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John W. Lewis Archives
John W. Lewis •ï¿½16 Items / 10 Books, 1 Article, 5 Reviews
Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China (1970)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China, by John Wilson Lewis
    1. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    American Political Science Review, June 1971, pp. 553-554
  2. [+]
    China's Cultural Chaos (2 Reviews)
    China in the Throes of the Cultural Revolution, by Louis Barcata
    1. China in the Throes of the Cultural Revolution by Louis Barcata
    2. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    Modern Age, Winter 1971, pp. 103-104
  3. [+]
    Asia and the East (3 Reviews)
    Ideology and Practice, by James Chieh Hsiung
    1. Ideology and Practice by James Chieh Hsiung
    2. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    3. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    The American Historical Review, October 1972, pp. 1167-1168
  4. [+]
    Models of Conflict in Chinese Politics (3 Reviews)
    Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China, by John Wilson Lewis
    1. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    2. China: Management of a Revolutionary Society by John M.H. Lindbeck
    3. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    Problems of Communism, May 1972, pp. 80-82
  5. [+]
    China is Far (4 Reviews)
    Marshall in China, by John Robinson Beal
    1. Marshall in China by John Robinson Beal
    2. China and Ourselves by Bruce Douglass and Ross Terrill
    3. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    4. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
    The New York Review of Books, September 3, 1970, pp. 19-22
  6. [+]
    Book Reviews (6 Reviews)
    Communist China, 1949-1968, by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    1. Communist China, 1949-1968 by Frank N. Trager and William Henderson
    2. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    3. China's World by John D. Simmonds
    4. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
    5. Mao by Philippe Devillers
    6. The Protracted Game by Scott A. Boorman
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1972, pp. 696-698
  7. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    East Asia and Pacific Ocean
    1. Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by John Wilson Lewis
    2. The Security of China by Arthur Huck
    3. China's Cultural Legacy and Communism by Ralph C. Croizier
    4. China As I See It;Theodore F. Harris by Pearl S. Buck
    5. Psychological Research in Communist China, 1949-1966 by Robert Chin and Ai-Li S. Chin
    6. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
    7. The Kuomintang by Milton J.T. Shieh
    8. Half-Crown Colony by James Pope-Hennessy
    9. The Politics of Formosan Nationalism by Douglas H. Mendel
    10. Japan in Postwar Asia by Lawrence Olson
    11. Japan: The Story of a Nation by Edwin O. Reischauer
    12. From the Land of Lost Content by Noel Barber
    13. Politics and Foreign Policy in Australia by Henry S. Albinski
    Foreign Affairs, October 1970, pp. 176-177