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Cesar Saerchinger Archives
Cesar Saerchinger •ï¿½14 Items / 4 Books, 8 Articles, 2 Reviews
The Way Out of War (1940)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Life and Literature (Review)
    The Way Out of War, by Cesar Saerchinger
    1. The Way Out of War by Cesar Saerchinger
    The Forum, April 1940, p. 204
  2. [+]
    Dissenting Opinion (11 Reviews)
    The American Entente, by R.B. Mowat
    1. The American Entente by R.B. Mowat
    2. The Deadly Parallel by C. Hartley Grattan
    3. Keep America Out of War by Norman Thomas and Bertram D. Wolfe
    4. The Second World War: First Phase by Duff Cooper
    5. Hitler's Germany by Karl Loewenstein
    6. The Way Out of War by Cesar Saerchinger
    7. Egotism in German Philosophy by George Santayana
    8. War in the Twentieth Century by Willard Waller
    9. Can America Stay Neutral? by Allen W. Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    10. America's Chance of Peace by Duncan Aikman and Blair Bolles
    11. Common Sense Neutrality by Paul Comly French
    The Nation, March 9, 1940, pp. 340-341
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (14 Reviews)
    The Second World War
    1. Failure of a Mission by Sir Nevile Henderson
    2. Through the Diplomatic Looking-Glass by Oliver Benson
    3. For What Do We Fight? by Norman Angell
    4. The Paths that Led to War: Europe, 1919-1939 by John Mackintosh
    5. The Storm Breaks by Frederick T. Birchall
    6. History of the War by Stephen King-Hall
    7. Siege by Julien Bryan
    8. Within Germany by Oswald Garrison Villard
    9. The German Army by Herbert Rosinski
    10. Blackout: The Human Side of Europe's March to War by Hubert P. Earle
    11. Nazi Germany Can't Win by Wilhelm Necker
    12. The Way Out of War by Cesar Saerchinger
    13. Handbook of the War by John C. De Wilde, David H. Popper, and Eunice Clark, ...
    14. War Check List by Richard H. Heindel
    Foreign Affairs, July 1940, p. 750