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Robert B. Mowat Archives
Robert B. Mowat •ï¿½31 Items / 27 Books, 2 Reviews, 1 Article
The American Entente (1939)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    General History (Review)
    The American Entente, by R.B. Mowat
    1. The American Entente by R.B. Mowat
    The American Historical Review, October 1940, p. 189
  2. [+]
    Dissenting Opinion (11 Reviews)
    The American Entente, by R.B. Mowat
    1. The American Entente by R.B. Mowat
    2. The Deadly Parallel by C. Hartley Grattan
    3. Keep America Out of War by Norman Thomas and Bertram D. Wolfe
    4. The Second World War: First Phase by Duff Cooper
    5. Hitler's Germany by Karl Loewenstein
    6. The Way Out of War by Cesar Saerchinger
    7. Egotism in German Philosophy by George Santayana
    8. War in the Twentieth Century by Willard Waller
    9. Can America Stay Neutral? by Allen W. Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    10. America's Chance of Peace by Duncan Aikman and Blair Bolles
    11. Common Sense Neutrality by Paul Comly French
    The Nation, March 9, 1940, pp. 340-341
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (20 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. The American Entente by R.B. Mowat
    2. Keep America Out of War by Norman Thomas and Bertram D. Wolfe
    3. Documents on American Foreign Relations, January 1938-June 1939 by S. Shepard Jones and Denys P. Myers
    4. America's Chance of Peace by Duncan Aikman and Blair Bolles
    5. Reorganization of the National Government by Lewis Meriam and Laurence F. Schmeckebier
    6. The Conquest of a Continent by Chase S. Osborn and Stella Brunt Osborn
    7. The Living Tradition: Change and America by Simeon Strunsky
    8. The Changing West by William Allen White
    9. We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant by Carl F. Wittke
    10. An Economic Constitution for Democracy by George H. Soule
    11. Financial Questions in United States Foreign Policy by James W. Gantenbein
    12. The Treasury and Monetary Policy, 1933-1938 by G. Griffith Johnson, Jr.
    13. Strategic Mineral Supplies by G.A. Roush
    14. Golden Avalanche by Frank D. Graham and Charles R. Whittlesey
    15. The Life and Times of William Howard Taft by Henry F. Pringle
    16. The Incredible Era by Samuel Hopkins Adams
    17. Journal as Ambassador to Great Britain by Charles G. Dawes
    18. Sea Duty by Yates Stirling
    19. I Confess: The Truth About American Communism by Benjamin Gitlow
    20. Bibliography of the Island of Guam by Charles F. Reid, Nathan Habib, Verne Jay, and Carlo Simonini, ...
    Foreign Affairs, April 1940, p. 569