politics (3 Reviews)
    Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China, by John Wilson Lewis
    1. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    2. China: Management of a Revolutionary Society by John M.H. Lindbeck
    3. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    Problems of Communism, May 1972, pp. 80-82
  5. [+]
    Book Reviews (6 Reviews)
    Communist China, 1949-1968, by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    1. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    2. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    3. China's World by John D. Simmonds
    4. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
    5. Mao by Philippe Devillers
    6. The Protracted Game by Scott A. Boorman
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1972, pp. 696-698
  6. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (9 Reviews)
    East Asia and Pacific Ocean
    1. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    2. China: The Revolution Continued by Jan Myrdal and Gun Kessle
    3. The Transformation of the Chinese Earth by Keith M. Buchanan
    4. The Chinese Cultural Revolution by Jean Esmein
    5. The Emerging Japanese Superstate by Herman Kahn
    6. The Japanese Challenge by Robert Guillain
    7. Le Japon by Jacques Robert
    8. Australia, New Zealand, and the United States by Trevor R. Reese
    9. Australia and the Colonial Question at the United Nations by W.J. Hudson
    Foreign Affairs, April 1971, p. 573
  7. [+]
    East Asia and the Pacific (10 Reviews)
    A Century of Chinese Revolution, 1851-1949, by Wolfgang Franke
    1. A Century of Chinese Revolution, 1851-1949 by Wolfgang Franke
    2. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    3. Communist China's Interaction With the Arab Nationalists Since the Bandung Conference by Joseph E. Khalili
    4. India and the Soviet Union by Arthur Stein
    5. The Jana Sangh by Craig Baxter
    6. Japan in Postwar Asia by Lawrence Olson
    7. Man, State, and Society in Contemporary Southeast Asia by Robert O. Tilman
    8. Southeast Asia Today--and Tomorrow by Richard A. Butwell
    9. The United States and the Future of Thailand by David A. Wilson
    10. A View From New Delhi by Chester Bowles
    Orbis, Fall 1970, pp. 788-789